using | RegIdArrayPtr = RegId(StaticInst::*)[] |
uint8_t | numSrcRegs () const |
| Number of source registers.
uint8_t | numDestRegs () const |
| Number of destination registers.
uint8_t | numDestRegs (RegClassType type) const |
| Number of destination registers of a particular type.
bool | isNop () const |
bool | isMemRef () const |
bool | isLoad () const |
bool | isStore () const |
bool | isAtomic () const |
bool | isStoreConditional () const |
bool | isInstPrefetch () const |
bool | isDataPrefetch () const |
bool | isPrefetch () const |
bool | isInteger () const |
bool | isFloating () const |
bool | isVector () const |
bool | isMatrix () const |
bool | isControl () const |
bool | isCall () const |
bool | isReturn () const |
bool | isDirectCtrl () const |
bool | isIndirectCtrl () const |
bool | isCondCtrl () const |
bool | isUncondCtrl () const |
bool | isSerializing () const |
bool | isSerializeBefore () const |
bool | isSerializeAfter () const |
bool | isSquashAfter () const |
bool | isFullMemBarrier () const |
bool | isReadBarrier () const |
bool | isWriteBarrier () const |
bool | isNonSpeculative () const |
bool | isQuiesce () const |
bool | isUnverifiable () const |
bool | isPseudo () const |
bool | isSyscall () const |
bool | isMacroop () const |
bool | isMicroop () const |
bool | isDelayedCommit () const |
bool | isLastMicroop () const |
bool | isFirstMicroop () const |
bool | isHtmStart () const |
bool | isHtmStop () const |
bool | isHtmCancel () const |
bool | isInvalid () const |
bool | isHtmCmd () const |
void | setFirstMicroop () |
void | setLastMicroop () |
void | setDelayedCommit () |
void | setFlag (Flags f) |
OpClass | opClass () const |
| Operation class. Used to select appropriate function unit in issue.
const RegId & | destRegIdx (int i) const |
| Return logical index (architectural reg num) of i'th destination reg.
void | setDestRegIdx (int i, const RegId &val) |
const RegId & | srcRegIdx (int i) const |
| Return logical index (architectural reg num) of i'th source reg.
void | setSrcRegIdx (int i, const RegId &val) |
virtual uint64_t | getEMI () const |
virtual | ~StaticInst () |
virtual Fault | execute (ExecContext *xc, trace::InstRecord *traceData) const =0 |
virtual Fault | initiateAcc (ExecContext *xc, trace::InstRecord *traceData) const |
virtual Fault | completeAcc (Packet *pkt, ExecContext *xc, trace::InstRecord *trace_data) const |
size_t | size () const |
virtual void | size (size_t newSize) |
virtual StaticInstPtr | fetchMicroop (MicroPC upc) const |
| Return the microop that goes with a particular micropc.
virtual const std::string & | disassemble (Addr pc, const loader::SymbolTable *symtab=nullptr) const |
| Return string representation of disassembled instruction.
void | printFlags (std::ostream &outs, const std::string &separator) const |
| Print a separator separated list of this instruction's set flag names on the given stream.
std::string | getName () |
| Return name of machine instruction.
virtual size_t | asBytes (void *buf, size_t max_size) |
| Instruction classes can override this function to return a a representation of themselves as a blob of bytes, generally assumed to be that instructions ExtMachInst.
| RefCounted () |
| We initialize the reference count to zero and the first object to take ownership of it must increment it to one.
virtual | ~RefCounted () |
| We make the destructor virtual because we're likely to have virtual functions on reference counted objects.
void | incref () const |
| Increment the reference count.
void | decref () const |
| Decrement the reference count and destroy the object if all references are gone.
static void | printMnemonic (std::ostream &os, const char *mnemonic) |
static void | printMnemonic (std::ostream &os, const char *instMnemonic, const char *mnemonic) |
static void | printMem (std::ostream &os, uint8_t segment, uint8_t scale, RegIndex index, RegIndex base, uint64_t disp, uint8_t addressSize, bool rip) |
static void | printSegment (std::ostream &os, int segment) |
static void | printReg (std::ostream &os, RegId reg, int size) |
static StaticInstPtr | nullStaticInstPtr |
| Pointer to a statically allocated "null" instruction object.
using | ExtMachInst = X86ISA::ExtMachInst |
static void | divideStep (uint64_t divident, uint64_t divisor, uint64_t "ient, uint64_t &remainder) |
static uint64_t | merge (uint64_t into, RegIndex index, uint64_t val, int size) |
static uint64_t | pick (uint64_t from, RegIndex index, int size) |
static int64_t | signedPick (uint64_t from, RegIndex index, int size) |