29#ifndef __LUPIO_TTY_HH__
30#define __LUPIO_TTY_HH__
36#include "params/LupioTTY.hh"
LupioTTY: The LupioTTY is a virtual terminal device that can both transmit characters to a screen,...
Tick read(PacketPtr pkt) override
Implement BasicPioDevice virtual functions.
uint64_t lupioTTYRead(const uint8_t addr)
void dataAvailable()
Inform the LupIO-TTY there is data available.
const ByteOrder byteOrder
void lupioTTYWrite(const uint8_t addr, uint64_t c)
Tick write(PacketPtr pkt) override
Pure virtual function that the device must implement.
void lupioTTYUpdateIRQ()
IRQ management.
A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in the memory system (e....
Base class for serial devices such as terminals.
Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited All rights reserved.
uint64_t Tick
Tick count type.