gem5 v24.1.0.1
No Matches
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
sc_gem5 Namespace Reference


struct  BuiltinExceptionWrapper
class  Channel
class  ClockTick
class  CThread
struct  DefaultReportMessages
class  DynamicSensitivity
class  DynamicSensitivityEvent
class  DynamicSensitivityEventAndList
class  DynamicSensitivityEventOrList
struct  enable_if
struct  enable_if< true, T >
class  Event
struct  ExceptionWrapper
struct  ExceptionWrapperBase
class  Gem5ToTlmBridge
class  Gem5ToTlmBridgeBase
class  InternalScEvent
struct  is_const
struct  is_const< const T >
struct  is_more_const
struct  is_same
struct  is_same< T, T >
class  Kernel
struct  ListNode
class  Method
class  Module
struct  NodeList
class  Object
class  Port
class  Process
struct  ProcessFuncWrapper
struct  ProcessMemberFuncWrapper
struct  ProcessObjFuncWrapper
struct  ProcessObjRetFuncWrapper
struct  PythonInitFunc
struct  remove_const
struct  remove_const< const T >
struct  remove_special_fptr
struct  remove_special_fptr< special_result &(*)(T)>
struct  ReportMsgInfo
struct  ReportSevInfo
class  Reset
class  ScEvent
class  ScExportWrapper
class  ScHalt
class  Scheduler
class  ScInterfaceWrapper
class  ScMainFiber
class  ScPortWrapper
class  ScSignalBase
class  ScSignalBaseBinary
class  ScSignalBasePicker
class  ScSignalBasePicker< bool >
class  ScSignalBasePicker< sc_dt::sc_logic >
class  ScSignalBaseT
class  ScSignalBinary
class  Sensitivity
class  SensitivityEvent
class  SensitivityEvents
struct  special_result
class  StaticSensitivity
class  StaticSensitivityEvent
class  StaticSensitivityExport
class  StaticSensitivityFinder
class  StaticSensitivityInterface
class  StaticSensitivityPort
class  Thread
class  TlmInitiatorBaseWrapper
class  TlmTargetBaseWrapper
class  TlmToGem5Bridge
class  TlmToGem5BridgeBase
class  TraceFile
class  TraceVal
class  TraceVal<::sc_core::sc_event, Base >
class  TraceVal<::sc_core::sc_signal_in_if< T >, Base >
class  TraceVal<::sc_dt::sc_fxnum, Base >
class  TraceVal<::sc_dt::sc_fxnum_fast, Base >
class  TraceValBase
class  TraceValFxnumBase
class  UniqueNameGen
class  UnwindExceptionKill
class  UnwindExceptionReset
class  VcdTraceFile
class  VcdTraceScope
class  VcdTraceVal
class  VcdTraceValBase
class  VcdTraceValBool
class  VcdTraceValEvent
class  VcdTraceValFinite
class  VcdTraceValFloat
class  VcdTraceValFxnum
class  VcdTraceValFxval
class  VcdTraceValInt
class  VcdTraceValLogic
class  VcdTraceValScLogic
class  VcdTraceValTime
class  WriteChecker
class  WriteChecker< sc_core::SC_MANY_WRITERS >
class  WriteChecker< sc_core::SC_ONE_WRITER >


typedef std::vector< sc_core::sc_event * > Events
typedef std::vector< sc_core::sc_object * > Objects
typedef Objects::iterator ObjectsIt
typedef Events::iterator EventsIt
typedef std::list< ScEvent * > ScEvents
typedef NodeList< ProcessProcessList
typedef NodeList< ChannelChannelList
typedef std::vector< DynamicSensitivity * > DynamicSensitivities
typedef std::vector< StaticSensitivity * > StaticSensitivities
using PacketToPayloadConversionStep = std::function< void(gem5::PacketPtr pkt, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans)>
using PayloadToPacketConversionStep = std::function< void(gem5::PacketPtr pkt, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans)>
template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH = 32, typename TYPES = tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types, int N = 1, sc_core::sc_port_policy POL = sc_core::SC_ONE_OR_MORE_BOUND>
using TlmInitiatorWrapper = TlmInitiatorBaseWrapper< BUSWIDTH, tlm::tlm_fw_transport_if< TYPES >, tlm::tlm_bw_transport_if< TYPES >, N, POL >
template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH = 32, typename TYPES = tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types, int N = 1, sc_core::sc_port_policy POL = sc_core::SC_ONE_OR_MORE_BOUND>
using TlmTargetWrapper = TlmTargetBaseWrapper< BUSWIDTH, tlm::tlm_fw_transport_if< TYPES >, tlm::tlm_bw_transport_if< TYPES >, N, POL >


EventsIt findEvent (const std::string &name)
ModulecurrentModule ()
ModulenewModuleChecked ()
ModulenewModule ()
static ModulepickParentModule ()
static void pushParentModule (Module *m)
static void popParentModule ()
std::string pickUniqueName (::sc_core::sc_object *parent, std::string base)
const std::vector< sc_core::sc_object * > & getTopLevelScObjects ()
sc_core::sc_objectfindObject (const char *name, const Objects &objects)
sc_core::sc_objectpickParentObj ()
void pushParentObj (sc_core::sc_object *obj)
void popParentObj ()
void throw_it_wrapper (Process *p, ExceptionWrapperBase &exc, bool inc_kids)
void newReset (const sc_core::sc_port_base *pb, Process *p, bool s, bool v)
void newReset (const sc_core::sc_signal_in_if< bool > *sig, Process *p, bool s, bool v)
ProcessnewMethodProcess (const char *name, ProcessFuncWrapper *func)
ProcessnewThreadProcess (const char *name, ProcessFuncWrapper *func)
ProcessnewCThreadProcess (const char *name, ProcessFuncWrapper *func)
uint64_t getChangeStamp ()
ProcessspawnWork (ProcessFuncWrapper *func, const char *name, const ::sc_core::sc_spawn_options *opts)
bool listContains (ListNode *list, ListNode *target)
ProcessgetCurrentProcess ()
const ::sc_core::sc_report reportifyException ()
void newStaticSensitivityEvent (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_event *e)
void newStaticSensitivityInterface (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_interface *i)
void newStaticSensitivityPort (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_port_base *pb)
void newStaticSensitivityExport (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_export_base *exp)
void newStaticSensitivityFinder (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_event_finder *f)
void newDynamicSensitivityEvent (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_event *e)
void newDynamicSensitivityEventOrList (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_event_or_list *eol)
void newDynamicSensitivityEventAndList (Process *p, const sc_core::sc_event_and_list *eal)
static EventBase::Priority getPriorityOfTlmPhase (const tlm::tlm_phase &phase)
 Helper function to help set priority of phase change events of tlm transactions.
void addPacketToPayloadConversionStep (PacketToPayloadConversionStep step)
 Notify the Gem5ToTlm bridge that we need an extra step to properly convert a gem5 packet to tlm payload.
tlm::tlm_generic_payloadpacket2payload (PacketPtr packet)
 Convert a gem5 packet to TLM payload by copying all the relevant information to new payload.
void setPacketResponse (PacketPtr pkt, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans)
void addPayloadToPacketConversionStep (PayloadToPacketConversionStep step)
 Notify the Tlm2Gem5 bridge that we need an extra step to properly convert a tlm payload to gem5 packet.
std::pair< PacketPtr, bool > payload2packet (RequestorID _id, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans)
 Convert a TLM payload to gem5 packet by copying all the relevant information to new packet.
void setPayloadResponse (tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans, PacketPtr pkt)
std::map< std::string, ReportMsgInfo > & reportMsgInfoMap ()
std::map< int, std::string > & reportIdToMsgMap ()
const std::list< sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc > & getExtraSystemCReportHandlers ()
void addExtraSystemCReportHandler (sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc proc)
void removeExtraSystemCReportHandler (sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc proc)


std::set< Channel * > allChannels
Events topLevelEvents
Events allEvents
UniqueNameGen globalNameGen
std::list< Module * > allModules
Objects topLevelObjects
Objects allObjects
std::list< Port * > allPorts
BuiltinExceptionWrapper< UnwindExceptionResetresetException
BuiltinExceptionWrapper< UnwindExceptionKillkillException
ScMainFiber scMainFiber
Scheduler scheduler
const char * TimeUnitNames []
const char * TimeUnitConstantNames []
double TimeUnitScale []
gem5::Tick TimeUnitFrequency []
Gem5SystemC::MemoryManager mm
 Instantiate a tlm memory manager that takes care about all the tlm transactions in the system.
const char * reportSeverityNames []
ReportSevInfo reportSevInfos [sc_core::SC_MAX_SEVERITY]
int reportVerbosityLevel = sc_core::SC_MEDIUM
sc_core::sc_actions reportSuppressedActions = sc_core::SC_UNSPECIFIED
sc_core::sc_actions reportForcedActions = sc_core::SC_UNSPECIFIED
sc_core::sc_actions reportCatchActions = sc_core::SC_DISPLAY
sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc reportHandlerProc
std::unique_ptr< sc_core::sc_reportglobalReportCache
bool reportWarningsAsErrors = false

Typedef Documentation

◆ ChannelList

Definition at line 54 of file scheduler.hh.

◆ DynamicSensitivities

Definition at line 108 of file sensitivity.hh.

◆ Events

Definition at line 54 of file event.hh.

◆ EventsIt

typedef Events::iterator sc_gem5::EventsIt

Definition at line 45 of file object.hh.

◆ Objects

Definition at line 42 of file object.hh.

◆ ObjectsIt

typedef Objects::iterator sc_gem5::ObjectsIt

Definition at line 44 of file object.hh.

◆ PacketToPayloadConversionStep

using sc_gem5::PacketToPayloadConversionStep = typedef std::function<void(gem5::PacketPtr pkt, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans)>

Definition at line 79 of file gem5_to_tlm.hh.

◆ PayloadToPacketConversionStep

using sc_gem5::PayloadToPacketConversionStep = typedef std::function<void(gem5::PacketPtr pkt, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans)>

Definition at line 78 of file tlm_to_gem5.hh.

◆ ProcessList

Definition at line 53 of file scheduler.hh.

◆ ScEvents

Definition at line 41 of file sched_event.hh.

◆ StaticSensitivities

Definition at line 123 of file sensitivity.hh.

◆ TlmInitiatorWrapper

template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH = 32, typename TYPES = tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types, int N = 1, sc_core::sc_port_policy POL = sc_core::SC_ONE_OR_MORE_BOUND>
using sc_gem5::TlmInitiatorWrapper = typedef TlmInitiatorBaseWrapper<BUSWIDTH, tlm::tlm_fw_transport_if<TYPES>, tlm::tlm_bw_transport_if<TYPES>, N, POL>

Definition at line 126 of file tlm_port_wrapper.hh.

◆ TlmTargetWrapper

template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH = 32, typename TYPES = tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types, int N = 1, sc_core::sc_port_policy POL = sc_core::SC_ONE_OR_MORE_BOUND>
using sc_gem5::TlmTargetWrapper = typedef TlmTargetBaseWrapper<BUSWIDTH, tlm::tlm_fw_transport_if<TYPES>, tlm::tlm_bw_transport_if<TYPES>, N, POL>

Definition at line 133 of file tlm_port_wrapper.hh.

Function Documentation

◆ addExtraSystemCReportHandler()

void sc_gem5::addExtraSystemCReportHandler ( sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc  proc)

Definition at line 85 of file

◆ addPacketToPayloadConversionStep()

void sc_gem5::addPacketToPayloadConversionStep ( PacketToPayloadConversionStep  step)

Notify the Gem5ToTlm bridge that we need an extra step to properly convert a gem5 packet to tlm payload.

This can be useful when there exists a SystemC extension that requires information in gem5 packet. For example, if a user defined a SystemC extension the carries stream_id, the user may add a step here to read stream_id out and set the extension properly. Steps should be idempotent.

Definition at line 119 of file

◆ addPayloadToPacketConversionStep()

void sc_gem5::addPayloadToPacketConversionStep ( PayloadToPacketConversionStep  step)

Notify the Tlm2Gem5 bridge that we need an extra step to properly convert a tlm payload to gem5 packet.

This can be useful when there exists a SystemC extension that carries extra information. For example, SystemC user might define an extension to store stream_id, the user may then add an extra step to set the generated request's stream_id accordingly. Steps should be idempotent.

Definition at line 96 of file

◆ currentModule()

Module * sc_gem5::currentModule ( )

Definition at line 193 of file

◆ findEvent()

EventsIt sc_gem5::findEvent ( const std::string &  name)

◆ findObject()

sc_core::sc_object * sc_gem5::findObject ( const char *  name,
const Objects objects 

Definition at line 296 of file

References allObjects, and name().

Referenced by sc_core::sc_find_object(), and sc_core::sc_hierarchical_name_exists().

◆ getChangeStamp()

uint64_t sc_gem5::getChangeStamp ( )

◆ getCurrentProcess()

Process * sc_gem5::getCurrentProcess ( )

Definition at line 495 of file

References sc_gem5::Scheduler::current(), and scheduler.

Referenced by sc_core::sc_signal_rv< W >::write().

◆ getExtraSystemCReportHandlers()

const std::list< sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc > & sc_gem5::getExtraSystemCReportHandlers ( )

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_report_handler::report().

◆ getPriorityOfTlmPhase()

static EventBase::Priority sc_gem5::getPriorityOfTlmPhase ( const tlm::tlm_phase phase)

Helper function to help set priority of phase change events of tlm transactions.

This is to workaround the uncertainty of gem5 eventq if multiple events are scheduled at the same timestamp.

Definition at line 84 of file

References gem5::EventBase::Default_Pri, and tlm::END_REQ.

Referenced by sc_gem5::Gem5ToTlmBridge< BITWIDTH >::nb_transport_bw(), and sc_gem5::Gem5ToTlmBridge< BITWIDTH >::recvTimingReq().

◆ getTopLevelScObjects()

const std::vector< sc_core::sc_object * > & sc_gem5::getTopLevelScObjects ( )

Definition at line 290 of file

References topLevelObjects.

◆ listContains()

bool sc_gem5::listContains ( ListNode list,
ListNode target 

Definition at line 225 of file

References sc_gem5::ListNode::nextListNode.

◆ newCThreadProcess()

Process * sc_gem5::newCThreadProcess ( const char *  name,
ProcessFuncWrapper func 

◆ newDynamicSensitivityEvent()

void sc_gem5::newDynamicSensitivityEvent ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_event e 

◆ newDynamicSensitivityEventAndList()

void sc_gem5::newDynamicSensitivityEventAndList ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_event_and_list eal 

◆ newDynamicSensitivityEventOrList()

void sc_gem5::newDynamicSensitivityEventOrList ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_event_or_list eol 

◆ newMethodProcess()

Process * sc_gem5::newMethodProcess ( const char *  name,
ProcessFuncWrapper func 

◆ newModule()

Module * sc_gem5::newModule ( )

Definition at line 209 of file

Referenced by sc_gem5::Object::Object().

◆ newModuleChecked()

Module * sc_gem5::newModuleChecked ( )

Definition at line 201 of file


◆ newReset() [1/2]

void sc_gem5::newReset ( const sc_core::sc_port_base pb,
Process p,
bool  s,
bool  v 

◆ newReset() [2/2]

void sc_gem5::newReset ( const sc_core::sc_signal_in_if< bool > *  sig,
Process p,
bool  s,
bool  v 

Definition at line 432 of file

◆ newStaticSensitivityEvent()

void sc_gem5::newStaticSensitivityEvent ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_event e 

◆ newStaticSensitivityExport()

void sc_gem5::newStaticSensitivityExport ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_export_base exp 

Definition at line 147 of file

Referenced by spawnWork().

◆ newStaticSensitivityFinder()

void sc_gem5::newStaticSensitivityFinder ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_event_finder f 

◆ newStaticSensitivityInterface()

void sc_gem5::newStaticSensitivityInterface ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_interface i 

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_sensitive::operator<<(), and spawnWork().

◆ newStaticSensitivityPort()

void sc_gem5::newStaticSensitivityPort ( Process p,
const sc_core::sc_port_base pb 

Definition at line 138 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_sensitive::operator<<(), and spawnWork().

◆ newThreadProcess()

Process * sc_gem5::newThreadProcess ( const char *  name,
ProcessFuncWrapper func 

◆ packet2payload()

tlm::tlm_generic_payload * sc_gem5::packet2payload ( PacketPtr  packet)

◆ payload2packet()

std::pair< gem5::PacketPtr, bool > sc_gem5::payload2packet ( RequestorID  _id,
tlm::tlm_generic_payload trans 

◆ pickParentModule()

static Module * sc_gem5::pickParentModule ( )

◆ pickParentObj()

sc_core::sc_object * sc_gem5::pickParentObj ( )

Definition at line 310 of file

References sc_gem5::Scheduler::current(), and scheduler.

Referenced by sc_gem5::Object::Object(), and pickParentModule().

◆ pickUniqueName()

std::string sc_gem5::pickUniqueName ( ::sc_core::sc_object parent,
std::string  base 

◆ popParentModule()

static void sc_gem5::popParentModule ( )

◆ popParentObj()

void sc_gem5::popParentObj ( )

Definition at line 323 of file

Referenced by popParentModule(), and sc_core::sc_vector_base::unforceParent().

◆ pushParentModule()

static void sc_gem5::pushParentModule ( Module m)

◆ pushParentObj()

void sc_gem5::pushParentObj ( sc_core::sc_object obj)

Definition at line 322 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_vector_base::forceParent(), and pushParentModule().

◆ removeExtraSystemCReportHandler()

void sc_gem5::removeExtraSystemCReportHandler ( sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc  proc)

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ reportIdToMsgMap()

std::map< int, std::string > & sc_gem5::reportIdToMsgMap ( )

◆ reportifyException()

const ::sc_core::sc_report sc_gem5::reportifyException ( )

◆ reportMsgInfoMap()

std::map< std::string, ReportMsgInfo > & sc_gem5::reportMsgInfoMap ( )

◆ setPacketResponse()

void sc_gem5::setPacketResponse ( PacketPtr  pkt,
tlm::tlm_generic_payload trans 

◆ setPayloadResponse()

void sc_gem5::setPayloadResponse ( tlm::tlm_generic_payload trans,
PacketPtr  pkt 

◆ spawnWork()

Process * sc_gem5::spawnWork ( ProcessFuncWrapper func,
const char *  name,
const ::sc_core::sc_spawn_options opts 

◆ throw_it_wrapper()

void sc_gem5::throw_it_wrapper ( Process p,
ExceptionWrapperBase exc,
bool  inc_kids 

Definition at line 419 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_process_handle::throw_it().

Variable Documentation

◆ allChannels

std::set< Channel * > sc_gem5::allChannels

◆ allEvents

Events sc_gem5::allEvents

◆ allModules

std::list< Module * > sc_gem5::allModules

◆ allObjects

Objects sc_gem5::allObjects

◆ allPorts

std::list< Port * > sc_gem5::allPorts

◆ globalNameGen

UniqueNameGen sc_gem5::globalNameGen

Definition at line 49 of file

◆ globalReportCache

std::unique_ptr< sc_core::sc_report > sc_gem5::globalReportCache

◆ kernel

Kernel * sc_gem5::kernel

◆ killException

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by sc_gem5::Process::kill().

◆ mm

Instantiate a tlm memory manager that takes care about all the tlm transactions in the system.

Definition at line 100 of file

◆ reportCatchActions

sc_core::sc_actions sc_gem5::reportCatchActions = sc_core::SC_DISPLAY

◆ reportForcedActions

sc_core::sc_actions sc_gem5::reportForcedActions = sc_core::SC_UNSPECIFIED

◆ reportHandlerProc

sc_core::sc_report_handler_proc sc_gem5::reportHandlerProc

◆ reportSeverityNames

const char * sc_gem5::reportSeverityNames
Initial value:
= {
[sc_core::SC_INFO] = "Info",
[sc_core::SC_WARNING] = "Warning",
[sc_core::SC_ERROR] = "Error",
[sc_core::SC_FATAL] = "Fatal"
Definition sc_report.hh:42

Definition at line 33 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_report_compose_message().

◆ reportSevInfos

ReportSevInfo sc_gem5::reportSevInfos

◆ reportSuppressedActions

sc_core::sc_actions sc_gem5::reportSuppressedActions = sc_core::SC_UNSPECIFIED

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_report_handler::suppress().

◆ reportVerbosityLevel

int sc_gem5::reportVerbosityLevel = sc_core::SC_MEDIUM

◆ reportWarningsAsErrors

bool sc_gem5::reportWarningsAsErrors = false

◆ resetException

Definition at line 62 of file

Referenced by sc_gem5::Process::reset().

◆ scheduler

Scheduler sc_gem5::scheduler

Definition at line 494 of file

Referenced by sc_gem5::Channel::asyncRequestUpdate(), sc_core::sc_clock::before_end_of_elaboration(), sc_gem5::Event::cancel(), sc_gem5::Process::cancelTimeout(), sc_gem5::WriteChecker< sc_core::SC_ONE_WRITER >::checkWriter(), sc_gem5::WriteChecker< sc_core::SC_MANY_WRITERS >::checkWriter(), sc_core::sc_report_handler::clear_cached_report(), sc_gem5::ClockTick::createProcess(), sc_core::sc_report_handler::default_handler(), sc_core::sc_report_handler::get_cached_report(), sc_core::sc_simcontext::get_curr_proc_info(), getChangeStamp(), getCurrentProcess(), sc_gem5::Kernel::init(), sc_gem5::VcdTraceFile::initialize(), sc_gem5::Process::injectException(), sc_gem5::Kernel::Kernel(), sc_gem5::Thread::Context::main(), sc_gem5::ScMainFiber::main(), newCThreadProcess(), newMethodProcess(), newThreadProcess(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_core::next_trigger(), sc_gem5::Event::notify(), sc_gem5::Event::notify(), sc_gem5::Sensitivity::notify(), pickParentObj(), sc_gem5::Scheduler::TimeSlot::process(), sc_gem5::Process::ready(), sc_gem5::Kernel::regStats(), sc_core::sc_report_handler::report(), sc_gem5::Channel::requestUpdate(), sc_gem5::Process::reset(), sc_gem5::Process::resume(), sc_core::sc_delta_count(), sc_core::sc_export_base::sc_export_base(), sc_core::sc_gen_unique_name(), sc_core::sc_get_current_process_handle(), sc_core::sc_module::sc_module(), sc_core::sc_module_name::sc_module_name(), sc_core::sc_pause(), sc_core::sc_port_base::sc_port_base(), sc_core::sc_prim_channel::sc_prim_channel(), sc_core::sc_prim_channel::sc_prim_channel(), sc_core::sc_report_compose_message(), sc_core::sc_set_location(), sc_core::sc_start(), sc_core::sc_start(), sc_core::sc_stop(), sc_core::sc_time_stamp(), sc_core::sc_time_to_pending_activity(), sc_gem5::Process::setTimeout(), sc_gem5::Process::signalReset(), spawnWork(), sc_gem5::Kernel::startup(), sc_gem5::Kernel::stopWork(), sc_gem5::Process::suspend(), sc_gem5::Kernel::t0Handler(), sc_gem5::ClockTick::tick(), sc_core::timed_out(), sc_gem5::VcdTraceFile::trace(), sc_gem5::TraceFile::TraceFile(), sc_gem5::Event::triggered(), sc_core::sc_mutex::trylock(), sc_core::sc_mutex::unlock(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::wait(), sc_core::sc_signal_resolved::write(), sc_gem5::ClockTick::~ClockTick(), sc_gem5::Event::~Event(), sc_core::sc_clock::~sc_clock(), sc_gem5::ScEvent::~ScEvent(), sc_gem5::TraceFile::~TraceFile(), and sc_gem5::VcdTraceFile::~VcdTraceFile().

◆ scMainFiber

ScMainFiber sc_gem5::scMainFiber

◆ TimeUnitConstantNames

const char * sc_gem5::TimeUnitConstantNames
Initial value:
= {
[::sc_core::SC_FS] = "SC_FS",
[::sc_core::SC_PS] = "SC_PS",
[::sc_core::SC_NS] = "SC_NS",
[::sc_core::SC_US] = "SC_US",
[::sc_core::SC_MS] = "SC_MS",
[::sc_core::SC_SEC] = "SC_SEC"
Definition sc_time.hh:45
Definition sc_time.hh:42
Definition sc_time.hh:46
Definition sc_time.hh:41
Definition sc_time.hh:44
Definition sc_time.hh:43

Definition at line 44 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_time::sc_time().

◆ TimeUnitFrequency

gem5::Tick sc_gem5::TimeUnitFrequency
Initial value:
= {
[::sc_core::SC_FS] = 1ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000,
[::sc_core::SC_PS] = 1ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000,
[::sc_core::SC_NS] = 1ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000,
[::sc_core::SC_US] = 1ULL * 1000 * 1000,
[::sc_core::SC_MS] = 1ULL * 1000,

Definition at line 62 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_set_time_resolution().

◆ TimeUnitNames

const char * sc_gem5::TimeUnitNames
Initial value:
= {
[::sc_core::SC_FS] = "fs",
[::sc_core::SC_PS] = "ps",
[::sc_core::SC_NS] = "ns",
[::sc_core::SC_US] = "us",
[::sc_core::SC_MS] = "ms",

Definition at line 35 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_time::sc_time(), sc_gem5::TraceFile::set_time_unit(), and sc_core::sc_time_tuple::unit_symbol().

◆ TimeUnitScale

double sc_gem5::TimeUnitScale
Initial value:
= {
[::sc_core::SC_FS] = 1.0e-15,
[::sc_core::SC_PS] = 1.0e-12,
[::sc_core::SC_NS] = 1.0e-9,
[::sc_core::SC_US] = 1.0e-6,
[::sc_core::SC_MS] = 1.0e-3,

Definition at line 53 of file

Referenced by sc_core::sc_set_default_time_unit(), sc_core::sc_set_time_resolution(), and sc_gem5::TraceFile::set_time_unit().

◆ topLevelEvents

Events sc_gem5::topLevelEvents

Definition at line 217 of file

Referenced by sc_gem5::Event::clearParent(), pickUniqueName(), and sc_gem5::Event::~Event().

◆ topLevelObjects

Objects sc_gem5::topLevelObjects

Generated on Mon Jan 13 2025 04:30:42 for gem5 by doxygen 1.9.8