51struct PIFPrefetcherParams;
125 unsigned int log_blk_size)
176 const std::string &
189 PIF(
const PIFPrefetcherParams &
void update() const
Align cycle and tick to the next clock edge if not already done.
virtual std::string name() const
ProbeListenerArgBase is used to define the base interface to a ProbeListenerArg (i....
ProbeManager is a conduit class that lives on each SimObject, and is used to match up probe listeners...
Abstract superclass for simulation objects.
A tagged entry is an entry containing a tag.
void registerTagExtractor(TagExtractor ext)
std::function< Addr(Addr)> TagExtractor
Class containing the information needed by the prefetch to train and generate new prefetch requests.
Probe Listener to handle probe events from the CPU.
void notify(const Addr &pc) override
PrefetchListenerPC(PIF &_parent, ProbeManager *pm, const std::string &name)
const unsigned int maxCompactorEntries
Number of entries used for the temporal compactor.
std::vector< PrefetchListenerPC * > listenersPC
Array of probe listeners.
const unsigned int precSize
Number of preceding and subsequent spatial addresses to compact.
void addEventProbeRetiredInsts(SimObject *obj, const char *name)
Add a SimObject and a probe name to monitor the retired instructions.
CircularQueue< HistoryBuffer::iterator > streamAddressBuffer
A Stream Address Buffer (SAB) tracks a window of consecutive spatial regions.
void calculatePrefetch(const PrefetchInfo &pfi, std::vector< AddrPriority > &addresses, const CacheAccessor &cache)
AssociativeCache< IndexEntry > index
The index table is a small cache-like structure that facilitates fast search of the history buffer.
void notifyRetiredInst(const Addr pc)
Updates the prefetcher structures upon an instruction retired.
const unsigned int succSize
CompactorEntry spatialCompactor
std::deque< CompactorEntry > temporalCompactor
HistoryBuffer historyBuffer
Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited All rights reserved.
uint64_t Addr
Address type This will probably be moved somewhere else in the near future.
Provides generic cache lookup functions.
The compactor tracks retired instructions addresses, leveraging the spatial and temporal locality amo...
bool hasAddress(Addr target, unsigned int log_blk_size) const
Checks if the provided address is contained in this spatial region and if its corresponding bit vecto...
bool inSameSpatialRegion(Addr addr, unsigned int log_blk_size, bool update)
Checks if a given address is in the same defined spatial region as the compactor entry.
void getPredictedAddresses(unsigned int log_blk_size, std::vector< AddrPriority > &addresses) const
Fills the provided vector with the predicted addresses using the recorded bit vectors of the entry.
Addr distanceFromTrigger(Addr addr, unsigned int log_blk_size) const
Computes the distance, in cache blocks, from an address to the trigger of the entry.
IndexEntry(TagExtractor ext)
HistoryBuffer::iterator historyIt