gem5 v24.1.0.1
No Matches
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
sc_dt Namespace Reference


union  ieee_double
union  ieee_float
class  sc_bigint
class  sc_biguint
class  sc_bit
class  sc_bitref
class  sc_bitref_conv_r
class  sc_bitref_conv_r< T, sc_proxy_traits< sc_bv_base > >
class  sc_bitref_r
class  sc_bv
class  sc_bv_base
class  sc_concat_bool
class  sc_concatref
class  sc_concref
class  sc_concref_r
class  sc_context
class  sc_fix
class  sc_fix_fast
class  sc_fixed
class  sc_fixed_fast
class  sc_fxcast_switch
class  sc_fxnum
class  sc_fxnum_bitref
class  sc_fxnum_fast
class  sc_fxnum_fast_bitref
class  sc_fxnum_fast_observer
class  sc_fxnum_fast_subref
class  sc_fxnum_observer
class  sc_fxnum_subref
class  sc_fxtype_params
class  sc_fxval
class  sc_fxval_fast
class  sc_fxval_fast_observer
class  sc_fxval_observer
class  sc_generic_base
class  sc_global
class  sc_int
class  sc_int_base
class  sc_int_bitref
class  sc_int_bitref_r
class  sc_int_subref
class  sc_int_subref_r
class  sc_length_param
class  sc_logic
class  sc_lv
class  sc_lv_base
struct  sc_mixed_proxy_traits_helper
struct  sc_mixed_proxy_traits_helper< X, X >
class  sc_proxy
struct  sc_proxy_traits
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_bitref< X > >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_bitref_r< X > >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_bv_base >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_concref< X, Y > >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_concref_r< X, Y > >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_lv_base >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_proxy< X > >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_subref< X > >
struct  sc_proxy_traits< sc_subref_r< X > >
class  sc_signed
class  sc_signed_bitref
class  sc_signed_bitref_r
class  sc_signed_subref
class  sc_signed_subref_r
class  sc_subref
class  sc_subref_r
class  sc_ufix
class  sc_ufix_fast
class  sc_ufixed
class  sc_ufixed_fast
class  sc_uint
class  sc_uint_base
class  sc_uint_bitref
class  sc_uint_bitref_r
class  sc_uint_subref
class  sc_uint_subref_r
class  sc_unsigned
class  sc_unsigned_bitref
class  sc_unsigned_bitref_r
class  sc_unsigned_subref
class  sc_unsigned_subref_r
class  sc_value_base
class  sc_without_context
class  scfx_ieee_double
class  scfx_ieee_float
class  scfx_index
class  scfx_mant
class  scfx_mant_ref
class  scfx_params
class  scfx_pow10
class  scfx_rep
union  scfx_rep_node
class  scfx_string
class  word_list
union  word_short


typedef sc_context< sc_fxcast_switchsc_fxcast_context
typedef sc_context< sc_fxtype_paramssc_fxtype_context
typedef unsigned int word
typedef unsigned short half_word
typedef sc_context< sc_length_paramsc_length_context
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef int small_type
typedef unsigned int sc_digit
typedef int64_t int64
typedef uint64_t uint64
typedef int64 int_type
typedef uint64 uint_type


enum  sc_logic_value_t { Log_0 = 0 , Log_1 , Log_Z , Log_X }
enum  sc_context_begin { SC_NOW , SC_LATER }
enum  sc_enc { SC_TC_ , SC_US_ }
enum  sc_q_mode {
enum  sc_o_mode {
enum  sc_switch { SC_OFF , SC_ON }
enum  sc_fmt { SC_F , SC_E }
enum  sc_numrep {
  SC_NOBASE = 0 , SC_BIN = 2 , SC_OCT = 8 , SC_DEC = 10 ,


void sc_deprecated_sc_bit ()
const std::string convert_to_bin (const char *s)
const std::string convert_to_fmt (const std::string &s, sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix)
void sc_proxy_out_of_bounds (const char *msg, int64 val)
const std::string to_string (sc_enc enc)
const std::string to_string (sc_q_mode q_mode)
const std::string to_string (sc_o_mode o_mode)
const std::string to_string (sc_switch sw)
const std::string to_string (sc_fmt fmt)
static void quantization (double &c, const scfx_params &params, bool &q_flag)
static void overflow (double &c, const scfx_params &params, bool &o_flag)
const char * to_string (const scfx_ieee_double &, sc_numrep, int, sc_fmt, const scfx_params *=0)
static void print_dec (scfx_string &s, scfx_ieee_double id, int w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt)
static void print_other (scfx_string &s, const scfx_ieee_double &id, sc_numrep numrep, int w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt, const scfx_params *params)
static unsigned next_pow2_index (std::size_t size)
static int n_word (int x)
void print_dec (scfx_string &s, const scfx_rep &num, int w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt)
void print_other (scfx_string &s, const scfx_rep &a, sc_numrep numrep, int w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt, const scfx_params *params)
static int add_mants (int size, scfx_mant &result, const scfx_mant &a, const scfx_mant &b)
static int sub_mants (int size, scfx_mant &result, const scfx_mant &a, const scfx_mant &b)
scfx_repadd_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &lhs, const scfx_rep &rhs, int max_wl)
static int sub_with_index (scfx_mant &a, int a_msw, int, const scfx_mant &b, int b_msw, int b_lsw)
scfx_repsub_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &lhs, const scfx_rep &rhs, int max_wl)
void multiply (scfx_rep &result, const scfx_rep &lhs, const scfx_rep &rhs, int max_wl)
scfx_repdiv_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &lhs, const scfx_rep &rhs, int div_wl)
int compare_abs (const scfx_rep &a, const scfx_rep &b)
int cmp_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &a, const scfx_rep &b)
void align (const scfx_rep &lhs, const scfx_rep &rhs, int &new_wp, int &len_mant, scfx_mant_ref &lhs_mant, scfx_mant_ref &rhs_mant)
int compare_msw_ff (const scfx_rep &lhs, const scfx_rep &rhs)
void scfx_tc2csd (scfx_string &s, int w_prefix)
void scfx_csd2tc (scfx_string &csd)
void sc_int_concref_invalid_length (int length)
void add_on_help (small_type &us, int, int und, sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void mul_on_help_signed (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void mul_on_help_unsigned (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void div_on_help_signed (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void div_on_help_unsigned (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void mod_on_help_signed (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void mod_on_help_unsigned (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void and_on_help (small_type us, int, int und, sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void or_on_help (small_type us, int, int und, sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void xor_on_help (small_type us, int, int und, sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
static void is_valid_base (sc_numrep base)
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep numrep)
small_type fsm_move (char c, small_type &b, small_type &s, small_type &state)
const char * get_base_and_sign (const char *v, small_type &b, small_type &s)
void parse_binary_bits (const char *src_p, int dst_n, sc_digit *data_p, sc_digit *ctrl_p)
void parse_hex_bits (const char *src_p, int dst_n, sc_digit *data_p, sc_digit *ctrl_p)
small_type vec_from_str (int unb, int und, sc_digit *u, const char *v, sc_numrep base)
void vec_add (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v, sc_digit *w)
void vec_add_on (int ulen, sc_digit *ubegin, int vlen, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_add_on2 (int ulen, sc_digit *ubegin, int, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_add_small (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, sc_digit v, sc_digit *w)
void vec_add_small_on (int ulen, sc_digit *u, sc_digit v)
void vec_sub (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v, sc_digit *w)
void vec_sub_on (int ulen, sc_digit *ubegin, int vlen, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_sub_on2 (int ulen, sc_digit *ubegin, int vlen, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_sub_small (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, sc_digit v, sc_digit *w)
void vec_sub_small_on (int ulen, sc_digit *u, sc_digit v)
void vec_mul (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *vbegin, sc_digit *wbegin)
void vec_mul_small (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, sc_digit v, sc_digit *w)
void vec_mul_small_on (int ulen, sc_digit *u, sc_digit v)
void vec_div_large (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v, sc_digit *w)
void vec_div_small (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, sc_digit v, sc_digit *q)
void vec_rem_large (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v, sc_digit *w)
sc_digit vec_rem_small (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, sc_digit v)
sc_digit vec_rem_on_small (int ulen, sc_digit *u, sc_digit v)
int vec_to_char (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, uchar *v)
void vec_from_char (int ulen, const uchar *u, int vlen, sc_digit *v)
void vec_shift_left (int ulen, sc_digit *u, int nsl)
void vec_shift_right (int ulen, sc_digit *u, int nsr, sc_digit fill)
void vec_reverse (int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int l, int r)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator< (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator> (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator< (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator> (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator+ (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator+ (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator+ (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator+ (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator+ (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator+ (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator- (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator- (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator- (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator- (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator- (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator- (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator* (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator* (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator* (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator* (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator* (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator* (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator/ (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator/ (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator/ (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator/ (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator/ (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator/ (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator% (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator% (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator% (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator% (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator% (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator% (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator& (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator& (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator& (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator& (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator& (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator& (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator| (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator| (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator| (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator| (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator| (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator| (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator^ (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator^ (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator^ (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator^ (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator^ (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator^ (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator== (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator== (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator== (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator== (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator< (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator< (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator< (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator< (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
void sc_uint_concref_invalid_length (int length)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator< (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator> (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator* (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator% (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator& (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator| (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator< (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator> (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator* (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator* (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator% (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator% (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator& (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator& (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator| (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator| (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
bool operator== (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
bool operator== (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
bool operator== (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator== (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
bool operator< (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
bool operator< (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
bool operator< (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator< (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
int compare_unsigned (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd, small_type if_u_signed, small_type if_v_signed)
bool operator== (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
bool operator!= (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
bool equal (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
bool not_equal (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
const sc_bit operator~ (const sc_bit &a)
const sc_bit b_not (const sc_bit &a)
void b_not (sc_bit &r, const sc_bit &a)
const sc_bit operator& (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
const sc_bit operator| (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
const sc_bit operator^ (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
const sc_bit b_and (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
const sc_bit b_or (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
const sc_bit b_xor (const sc_bit &a, const sc_bit &b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_bit &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_bit &a)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_logic operator& (const sc_bitref_r< T1 > &a, const sc_bitref_r< T2 > &b)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_logic operator| (const sc_bitref_r< T1 > &a, const sc_bitref_r< T2 > &b)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_logic operator^ (const sc_bitref_r< T1 > &a, const sc_bitref_r< T2 > &b)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator== (const sc_bitref_r< T1 > &a, const sc_bitref_r< T2 > &b)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= (const sc_bitref_r< T1 > &a, const sc_bitref_r< T2 > &b)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref_r< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (const char *, sc_bitref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref_r< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_bitref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref_r< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (bool, sc_bitref_r< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_bitref_r< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (const char *, sc_bitref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_bitref_r< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_bitref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_bitref_r< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (bool, sc_bitref_r< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (const char *, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (bool, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_bitref< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (const char *, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_bitref< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_bitref< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (bool, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_bitref< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_bitref< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_bitref< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_subref_r< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > operator, (const char *, sc_subref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_subref_r< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_subref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_subref_r< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > operator, (bool, sc_subref_r< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_subref_r< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > concat (const char *, sc_subref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_subref_r< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_subref_r< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_subref_r< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > concat (bool, sc_subref_r< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_subref< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > operator, (const char *, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_subref< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_subref< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > operator, (bool, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_subref_r< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_subref< T >, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > concat (const char *, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_subref< T >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_subref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_subref< T >, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > concat (bool, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 > > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, T2 > operator, (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 > > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 > > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< sc_subref< T1 >, T2 > concat (sc_subref< T1 >, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_subref< T >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 > > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, T3 > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, const sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, const char *)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > operator, (const char *, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, bool)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > operator, (bool, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 > > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 > > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 > > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, T3 > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, const sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, const char *)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > concat (const char *, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, bool)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > concat (bool, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 > > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 > > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, T3 > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, const sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, T3 > operator, (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, const char *)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > operator, (const char *, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, bool)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > operator, (bool, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 > > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 > > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 > > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 > > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_subref_r< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 > > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 > > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_concref_r< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, T3 > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, const sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, T3 > concat (sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, const char *)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > concat (const char *, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, const sc_logic &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, bool)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > concat (bool, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_subref< T3 > > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_subref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_concref< T3, T4 > > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_concref< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, T3 > operator, (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref< T3 > > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_bitref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_subref< T3 > > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_subref< T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_concref< T3, T4 > > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_concref< T3, T4 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< sc_concref< T1, T2 >, T3 > concat (sc_concref< T1, T2 >, sc_proxy< T3 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_concref< T1, T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseoperator, (const sc_proxy< T > &, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > operator, (const char *, const sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseoperator, (const sc_proxy< T > &, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > operator, (const sc_logic &, const sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_bv_baseoperator, (const sc_proxy< T > &, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, T > operator, (bool, const sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseconcat (const sc_proxy< T > &, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > concat (const char *, const sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseconcat (const sc_proxy< T > &, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > concat (const sc_logic &, const sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_bv_baseconcat (const sc_proxy< T > &, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, T > concat (bool, const sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > operator, (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_proxy< T > &, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > operator, (const char *, sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseoperator, (sc_proxy< T > &, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > operator, (const sc_logic &, sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_proxy< T > &, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, T > operator, (bool, sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > concat (const sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, const sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_proxy< T > &, const char *)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > concat (const char *, sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_baseconcat (sc_proxy< T > &, const sc_logic &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > concat (const sc_logic &, sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_proxy< T > &, bool)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, T > concat (bool, sc_proxy< T > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< T1, sc_bitref< T2 > > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< T1, sc_subref< T2 > > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< T1, sc_concref< T2, T3 > > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< T1, T2 > operator, (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< T1, sc_bitref< T2 > > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_bitref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< T1, sc_subref< T2 > > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_subref< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref< T1, sc_concref< T2, T3 > > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_concref< T2, T3 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref< T1, T2 > concat (sc_proxy< T1 > &, sc_proxy< T2 > &)
template<class X >
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_bitref< X > a)
template<class X >
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_subref< X > a)
template<class X , class Y >
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_concref< X, Y > a)
const sc_logic operator& (const sc_logic &a, const sc_logic &b)
const sc_logic operator| (const sc_logic &a, const sc_logic &b)
const sc_logic operator^ (const sc_logic &a, const sc_logic &b)
bool operator== (const sc_logic &a, const sc_logic &b)
bool operator!= (const sc_logic &a, const sc_logic &b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_logic &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_logic &a)
template<class X , class Y >
X & operator&= (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
const sc_lv_base operator& (const sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
X & operator|= (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
const sc_lv_base operator| (const sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
X & operator^= (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X >
const sc_lv_base lrotate (const sc_proxy< X > &x, int n)
template<class X >
const sc_lv_base rrotate (const sc_proxy< X > &x, int n)
template<class X >
const sc_lv_base reverse (const sc_proxy< X > &x)
template<class X , class Y >
bool operator== (const sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref_r< T > a, bool b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (bool a, sc_bitref_r< T > b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_bitref_r< T > a, bool b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (bool a, sc_bitref_r< T > b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseoperator, (sc_bitref< T > a, bool b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > operator, (bool a, sc_bitref< T > b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_bv_baseconcat (sc_bitref< T > a, bool b)
template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > concat (bool a, sc_bitref< T > b)
template<class X , class Y >
void assign_p_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class T >
void assign_v_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const T &a)
template<class X , class Y >
bool operator!= (const sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X >
void get_words_ (const X &x, int wi, sc_digit &x_dw, sc_digit &x_cw)
template<class X >
void set_words_ (X &x, int wi, sc_digit x_dw, sc_digit x_cw)
template<class X >
void extend_sign_w_ (X &x, int wi, bool sign)
template<class X >
void assign_v_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_int_base &a)
template<class X >
void assign_v_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_signed &a)
template<class X >
void assign_v_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_uint_base &a)
template<class X >
void assign_v_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_unsigned &a)
template<class X , class Y >
X & b_and_assign_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
X & b_or_assign_ (sc_proxy< X > &px, const sc_proxy< Y > &py)
template<class X , class Y >
X & b_xor_assign_ (sc_proxy< X > &a, const sc_proxy< Y > &b)
template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type and_reduce (const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type nand_reduce (const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type or_reduce (const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type nor_reduce (const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type xor_reduce (const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type xnor_reduce (const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_proxy< X > &a)
template<class X >
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_proxy< X > &a)
void b_not (sc_fix &c, const sc_fix &a)
void b_not (sc_fix_fast &c, const sc_fix_fast &a)
bool operator== (const sc_fxcast_switch &a, const sc_fxcast_switch &b)
bool operator!= (const sc_fxcast_switch &a, const sc_fxcast_switch &b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxcast_switch &a)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, sc_enc enc)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, sc_q_mode q_mode)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, sc_o_mode o_mode)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, sc_switch sw)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, sc_fmt fmt)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxnum_bitref &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxnum_bitref &a)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxnum_fast_bitref &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxnum_fast_bitref &a)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxnum_subref &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxnum_subref &a)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxnum_fast_subref &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxnum_fast_subref &a)
void neg (sc_fxval &c, const sc_fxnum &a)
void neg (sc_fxnum &c, const sc_fxnum &a)
const sc_fxval operator/ (const sc_fxnum &a, const sc_fxnum &b)
const sc_fxval operator/ (const sc_fxnum &a, const sc_fxval &b)
const sc_fxval operator/ (const sc_fxval &a, const sc_fxnum &b)
const sc_fxval operator<< (const sc_fxnum &a, int b)
const sc_fxval operator>> (const sc_fxnum &a, int b)
void lshift (sc_fxval &c, const sc_fxnum &a, int b)
void rshift (sc_fxval &c, const sc_fxnum &a, int b)
void lshift (sc_fxnum &c, const sc_fxnum &a, int b)
void rshift (sc_fxnum &c, const sc_fxnum &a, int b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxnum &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxnum &a)
void neg (sc_fxval_fast &c, const sc_fxnum_fast &a)
void neg (sc_fxnum_fast &c, const sc_fxnum_fast &a)
const sc_fxval_fast operator/ (const sc_fxnum_fast &a, const sc_fxnum_fast &b)
const sc_fxval_fast operator/ (const sc_fxnum_fast &a, const sc_fxval_fast &b)
const sc_fxval_fast operator/ (const sc_fxval_fast &a, const sc_fxnum_fast &b)
const sc_fxval_fast operator<< (const sc_fxnum_fast &a, int b)
const sc_fxval_fast operator>> (const sc_fxnum_fast &a, int b)
void lshift (sc_fxval_fast &c, const sc_fxnum_fast &a, int b)
void rshift (sc_fxval_fast &c, const sc_fxnum_fast &a, int b)
void lshift (sc_fxnum_fast &c, const sc_fxnum_fast &a, int b)
void rshift (sc_fxnum_fast &c, const sc_fxnum_fast &a, int b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxnum_fast &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxnum_fast &a)
bool operator== (const sc_fxtype_params &a, const sc_fxtype_params &b)
bool operator!= (const sc_fxtype_params &a, const sc_fxtype_params &b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxtype_params &a)
void neg (sc_fxval &c, const sc_fxval &a)
const sc_fxval operator/ (const sc_fxval &a, const sc_fxval &b)
const sc_fxval operator<< (const sc_fxval &a, int b)
const sc_fxval operator>> (const sc_fxval &a, int b)
void lshift (sc_fxval &c, const sc_fxval &a, int b)
void rshift (sc_fxval &c, const sc_fxval &a, int b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxval &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxval &a)
void neg (sc_fxval_fast &c, const sc_fxval_fast &a)
const sc_fxval_fast operator/ (const sc_fxval_fast &a, const sc_fxval_fast &b)
const sc_fxval_fast operator<< (const sc_fxval_fast &a, int b)
const sc_fxval_fast operator>> (const sc_fxval_fast &a, int b)
void lshift (sc_fxval_fast &c, const sc_fxval_fast &a, int b)
void rshift (sc_fxval_fast &c, const sc_fxval_fast &a, int b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_fxval_fast &a)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_fxval_fast &a)
void b_not (sc_ufix &c, const sc_ufix &a)
void b_not (sc_ufix_fast &c, const sc_ufix_fast &a)
double scfx_pow2 (int exp)
double uint64_to_double (uint64 a)
void complement (scfx_mant &target, const scfx_mant &source, int size)
void inc (scfx_mant &mant)
scfx_repneg_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &)
scfx_repmult_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &, const scfx_rep &, int max_wl=SC_DEFAULT_MAX_WL_)
scfx_replsh_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &, int)
scfx_reprsh_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &, int)
scfx_repquantization_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &a, const scfx_params &params, bool &q_flag)
scfx_repoverflow_scfx_rep (const scfx_rep &a, const scfx_params &params, bool &o_flag)
int scfx_find_msb (unsigned long x)
int scfx_find_lsb (unsigned long x)
int scfx_parse_sign (const char *&s, bool &sign_char)
sc_numrep scfx_parse_prefix (const char *&s)
int scfx_parse_base (const char *&s)
bool scfx_is_equal (const char *a, const char *b)
bool scfx_is_nan (const char *s)
bool scfx_is_inf (const char *s)
bool scfx_exp_start (const char *s)
bool scfx_is_digit (char c, sc_numrep numrep)
int scfx_to_digit (char c, sc_numrep numrep)
void scfx_print_nan (scfx_string &s)
void scfx_print_inf (scfx_string &s, bool negative)
void scfx_print_prefix (scfx_string &s, sc_numrep numrep)
void scfx_print_exp (scfx_string &s, int exp)
bool operator== (const sc_int_base &a, const sc_int_base &b)
bool operator!= (const sc_int_base &a, const sc_int_base &b)
bool operator< (const sc_int_base &a, const sc_int_base &b)
bool operator<= (const sc_int_base &a, const sc_int_base &b)
bool operator> (const sc_int_base &a, const sc_int_base &b)
bool operator>= (const sc_int_base &a, const sc_int_base &b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_int_bitref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_int_bitref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_int_subref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_int_subref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_int_base &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_int_base &)
bool and_reduce (const sc_int_subref_r &a)
bool nand_reduce (const sc_int_subref_r &a)
bool or_reduce (const sc_int_subref_r &a)
bool nor_reduce (const sc_int_subref_r &a)
bool xor_reduce (const sc_int_subref_r &a)
bool xnor_reduce (const sc_int_subref_r &a)
bool and_reduce (const sc_int_base &a)
bool nand_reduce (const sc_int_base &a)
bool or_reduce (const sc_int_base &a)
bool nor_reduce (const sc_int_base &a)
bool xor_reduce (const sc_int_base &a)
bool xnor_reduce (const sc_int_base &a)
bool operator== (const sc_length_param &, const sc_length_param &)
bool operator!= (const sc_length_param &, const sc_length_param &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_length_param &a)
sc_numrep sc_io_base (::std::ostream &os, sc_numrep def_base)
bool sc_io_show_base (::std::ostream &os)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, sc_numrep numrep)
sc_digit low_half (sc_digit d)
sc_digit high_half (sc_digit d)
sc_digit high_half_masked (sc_digit d)
sc_digit concat (sc_digit h, sc_digit l)
sc_digit one_and_ones (int n)
sc_digit one_and_zeros (int n)
int digit_ord (int i)
int bit_ord (int i)
int vec_cmp (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v)
int vec_find_first_nonzero (int ulen, const sc_digit *u)
int vec_skip_leading_zeros (int ulen, const sc_digit *u)
int vec_skip_and_cmp (int ulen, const sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_zero (int from, int ulen, sc_digit *u)
void vec_zero (int ulen, sc_digit *u)
void vec_copy (int n, sc_digit *u, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_copy_and_zero (int ulen, sc_digit *u, int vlen, const sc_digit *v)
void vec_complement (int ulen, sc_digit *u)
template<class Type >
void from_uint (int ulen, sc_digit *u, Type v)
template<class Type >
small_type get_sign (Type &u)
small_type mul_signs (small_type us, small_type vs)
template<class Type >
void div_by_zero (Type s)
small_type check_for_zero (small_type s, int ulen, const sc_digit *u)
bool check_for_zero (int ulen, const sc_digit *u)
small_type make_zero (int nd, sc_digit *d)
void trim (small_type added, int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void convert_SM_to_2C_trimmed (small_type added, small_type s, int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void convert_SM_to_2C (small_type s, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void trim_signed (int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
small_type convert_signed_2C_to_SM (int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
small_type convert_signed_SM_to_2C_to_SM (small_type s, int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void convert_signed_SM_to_2C_trimmed (small_type s, int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void convert_signed_SM_to_2C (small_type s, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void trim_unsigned (int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
small_type convert_unsigned_2C_to_SM (int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
small_type convert_unsigned_SM_to_2C_to_SM (small_type s, int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void convert_unsigned_SM_to_2C_trimmed (small_type s, int nb, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void convert_unsigned_SM_to_2C (small_type s, int nd, sc_digit *d)
void copy_digits_signed (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void copy_digits_unsigned (small_type &us, int unb, int und, sc_digit *ud, int, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
void safe_set (int i, bool v, sc_digit *d)
bool is_nan (double v)
bool is_inf (double v)
void is_bad_double (double v)
sc_signed add_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed sub_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed mul_signed_friend (small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed div_signed_friend (small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed mod_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed and_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed or_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed xor_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator+ (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator+ (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator- (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator- (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator* (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator* (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator/ (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator/ (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator% (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator% (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator& (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator& (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator| (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator| (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator^ (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator^ (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator== (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator!= (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator< (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator<= (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator> (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator>= (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator~ (const sc_signed &u)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_signed_bitref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_signed_bitref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_signed_subref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_signed_subref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_signed &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_signed &)
bool operator== (const sc_uint_base &a, const sc_uint_base &b)
bool operator!= (const sc_uint_base &a, const sc_uint_base &b)
bool operator< (const sc_uint_base &a, const sc_uint_base &b)
bool operator<= (const sc_uint_base &a, const sc_uint_base &b)
bool operator> (const sc_uint_base &a, const sc_uint_base &b)
bool operator>= (const sc_uint_base &a, const sc_uint_base &b)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_uint_bitref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_uint_bitref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_uint_subref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_uint_subref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_uint_base &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_uint_base &)
bool and_reduce (const sc_uint_subref_r &a)
bool nand_reduce (const sc_uint_subref_r &a)
bool or_reduce (const sc_uint_subref_r &a)
bool nor_reduce (const sc_uint_subref_r &a)
bool xor_reduce (const sc_uint_subref_r &a)
bool xnor_reduce (const sc_uint_subref_r &a)
bool and_reduce (const sc_uint_base &a)
bool nand_reduce (const sc_uint_base &a)
bool or_reduce (const sc_uint_base &a)
bool nor_reduce (const sc_uint_base &a)
bool xor_reduce (const sc_uint_base &a)
bool xnor_reduce (const sc_uint_base &a)
sc_unsigned add_unsigned_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned sub_unsigned_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned mul_unsigned_friend (small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned div_unsigned_friend (small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned mod_unsigned_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned and_unsigned_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned or_unsigned_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned xor_unsigned_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_unsigned operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator+ (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator* (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator/ (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator% (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator& (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator| (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator^ (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator== (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator!= (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator< (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator<= (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator> (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator>= (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_unsigned operator~ (const sc_unsigned &u)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_unsigned_bitref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_unsigned_bitref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_unsigned_subref_r &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_unsigned_subref &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const sc_unsigned &)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &, sc_unsigned &)
bool and_reduce (const sc_concatref &a)
bool nand_reduce (const sc_concatref &a)
bool or_reduce (const sc_concatref &a)
bool nor_reduce (const sc_concatref &a)
bool xor_reduce (const sc_concatref &a)
bool xnor_reduce (const sc_concatref &a)
const sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_concatref &target, uint64 shift)
const sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_concatref &target, int64 shift)
const sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned long shift)
const sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_concatref &target, int shift)
const sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned int shift)
const sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_concatref &target, long shift)
const sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_concatref &target, uint64 shift)
const sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_concatref &target, int64 shift)
const sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned long shift)
const sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_concatref &target, int shift)
const sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned int shift)
const sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_concatref &target, long shift)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const sc_concatref &v)
inline ::std::istream & operator>> (::std::istream &is, sc_concatref &a)
sc_dt::sc_concatrefconcat (sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
const sc_dt::sc_concatrefconcat (const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
const sc_dt::sc_concatrefconcat (const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, bool b)
const sc_dt::sc_concatrefconcat (bool a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
sc_dt::sc_concatrefoperator, (sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
const sc_dt::sc_concatrefoperator, (const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
const sc_dt::sc_concatrefoperator, (const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, bool b)
const sc_dt::sc_concatrefoperator, (bool a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
template<class T >
const T sc_abs (const T &a)
template<class T >
const T sc_max (const T &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
const T sc_min (const T &a, const T &b)


const sc_logic sc_logic_0 (Log_0)
const sc_logic sc_logic_1 (Log_1)
const sc_logic sc_logic_Z (Log_Z)
const sc_logic sc_logic_X (Log_X)
const sc_logic SC_LOGIC_0 (Log_0)
const sc_logic SC_LOGIC_1 (Log_1)
const sc_logic SC_LOGIC_Z (Log_Z)
const sc_logic SC_LOGIC_X (Log_X)
static const sc_digit data_array []
static const sc_digit ctrl_array []
static word_listfree_words [32] = { 0 }
static scfx_pow10 pow10_fx
static const int mantissa0_size = SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_M_SIZE - bits_in_int
static scfx_rep_nodelist = 0
return remainder
const uint_type mask_int [SC_INTWIDTH][SC_INTWIDTH]
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > operator, (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > concat (sc_bitref_r< T1 >, sc_bitref_r< T2 >)
const int SC_DIGIT_SIZE = BITS_PER_BYTE * sizeof(sc_digit)
const sc_digit SC_DIGIT_ZERO = (sc_digit)0
const sc_digit SC_DIGIT_ONE = (sc_digit)1
const sc_digit SC_DIGIT_TWO = (sc_digit)2
const int SC_BUILTIN_WL_ = 32
const int SC_BUILTIN_IWL_ = 32
const sc_q_mode SC_BUILTIN_Q_MODE_ = SC_TRN
const sc_o_mode SC_BUILTIN_O_MODE_ = SC_WRAP
const int SC_BUILTIN_N_BITS_ = 0
const sc_switch SC_BUILTIN_CAST_SWITCH_ = SC_ON
const int SC_BUILTIN_DIV_WL_ = 64
const int SC_BUILTIN_CTE_WL_ = 64
const int SC_BUILTIN_MAX_WL_ = 1024
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_BIAS = 1023U
const int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_E_MAX = 1023
const int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_E_MIN = -1022
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_M_SIZE = 52
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_M0_SIZE = 20
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_M1_SIZE = 32
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_DOUBLE_E_SIZE = 11
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_FLOAT_BIAS = 127U
const int SCFX_IEEE_FLOAT_E_MAX = 127
const int SCFX_IEEE_FLOAT_E_MIN = -126
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_FLOAT_M_SIZE = 23
const unsigned int SCFX_IEEE_FLOAT_E_SIZE = 8
const int SCFX_POW10_TABLE_SIZE = 32
const int min_mant = 4
const int bits_in_int = sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT
const int bits_in_word = sizeof(word) * CHAR_BIT
static const uint64 UINT64_ZERO = 0ULL
static const uint64 UINT64_ONE = 1ULL
static const uint64 UINT64_32ONES = 0x00000000ffffffffULL
static const small_type NB_DEFAULT_BASE = SC_DEC
static const uint64 UINT_ZERO = UINT64_ZERO
static const uint64 UINT_ONE = UINT64_ONE

Typedef Documentation

◆ half_word

typedef unsigned short sc_dt::half_word

Definition at line 67 of file scfx_mant.hh.

◆ int64

typedef int64_t sc_dt::int64

Definition at line 171 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ int_type

Definition at line 206 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ sc_digit

typedef unsigned int sc_dt::sc_digit

Definition at line 163 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ sc_fxcast_context

Definition at line 109 of file sc_fxcast_switch.hh.

◆ sc_fxtype_context

Definition at line 131 of file sc_fxtype_params.hh.

◆ sc_length_context

Definition at line 121 of file sc_length_param.hh.

◆ small_type

typedef int sc_dt::small_type

Definition at line 108 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ uchar

typedef unsigned char sc_dt::uchar

Definition at line 104 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ uint64

typedef uint64_t sc_dt::uint64

Definition at line 172 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ uint_type

Definition at line 207 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ word

typedef unsigned int sc_dt::word

Definition at line 66 of file scfx_mant.hh.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sc_context_begin


Definition at line 118 of file sc_context.hh.

◆ sc_enc


Definition at line 70 of file sc_fxdefs.hh.

◆ sc_fmt


Definition at line 164 of file sc_fxdefs.hh.

◆ sc_logic_value_t


Definition at line 84 of file sc_logic.hh.

◆ sc_numrep


Definition at line 81 of file sc_nbdefs.hh.

◆ sc_o_mode


Definition at line 117 of file sc_fxdefs.hh.

◆ sc_q_mode


Definition at line 91 of file sc_fxdefs.hh.

◆ sc_switch


Definition at line 143 of file sc_fxdefs.hh.

Function Documentation

◆ add_mants()

static int sc_dt::add_mants ( int  size,
scfx_mant result,
const scfx_mant a,
const scfx_mant b 

Definition at line 1175 of file

References a, and b.

Referenced by sc_dt::scfx_rep::multiply_by_ten().

◆ add_on_help()

void sc_dt::add_on_help ( small_type us,
int  ,
int  und,
sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  ,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 

◆ add_scfx_rep()

scfx_rep * sc_dt::add_scfx_rep ( const scfx_rep lhs,
const scfx_rep rhs,
int  max_wl 

Definition at line 1217 of file

◆ add_signed_friend()

sc_signed sc_dt::add_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 

References add_signed_friend().

Referenced by add_signed_friend().

◆ add_unsigned_friend()

sc_unsigned sc_dt::add_unsigned_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 

References add_unsigned_friend().

Referenced by add_unsigned_friend().

◆ align()

void sc_dt::align ( const scfx_rep lhs,
const scfx_rep rhs,
int &  new_wp,
int &  len_mant,
scfx_mant_ref lhs_mant,
scfx_mant_ref rhs_mant 

Definition at line 2051 of file

◆ and_on_help()

void sc_dt::and_on_help ( small_type  us,
int  ,
int  und,
sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  ,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 

Definition at line 511 of file

References BITS_PER_DIGIT, DIGIT_MASK, and mul_signs().

◆ and_reduce() [1/6]

bool sc_dt::and_reduce ( const sc_concatref a)

Definition at line 453 of file sc_concatref.hh.

References a, and and_reduce().

◆ and_reduce() [2/6]

bool sc_dt::and_reduce ( const sc_int_base a)

Definition at line 1333 of file sc_int_base.hh.

References a, and and_reduce().

◆ and_reduce() [3/6]

bool sc_dt::and_reduce ( const sc_int_subref_r a)

Definition at line 1168 of file sc_int_base.hh.

References a, and and_reduce().

◆ and_reduce() [4/6]

template<class X >
sc_proxy< X >::value_type sc_dt::and_reduce ( const sc_proxy< X > &  a)

◆ and_reduce() [5/6]

bool sc_dt::and_reduce ( const sc_uint_base a)

Definition at line 1212 of file sc_uint_base.hh.

References a, and and_reduce().

◆ and_reduce() [6/6]

bool sc_dt::and_reduce ( const sc_uint_subref_r a)

Definition at line 1063 of file sc_uint_base.hh.

References a, and and_reduce().

◆ and_signed_friend()

sc_signed sc_dt::and_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 

References and_signed_friend().

Referenced by and_signed_friend().

◆ and_unsigned_friend()

sc_unsigned sc_dt::and_unsigned_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 

References and_unsigned_friend().

Referenced by and_unsigned_friend().

◆ assign_p_()

template<class X , class Y >
void sc_dt::assign_p_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_proxy< Y > &  py 

◆ assign_v_() [1/5]

template<class X >
void sc_dt::assign_v_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_int_base a 

Definition at line 675 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References a.

◆ assign_v_() [2/5]

template<class X >
void sc_dt::assign_v_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_signed a 

Definition at line 693 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References a.

◆ assign_v_() [3/5]

template<class X >
void sc_dt::assign_v_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_uint_base a 

Definition at line 712 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References a.

◆ assign_v_() [4/5]

template<class X >
void sc_dt::assign_v_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_unsigned a 

Definition at line 730 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References a.

◆ assign_v_() [5/5]

template<class X , class T >
void sc_dt::assign_v_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const T &  a 

Definition at line 657 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References a.

Referenced by sc_dt::sc_proxy< X >::assign_(), and sc_dt::sc_proxy< X >::assign_().

◆ b_and()

const sc_bit sc_dt::b_and ( const sc_bit a,
const sc_bit b 

Definition at line 328 of file sc_bit.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ b_and_assign_()

template<class X , class Y >
X & sc_dt::b_and_assign_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_proxy< Y > &  py 

Definition at line 936 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References sc_dt::sc_proxy< X >::back_cast(), get_words_(), sc_assert, and set_words_().

Referenced by operator&=().

◆ b_not() [1/6]

const sc_bit sc_dt::b_not ( const sc_bit a)

Definition at line 298 of file sc_bit.hh.

References a.

◆ b_not() [2/6]

void sc_dt::b_not ( sc_bit r,
const sc_bit a 

Definition at line 301 of file sc_bit.hh.

◆ b_not() [3/6]

void sc_dt::b_not ( sc_fix c,
const sc_fix a 

Definition at line 699 of file sc_fix.hh.

◆ b_not() [4/6]

void sc_dt::b_not ( sc_fix_fast c,
const sc_fix_fast a 

Definition at line 1186 of file sc_fix.hh.

◆ b_not() [5/6]

void sc_dt::b_not ( sc_ufix c,
const sc_ufix a 

Definition at line 711 of file sc_ufix.hh.

◆ b_not() [6/6]

void sc_dt::b_not ( sc_ufix_fast c,
const sc_ufix_fast a 

Definition at line 1197 of file sc_ufix.hh.

◆ b_or()

const sc_bit sc_dt::b_or ( const sc_bit a,
const sc_bit b 

Definition at line 329 of file sc_bit.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ b_or_assign_()

template<class X , class Y >
X & sc_dt::b_or_assign_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  px,
const sc_proxy< Y > &  py 

Definition at line 957 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References sc_dt::sc_proxy< X >::back_cast(), get_words_(), sc_assert, and set_words_().

Referenced by operator|=().

◆ b_xor()

const sc_bit sc_dt::b_xor ( const sc_bit a,
const sc_bit b 

Definition at line 330 of file sc_bit.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ b_xor_assign_()

template<class X , class Y >
X & sc_dt::b_xor_assign_ ( sc_proxy< X > &  a,
const sc_proxy< Y > &  b 

Definition at line 978 of file sc_proxy.hh.

References a, b, get_words_(), sc_assert, and set_words_().

Referenced by operator^=().

◆ bit_ord()

int sc_dt::bit_ord ( int  i)

◆ check_for_zero() [1/2]

bool sc_dt::check_for_zero ( int  ulen,
const sc_digit u 

Definition at line 556 of file sc_nbutils.hh.

References sc_assert, and vec_find_first_nonzero().

◆ check_for_zero() [2/2]

small_type sc_dt::check_for_zero ( small_type  s,
int  ulen,
const sc_digit u 

◆ cmp_scfx_rep()

int sc_dt::cmp_scfx_rep ( const scfx_rep a,
const scfx_rep b 

Definition at line 1726 of file

◆ compare_abs()

int sc_dt::compare_abs ( const scfx_rep a,
const scfx_rep b 

Definition at line 1657 of file

◆ compare_msw_ff()

int sc_dt::compare_msw_ff ( const scfx_rep lhs,
const scfx_rep rhs 

Definition at line 2095 of file

◆ compare_unsigned()

int sc_dt::compare_unsigned ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd,
small_type  if_u_signed,
small_type  if_v_signed 

Definition at line 2109 of file

◆ complement()

void sc_dt::complement ( scfx_mant target,
const scfx_mant source,
int  size 

Definition at line 297 of file scfx_mant.hh.

Referenced by sc_dt::scfx_rep::from_string(), and sc_dt::scfx_rep::toggle_tc().

◆ concat() [1/120]

const sc_dt::sc_concatref & sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
const sc_dt::sc_value_base b 

◆ concat() [2/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_bitref< T >  b 

Definition at line 934 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [3/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_bitref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 837 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [4/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, T > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
const sc_proxy< T > &  b 

Definition at line 1483 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [5/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_bitref< T >  b 

Definition at line 934 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [6/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_bitref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 837 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [7/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_concref< T1, T2 >  b 

Definition at line 1381 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [8/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >  b 

Definition at line 1284 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [9/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, T > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_proxy< T > &  b 

Definition at line 1577 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [10/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_subref< T >  b 

Definition at line 1136 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [11/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( bool  a,
sc_subref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 1038 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [12/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
const sc_proxy< T > &  b 

Definition at line 1452 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [13/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_bitref< T >  b 

Definition at line 902 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [14/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_bitref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 805 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [15/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_concref< T1, T2 >  b 

Definition at line 1349 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [16/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >  b 

Definition at line 1252 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [17/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_proxy< T > &  b 

Definition at line 1546 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [18/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_subref< T >  b 

Definition at line 1104 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [19/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const char *  a,
sc_subref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 1006 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [20/120]

const sc_dt::sc_concatref & sc_dt::concat ( const sc_dt::sc_value_base a,
bool  b 

◆ concat() [21/120]

const sc_dt::sc_concatref & sc_dt::concat ( const sc_dt::sc_value_base a,
const sc_dt::sc_value_base b 

◆ concat() [22/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
const sc_proxy< T > &  b 

Definition at line 1467 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [23/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_bitref< T >  b 

Definition at line 918 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [24/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_bitref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_bitref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 821 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [25/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_concref< T1, T2 >  b 

Definition at line 1365 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [26/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 >  b 

Definition at line 1268 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [27/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, T > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_proxy< T > &  b 

Definition at line 1561 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [28/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_subref< T >  b 

Definition at line 1120 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [29/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_lv_base, sc_subref_r< T > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_logic a,
sc_subref_r< T >  b 

Definition at line 1022 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [30/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_bv_base > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T > &  a,
bool  b 

Definition at line 1475 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [31/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_base > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T > &  a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 1445 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [32/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< T, sc_lv_base > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T > &  a,
const sc_logic b 

Definition at line 1459 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [33/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
const sc_proxy< T2 > &  b 

Definition at line 3191 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [34/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_bitref< T2 >  b 

Definition at line 3258 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [35/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_bitref_r< T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_bitref_r< T2 >  b 

Definition at line 3169 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [36/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_concref< T2, T3 >  b 

Definition at line 3286 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [37/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_concref_r< T2, T3 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_concref_r< T2, T3 >  b 

Definition at line 3183 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [38/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, T2 > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_proxy< T2 > &  b 

Definition at line 3302 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [39/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_subref< T2 >  b 

Definition at line 3272 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [40/120]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
sc_concref_r< T1, sc_subref_r< T2 > > sc_dt::concat ( const sc_proxy< T1 > &  a,
sc_subref_r< T2 >  b 

Definition at line 3176 of file sc_bit_proxies.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [41/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_bv_base > sc_dt::concat ( sc_bitref< T >  a,
bool  b 

Definition at line 926 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [42/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_base > sc_dt::concat ( sc_bitref< T >  a,
bool  b 

Definition at line 926 of file sc_lv_base.hh.

References a, and b.

◆ concat() [43/120]

template<class T >
sc_concref_r< sc_bitref_r< T >, sc_lv_base > sc_dt::concat ( sc_bitref< T >