33#ifndef __MALTA_CCHIP_HH__
34#define __MALTA_CCHIP_HH__
38#include "params/MaltaCChip.hh"
128 void reqIPI(uint64_t ipreq);
Malta CChip CSR Emulation.
void clearIntr(uint32_t interrupt)
clear an interrupt previously posted to the CPU.
void unserialize(CheckpointIn &cp) override
Unserialize an object.
MaltaCChipParams Params
The dims are device interrupt mask registers.
void serialize(CheckpointOut &cp) const override
Serialize an object.
void reqIPI(uint64_t ipreq)
request an interrupt be posted to the CPU.
Tick write(PacketPtr pkt) override
Pure virtual function that the device must implement.
void clearIPI(uint64_t ipintr)
post an ipi interrupt to the CPU.
void clearITI(uint64_t itintr)
clear a timer interrupt previously posted to the CPU.
Tick read(PacketPtr pkt) override
Pure virtual function that the device must implement.
void postIntr(uint32_t interrupt)
post an interrupt to the CPU.
void postRTC()
post an RTC interrupt to the CPU
Malta * malta
pointer to the malta object.
Top level class for Malta Chipset emulation.
A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in the memory system (e....
Declaration of top level class for the Malta chipset.
Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited All rights reserved.
std::ostream CheckpointOut
uint64_t Tick
Tick count type.