42#ifndef __CPU_O3_INST_QUEUE_HH__
43#define __CPU_O3_INST_QUEUE_HH__
61#include "enums/SMTQueuePolicy.hh"
67struct BaseO3CPUParams;
134 const BaseO3CPUParams ¶ms);
140 std::string
351 typedef std::priority_queue<
Defines global host-dependent types: Counter, Tick, and (indirectly) {int,uint}{8,...
Cycles is a wrapper class for representing cycle counts, i.e.
General interface to memory device Includes functions and parameters shared across media types.
O3CPU class, has each of the stages (fetch through commit) within it, as well as all of the time buff...
Array of linked list that maintains the dependencies between producing instructions and consuming ins...
Pool of FU's, specific to the new CPU model.
IEW handles both single threaded and SMT IEW (issue/execute/writeback).
FU completion event class.
bool freeFU
Should the FU be added to the list to be freed upon completing this event.
FUCompletion(const DynInstPtr &_inst, int fu_idx, InstructionQueue *iq_ptr)
Construct a FU completion event.
DynInstPtr inst
Executing instruction.
int fuIdx
Index of the FU used for executing.
InstructionQueue * iqPtr
Pointer back to the instruction queue.
virtual const char * description() const
Return a C string describing the event.
A standard instruction queue class.
std::string name() const
Returns the name of the IQ.
void commit(const InstSeqNum &inst, ThreadID tid=0)
Commits all instructions up to and including the given sequence number, for a specific thread.
gem5::o3::InstructionQueue::IQStats iqStats
std::priority_queue< DynInstPtr, std::vector< DynInstPtr >, PqCompare > ReadyInstQueue
void processFUCompletion(const DynInstPtr &inst, int fu_idx)
Process FU completion event.
DynInstPtr getBlockedMemInstToExecute()
Gets a memory instruction that was blocked on the cache.
std::list< DynInstPtr > instList[MaxThreads]
List of all the instructions in the IQ (some of which may be issued).
memory::MemInterface * dcacheInterface
Cache interface.
std::list< DynInstPtr > retryMemInsts
List of instructions that were cache blocked, but a retry has been seen since, so they can now be ret...
void deferMemInst(const DynInstPtr &deferred_inst)
Defers a memory instruction when its DTB translation incurs a hw page table walk.
ReadyInstQueue readyInsts[Num_OpClasses]
List of ready instructions, per op class.
unsigned totalWidth
The total number of instructions that can be issued in one cycle.
void addIfReady(const DynInstPtr &inst)
Moves an instruction to the ready queue if it is ready.
unsigned numEntries
The number of entries in the instruction queue.
void insertBarrier(const DynInstPtr &barr_inst)
Inserts a memory or write barrier into the IQ to make sure loads and stores are ordered properly.
bool queueOnList[Num_OpClasses]
Tracks if each ready queue is on the age order list.
FUPool * fuPool
Function unit pool.
int wakeDependents(const DynInstPtr &completed_inst)
Wakes all dependents of a completed instruction.
std::list< DynInstPtr > deferredMemInsts
List of instructions waiting for their DTB translation to complete (hw page table walk in progress).
TimeBuffer< IssueStruct > * issueToExecuteQueue
The queue to the execute stage.
std::list< DynInstPtr > instsToExecute
List of instructions that are ready to be executed.
void setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer< TimeStruct > *tb_ptr)
Sets the global time buffer.
unsigned numFreeEntries()
Returns total number of free entries.
std::list< DynInstPtr > blockedMemInsts
List of instructions that have been cache blocked.
void rescheduleMemInst(const DynInstPtr &resched_inst)
Reschedules a memory instruction.
TimeBuffer< TimeStruct >::wire fromCommit
Wire to read information from timebuffer.
void insertNonSpec(const DynInstPtr &new_inst)
Inserts a new, non-speculative instruction into the IQ.
void addReadyMemInst(const DynInstPtr &ready_inst)
Adds a ready memory instruction to the ready list.
unsigned getCount(ThreadID tid)
Returns the number of used entries for a thread.
void replayMemInst(const DynInstPtr &replay_inst)
Replays a memory instruction.
void resetState()
Resets all instruction queue state.
void recordProducer(const DynInstPtr &inst)
Records the instruction as the producer of a register without adding it to the rest of the IQ.
bool isDrained() const
Determine if we are drained.
unsigned count[MaxThreads]
Per Thread IQ count.
void cacheUnblocked()
Notify instruction queue that a previous blockage has resolved.
std::map< InstSeqNum, DynInstPtr > nonSpecInsts
List of non-speculative instructions that will be scheduled once the IQ gets a signal from commit.
unsigned freeEntries
Number of free IQ entries left.
MemDepUnit memDepUnit[MaxThreads]
The memory dependence unit, which tracks/predicts memory dependences between instructions.
void dumpLists()
Debugging function to dump all the list sizes, as well as print out the list of nonspeculative instru...
void blockMemInst(const DynInstPtr &blocked_inst)
Defers a memory instruction when it is cache blocked.
void drainSanityCheck() const
Perform sanity checks after a drain.
unsigned numPhysRegs
The number of physical registers in the CPU.
DynInstPtr getDeferredMemInstToExecute()
Gets a memory instruction that was referred due to a delayed DTB translation if it is now ready to ex...
void dumpInsts()
Debugging function to dump out all instructions that are in the IQ.
void takeOverFrom()
Takes over execution from another CPU's thread.
SMTQueuePolicy iqPolicy
IQ sharing policy for SMT.
gem5::o3::InstructionQueue::IQIOStats iqIOStats
void moveToYoungerInst(ListOrderIt age_order_it)
Called when the oldest instruction has been removed from a ready queue; this places that ready queue ...
InstructionQueue(CPU *cpu_ptr, IEW *iew_ptr, const BaseO3CPUParams ¶ms)
Constructs an IQ.
InstSeqNum squashedSeqNum[MaxThreads]
The sequence number of the squashed instruction.
void violation(const DynInstPtr &store, const DynInstPtr &faulting_load)
Indicates an ordering violation between a store and a load.
std::list< DynInstPtr >::iterator ListIt
bool hasReadyInsts()
Returns if there are any ready instructions in the IQ.
Cycles commitToIEWDelay
Delay between commit stage and the IQ.
void resetEntries()
Resets max entries for all threads.
int countInsts()
Debugging function to count how many entries are in the IQ.
std::list< ThreadID > * activeThreads
Pointer to list of active threads.
std::list< ListOrderEntry >::iterator ListOrderIt
void setActiveThreads(std::list< ThreadID > *at_ptr)
Sets active threads list.
void addToOrderList(OpClass op_class)
Add an op class to the age order list.
ThreadID numThreads
Number of Total Threads.
TimeBuffer< TimeStruct > * timeBuffer
The backwards time buffer.
void scheduleNonSpec(const InstSeqNum &inst)
Schedules a single specific non-speculative instruction.
std::vector< bool > regScoreboard
A cache of the recently woken registers.
void scheduleReadyInsts()
Schedules ready instructions, adding the ready ones (oldest first) to the queue to execute.
bool isFull()
Returns whether or not the IQ is full.
void printInsts()
Debug function to print all instructions.
void squash(ThreadID tid)
Squashes instructions for a thread.
IEW * iewStage
Pointer to IEW stage.
std::list< ListOrderEntry > listOrder
List that contains the age order of the oldest instruction of each ready queue.
Destructs the IQ.
void doSquash(ThreadID tid)
Does the actual squashing.
void setIssueToExecuteQueue(TimeBuffer< IssueStruct > *i2eQueue)
Sets the timer buffer between issue and execute.
int wbOutstanding
Number of instructions currently in flight to FUs.
void insert(const DynInstPtr &new_inst)
Inserts a new instruction into the IQ.
unsigned maxEntries[MaxThreads]
Max IQ Entries Per Thread.
CPU * cpu
Pointer to the CPU.
bool addToDependents(const DynInstPtr &new_inst)
Adds an instruction to the dependency graph, as a consumer.
int entryAmount(ThreadID num_threads)
Number of entries needed for given amount of threads.
DynInstPtr getInstToExecute()
Returns the oldest scheduled instruction, and removes it from the list of instructions waiting to exe...
DependencyGraph< DynInstPtr > dependGraph
ListOrderIt readyIt[Num_OpClasses]
Iterators of each ready queue.
void addToProducers(const DynInstPtr &new_inst)
Adds an instruction to the dependency graph, as a producer.
std::map< InstSeqNum, DynInstPtr >::iterator NonSpecMapIt
Memory dependency unit class.
A simple distribution stat.
This is a simple scalar statistic, like a counter.
A 2-Dimensional vecto of scalar stats.
A vector of scalar stats.
static constexpr int MaxThreads
RefCountingPtr< DynInst > DynInstPtr
Copyright (c) 2024 - Pranith Kumar Copyright (c) 2020 Inria All rights reserved.
int16_t ThreadID
Thread index/ID type.
static const OpClass Num_OpClasses
Declaration of Statistics objects.
statistics::Scalar intInstQueueReads
statistics::Scalar vecInstQueueWrites
statistics::Scalar fpInstQueueWrites
statistics::Scalar fpInstQueueReads
statistics::Scalar vecInstQueueReads
statistics::Scalar vecAluAccesses
statistics::Scalar intAluAccesses
statistics::Scalar vecInstQueueWakeupAccesses
statistics::Scalar intInstQueueWakeupAccesses
statistics::Scalar intInstQueueWrites
IQIOStats(statistics::Group *parent)
statistics::Scalar fpAluAccesses
statistics::Scalar fpInstQueueWakeupAccesses
statistics::Vector2d statIssuedInstType
Stat for total number issued for each instruction type.
statistics::Scalar floatInstsIssued
Stat for number of floating point instructions issued.
statistics::Vector fuBusy
Number of times the FU was busy.
statistics::Scalar instsAdded
Stat for number of instructions added.
statistics::Distribution numIssuedDist
Distribution of number of instructions in the queue.
statistics::Scalar nonSpecInstsAdded
Stat for number of non-speculative instructions added.
statistics::Scalar squashedInstsExamined
Stat for number of squashed instructions examined when squashing.
statistics::Scalar miscInstsIssued
Stat for number of miscellaneous instructions issued.
statistics::Scalar branchInstsIssued
Stat for number of branch instructions issued.
statistics::Formula fuBusyRate
Number of times the FU was busy per instruction issued.
statistics::Scalar memInstsIssued
Stat for number of memory instructions issued.
statistics::Scalar intInstsIssued
Stat for number of integer instructions issued.
statistics::Scalar instsIssued
statistics::Formula issueRate
Number of instructions issued per cycle.
IQStats(CPU *cpu, const unsigned &total_width)
statistics::Scalar squashedOperandsExamined
Stat for number of squashed instruction operands examined when squashing.
statistics::Scalar squashedInstsIssued
Stat for number of squashed instructions that were ready to issue.
statistics::Vector statFuBusy
Distribution of the cycles it takes to issue an instruction.
statistics::Scalar squashedNonSpecRemoved
Stat for number of non-speculative instructions removed due to a squash.
Entry for the list age ordering by op class.
Struct for comparing entries to be added to the priority queue.
bool operator()(const DynInstPtr &lhs, const DynInstPtr &rhs) const