44#include "params/BaseNonCachingSimpleCPU.hh"
The AddrRangeMap uses an STL map to implement an interval tree for address decoding.
The NonCachingSimpleCPU is an AtomicSimpleCPU using the 'atomic_noncaching' memory mode instead of ju...
Tick fetchInstMem() override
Tick sendPacket(RequestPort &port, const PacketPtr &pkt) override
void verifyMemoryMode() const override
Verify that the system is in a memory mode supported by the CPU.
AddrRangeMap< MemBackdoorPtr, 1 > memBackdoors
A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in the memory system (e....
A RequestPort is a specialisation of a Port, which implements the default protocol for the three diff...
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uint64_t Tick
Tick count type.