using | RegIdArrayPtr = RegId(StaticInst::*)[] |
static unsigned | getCurSveVecLenInBits (ThreadContext *tc) |
static unsigned | getCurSveVecLenInQWords (ThreadContext *tc) |
template<typename T > |
static unsigned | getCurSveVecLen (ThreadContext *tc) |
static unsigned | getCurSmeVecLenInBits (ThreadContext *tc) |
static unsigned | getCurSmeVecLenInQWords (ThreadContext *tc) |
template<typename T > |
static unsigned | getCurSmeVecLen (ThreadContext *tc) |
static StaticInstPtr | nullStaticInstPtr |
| Pointer to a statically allocated "null" instruction object.
| TmeRegNone64 (const char *mnem, ArmISA::ExtMachInst machInst, OpClass __opClass, RegIndex _dest) |
std::string | generateDisassembly (Addr pc, const loader::SymbolTable *symtab) const |
| Internal function to generate disassembly string.
int32_t | shift_rm_imm (uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const |
int32_t | shift_rm_rs (uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const |
bool | shift_carry_imm (uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const |
bool | shift_carry_rs (uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const |
int64_t | shiftReg64 (uint64_t base, uint64_t shiftAmt, ArmShiftType type, uint8_t width) const |
int64_t | extendReg64 (uint64_t base, ArmExtendType type, uint64_t shiftAmt, uint8_t width) const |
| ArmStaticInst (const char *mnem, ExtMachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass) |
void | printIntReg (std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx, uint8_t opWidth=0) const |
| Print a register name for disassembly given the unique dependence tag number (FP or int).
void | printFloatReg (std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const |
void | printVecReg (std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx, bool isSveVecReg=false) const |
void | printVecPredReg (std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const |
void | printCCReg (std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const |
void | printMiscReg (std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const |
void | printMnemonic (std::ostream &os, const std::string &suffix="", bool withPred=true, bool withCond64=false, ConditionCode cond64=COND_UC) const |
void | printTarget (std::ostream &os, Addr target, const loader::SymbolTable *symtab) const |
void | printCondition (std::ostream &os, unsigned code, bool noImplicit=false) const |
void | printMemSymbol (std::ostream &os, const loader::SymbolTable *symtab, const std::string &prefix, const Addr addr, const std::string &suffix) const |
void | printShiftOperand (std::ostream &os, RegIndex rm, bool immShift, uint32_t shiftAmt, RegIndex rs, ArmShiftType type) const |
void | printExtendOperand (bool firstOperand, std::ostream &os, RegIndex rm, ArmExtendType type, int64_t shiftAmt) const |
void | printPFflags (std::ostream &os, int flag) const |
void | printDataInst (std::ostream &os, bool withImm) const |
void | printDataInst (std::ostream &os, bool withImm, bool immShift, bool s, RegIndex rd, RegIndex rn, RegIndex rm, RegIndex rs, uint32_t shiftAmt, ArmShiftType type, uint64_t imm) const |
void | advancePC (PCStateBase &pcState) const override |
void | advancePC (ThreadContext *tc) const override |
uint64_t | getEMI () const override |
std::unique_ptr< PCStateBase > | buildRetPC (const PCStateBase &cur_pc, const PCStateBase &call_pc) const override |
Fault | disabledFault () const |
bool | isWFxTrapping (ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel targetEL, bool isWfe) const |
Fault | softwareBreakpoint32 (ExecContext *xc, uint16_t imm) const |
| Trigger a Software Breakpoint.
Fault | advSIMDFPAccessTrap64 (ExceptionLevel el) const |
| Trap an access to Advanced SIMD or FP registers due to access control bits.
Fault | checkFPAdvSIMDTrap64 (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr) const |
| Check an Advaned SIMD access against CPTR_EL2 and CPTR_EL3.
Fault | checkFPAdvSIMDEnabled64 (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr) const |
| Check an Advaned SIMD access against CPACR_EL1, CPTR_EL2, and CPTR_EL3.
Fault | checkAdvSIMDOrFPEnabled32 (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr, NSACR nsacr, FPEXC fpexc, bool fpexc_check, bool advsimd) const |
| Check if a VFP/SIMD access from aarch32 should be allowed.
Fault | checkForWFxTrap32 (ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel tgtEl, bool isWfe) const |
| Check if WFE/WFI instruction execution in aarch32 should be trapped.
Fault | checkForWFxTrap64 (ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel tgtEl, bool isWfe) const |
| Check if WFE/WFI instruction execution in aarch64 should be trapped.
Fault | trapWFx (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, SCR scr, bool isWfe) const |
| WFE/WFI trapping helper function.
Fault | checkSETENDEnabled (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr) const |
| Check if SETEND instruction execution in aarch32 should be trapped.
Fault | undefinedFault32 (ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel el) const |
| UNDEFINED behaviour in AArch32.
Fault | undefinedFault64 (ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel el) const |
| UNDEFINED behaviour in AArch64.
Fault | sveAccessTrap (ExceptionLevel el) const |
| Trap an access to SVE registers due to access control bits.
Fault | checkSveEnabled (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr) const |
| Check an SVE access against CPACR_EL1, CPTR_EL2, and CPTR_EL3.
Fault | smeAccessTrap (ExceptionLevel el, uint32_t iss=0) const |
| Trap an access to SME registers due to access control bits.
Fault | checkSmeEnabled (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr) const |
| Check if SME is enabled by checking the SME and FP bits of CPACR_EL1, CPTR_EL2, and CPTR_EL3.
Fault | checkSmeAccess (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr) const |
| Check an SME access against CPACR_EL1, CPTR_EL2, and CPTR_EL3.
Fault | checkSveSmeEnabled (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr) const |
| Check an SVE access against CPACR_EL1, CPTR_EL2, and CPTR_EL3, but choosing the correct set of traps to check based on Streaming Mode.
CPSR | getPSTATEFromPSR (ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPSR spsr) const |
| Get the new PSTATE from a SPSR register in preparation for an exception return.
bool | generalExceptionsToAArch64 (ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel pstateEL) const |
| Return true if exceptions normally routed to EL1 are being handled at an Exception level using AArch64, because either EL1 is using AArch64 or TGE is in force and EL2 is using AArch64.
void | setRegIdxArrays (RegIdArrayPtr src, RegIdArrayPtr dest) |
| Set the pointers which point to the arrays of source and destination register indices.
| StaticInst (const char *_mnemonic, OpClass op_class) |
| Constructor.
template<typename T > |
size_t | simpleAsBytes (void *buf, size_t max_size, const T &t) |
template<int width> |
static bool | saturateOp (int32_t &res, int64_t op1, int64_t op2, bool sub=false) |
static bool | satInt (int32_t &res, int64_t op, int width) |
template<int width> |
static bool | uSaturateOp (uint32_t &res, int64_t op1, int64_t op2, bool sub=false) |
static bool | uSatInt (int32_t &res, int64_t op, int width) |
static void | activateBreakpoint (ThreadContext *tc) |
static uint32_t | cpsrWriteByInstr (CPSR cpsr, uint32_t val, SCR scr, NSACR nsacr, uint8_t byteMask, bool affectState, bool nmfi, ThreadContext *tc) |
static uint32_t | spsrWriteByInstr (uint32_t spsr, uint32_t val, uint8_t byteMask, bool affectState) |
static Addr | readPC (ExecContext *xc) |
static void | setNextPC (ExecContext *xc, Addr val) |
template<class T > |
static T | cSwap (T val, bool big) |
template<class T , class E > |
static T | cSwap (T val, bool big) |
static void | setIWNextPC (ExecContext *xc, Addr val) |
static void | setAIWNextPC (ExecContext *xc, Addr val) |
RegIndex | dest |
bool | aarch64 |
uint8_t | intWidth |
ExtMachInst | machInst |
std::bitset< Num_Flags > | flags |
| Flag values for this instruction.
OpClass | _opClass |
| See opClass().
uint8_t | _numSrcRegs = 0 |
| See numSrcRegs().
uint8_t | _numDestRegs = 0 |
| See numDestRegs().
std::array< uint8_t, MiscRegClass+1 > | _numTypedDestRegs = {} |
size_t | _size = 0 |
| Instruction size in bytes.
const char * | mnemonic |
| Base mnemonic (e.g., "add").
std::unique_ptr< std::string > | cachedDisassembly |
| String representation of disassembly (lazily evaluated via disassemble()).