52struct IndirectMemoryPrefetcherParams;
148 unsigned int num_shifts,
A tagged entry is an entry containing a tag.
void registerTagExtractor(TagExtractor ext)
virtual void invalidate()
Invalidate the block.
std::function< Addr(Addr)> TagExtractor
Class containing the information needed by the prefetch to train and generate new prefetch requests.
const int streamCounterThreshold
streamCounter value to trigger the streaming prefetcher
void trackMissIndex1(Addr miss_addr)
Update an IPD entry with a detected miss address, when the first index is being tracked.
AssociativeCache< IndirectPatternDetectorEntry > ipd
Indirect Pattern Detector (IPD) table.
void trackMissIndex2(Addr miss_addr)
Update an IPD entry with a detected miss address, when the second index is being tracked.
const ByteOrder byteOrder
Byte order used to access the cache.
void checkAccessMatchOnActiveEntries(Addr addr)
Checks if an access to the cache matches any active PT entry, if so, the indirect confidence counter ...
const unsigned int maxPrefetchDistance
Maximum number of prefetches generated per event.
const std::vector< int > shiftValues
Shift values considered.
IndirectPatternDetectorEntry * ipdEntryTrackingMisses
Entry currently tracking misses.
const int streamingDistance
Number of prefetches generated when using the streaming prefetcher.
AssociativeCache< PrefetchTableEntry > prefetchTable
Prefetch table.
const unsigned int prefetchThreshold
Counter threshold to start prefetching.
void calculatePrefetch(const PrefetchInfo &pfi, std::vector< AddrPriority > &addresses, const CacheAccessor &cache) override
void allocateOrUpdateIPDEntry(const PrefetchTableEntry *pt_entry, int64_t index)
Allocate or update an entry in the IPD.
void reset()
Reset the counter to its initial value.
Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited All rights reserved.
uint64_t Addr
Address type This will probably be moved somewhere else in the near future.
Overload hash function for BasicBlockRange type.
Provides generic cache lookup functions.
Indirect Pattern Detector entrt.
bool secondIndexSet
Valid bit for the second index.
void invalidate() override
Invalidate the block.
int numMisses
Number of misses currently recorded.
std::vector< std::vector< Addr > > baseAddr
Potential BaseAddr candidates for each recorded miss.
int64_t idx2
Second index.
IndirectPatternDetectorEntry(unsigned int num_addresses, unsigned int num_shifts, TagExtractor ext)
Addr address
Accessed address.
void invalidate() override
Invalidate the block.
PrefetchTableEntry(unsigned indirect_counter_bits, TagExtractor ext)
Addr baseAddr
BaseAddr detected.
bool increasedIndirectCounter
This variable is set to indicate that there has been at least one match with the current index value.
bool enabled
Enable bit of the indirect fields.
bool secure
Whether this address is in the secure region.
SatCounter8 indirectCounter
Confidence counter of the indirect fields.
int64_t index
Current index value.
unsigned int streamCounter
Confidence counter of the stream.