gem5 v24.0.0.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 Ngem5Copyright (c) 2024 - Pranith Kumar Copyright (c) 2020 Inria All rights reserved
 NstdOverload hash function for BasicBlockRange type
 Chsa_agent_dispatch_packet_sAgent dispatch packet
 Chsa_agent_sStruct containing an opaque handle to an agent, a device that participates in the HSA memory model
 Chsa_barrier_and_packet_sBarrier-AND packet
 Chsa_barrier_or_packet_sBarrier-OR packet
 Chsa_cache_sCache handle
 Chsa_callback_data_sApplication data handle that is passed to the serialization and deserialization functions
 Chsa_code_object_reader_sCode object reader handle
 Chsa_code_object_sStruct containing an opaque handle to a code object, which contains ISA for finalized kernels and indirect functions together with information about the global or readonly segment variables they reference
 Chsa_code_symbol_sCode object symbol handle
 Chsa_dim3_sThree-dimensional coordinate
 Chsa_executable_sStruct containing an opaque handle to an executable, which contains ISA for finalized kernels and indirect functions together with the allocated global or readonly segment variables they reference
 Chsa_executable_symbol_sExecutable symbol handle
 Chsa_isa_sInstruction set architecture
 Chsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_sAQL kernel dispatch packet
 Chsa_loaded_code_object_sLoaded code object handle
 Chsa_queue_sUser mode queue
 Chsa_region_sA memory region represents a block of virtual memory with certain properties
 Chsa_signal_group_sGroup of signals
 Chsa_signal_sSignal handle
 Chsa_wavefront_sWavefront handle
 CLoggingFixtureTemporarily redirects cerr to gtestLogOutput
 CMSICAPDefines the MSI Capability register and its associated bitfields for the a PCI/PCIe device
 CMSIXDefines the MSI-X Capability register and its associated bitfields for a PCIe device
 CPMCAPDefines the Power Management capability register and all its associated bitfields for a PCIe device
 CProtoInputStreamA ProtoInputStream wraps a coded stream, potentially with decompression, based on looking at the file name
 CProtoOutputStreamA ProtoOutputStream wraps a coded stream, potentially with compression, based on looking at the file name
 CProtoStreamA ProtoStream provides the shared functionality of the input and output streams
 CPXCAPDefines the PCI Express capability register and its associated bitfields for a PCIe device
 CSerializableFixtureA fixture to handle checkpoint in and out variables, as well as the testing of the temporary directory
 CSimpleAddressMapSimple address map implementation for the generic protocol
 CSimpleLTInitiator1TLM definitions
 CValueSamplesA pair of value and its number of samples, used for sampling

Generated on Tue Jun 18 2024 16:24:57 for gem5 by doxygen 1.11.0