gem5 v24.1.0.1
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gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer Class Referenceabstract

#include <GPUCoalescer.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer:
gem5::ruby::RubyPort gem5::ClockedObject gem5::SimObject gem5::Clocked gem5::EventManager gem5::Serializable gem5::Drainable gem5::statistics::Group gem5::Named gem5::ruby::VIPERCoalescer


class  GMTokenPort

Public Types

typedef RubyGPUCoalescerParams Params
- Public Types inherited from gem5::ruby::RubyPort
typedef RubyPortParams Params
- Public Types inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
using Params = ClockedObjectParams
 Parameters of ClockedObject.
- Public Types inherited from gem5::SimObject
typedef SimObjectParams Params

Public Member Functions

 GPUCoalescer (const Params &)
 ~GPUCoalescer ()
PortgetPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a port with a given name and index.
void wakeup ()
void printRequestTable (std::stringstream &ss)
void printProgress (std::ostream &out) const
void resetStats () override
 Callback to reset stats.
void collateStats ()
void writeCallback (Addr address, DataBlock &data)
void writeCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data)
void writeCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data, Cycles initialRequestTime, Cycles forwardRequestTime, Cycles firstResponseTime, bool isRegion)
void writeCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data, Cycles initialRequestTime, Cycles forwardRequestTime, Cycles firstResponseTime)
void writeCompleteCallback (Addr address, uint64_t instSeqNum, MachineType mach)
void readCallback (Addr address, DataBlock &data)
void readCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data, bool externalHit)
void readCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data, Cycles initialRequestTime, Cycles forwardRequestTime, Cycles firstResponseTime, bool externalHit)
void readCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data, Cycles initialRequestTime, Cycles forwardRequestTime, Cycles firstResponseTime, bool isRegion, bool externalHit)
virtual void atomicCallback (Addr address, MachineType mach, const DataBlock &data)
RequestStatus makeRequest (PacketPtr pkt) override
int outstandingCount () const override
bool isDeadlockEventScheduled () const override
void descheduleDeadlockEvent () override
bool empty () const
void print (std::ostream &out) const
void evictionCallback (Addr address)
void completeIssue ()
void insertKernel (int wavefront_id, PacketPtr pkt)
RubySystemgetRubySystem ()
GMTokenPortgetGMTokenPort ()
statistics::HistogramgetOutstandReqHist ()
statistics::HistogramgetLatencyHist ()
statistics::HistogramgetTypeLatencyHist (uint32_t t)
statistics::HistogramgetMissLatencyHist ()
statistics::HistogramgetMissTypeLatencyHist (uint32_t t)
statistics::HistogramgetMissMachLatencyHist (uint32_t t) const
statistics::HistogramgetMissTypeMachLatencyHist (uint32_t r, uint32_t t) const
statistics::HistogramgetIssueToInitialDelayHist (uint32_t t) const
statistics::HistogramgetInitialToForwardDelayHist (const MachineType t) const
statistics::HistogramgetForwardRequestToFirstResponseHist (const MachineType t) const
statistics::HistogramgetFirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist (const MachineType t) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::ruby::RubyPort
 RubyPort (const Params &p)
virtual ~RubyPort ()
void init () override
 init() is called after all C++ SimObjects have been created and all ports are connected.
PortgetPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a port with a given name and index.
void setController (AbstractController *_cntrl)
uint32_t getId ()
DrainState drain () override
 Draining is the process of clearing out the states of SimObjects.These are the SimObjects that are partially executed or are partially in flight.
bool isCPUSequencer ()
virtual int functionalWrite (Packet *func_pkt)
Addr getOffset (Addr addr) const
Addr makeLineAddress (Addr addr) const
std::string printAddress (Addr addr) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
 ClockedObject (const ClockedObjectParams &p)
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::SimObject
const Paramsparams () const
 SimObject (const Params &p)
virtual ~SimObject ()
virtual void loadState (CheckpointIn &cp)
 loadState() is called on each SimObject when restoring from a checkpoint.
virtual void initState ()
 initState() is called on each SimObject when not restoring from a checkpoint.
virtual void regProbePoints ()
 Register probe points for this object.
virtual void regProbeListeners ()
 Register probe listeners for this object.
ProbeManagergetProbeManager ()
 Get the probe manager for this object.
virtual void startup ()
 startup() is the final initialization call before simulation.
DrainState drain () override
 Provide a default implementation of the drain interface for objects that don't need draining.
virtual void memWriteback ()
 Write back dirty buffers to memory using functional writes.
virtual void memInvalidate ()
 Invalidate the contents of memory buffers.
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::EventManager
EventQueueeventQueue () const
void schedule (Event &event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event &event)
void reschedule (Event &event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void schedule (Event *event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event *event)
void reschedule (Event *event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void wakeupEventQueue (Tick when=(Tick) -1)
 This function is not needed by the usual gem5 event loop but may be necessary in derived EventQueues which host gem5 on other schedulers.
void setCurTick (Tick newVal)
 EventManager (EventManager &em)
 Event manger manages events in the event queue.
 EventManager (EventManager *em)
 EventManager (EventQueue *eq)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Serializable
 Serializable ()
virtual ~Serializable ()
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const char *name) const
 Serialize an object into a new section.
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const std::string &name) const
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const char *name)
 Unserialize an a child object.
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const std::string &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Drainable
DrainState drainState () const
 Return the current drain state of an object.
virtual void notifyFork ()
 Notify a child process of a fork.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::statistics::Group
 Group (Group *parent, const char *name=nullptr)
 Construct a new statistics group.
virtual ~Group ()
virtual void regStats ()
 Callback to set stat parameters.
virtual void preDumpStats ()
 Callback before stats are dumped.
void addStat (statistics::Info *info)
 Register a stat with this group.
const std::map< std::string, Group * > & getStatGroups () const
 Get all child groups associated with this object.
const std::vector< Info * > & getStats () const
 Get all stats associated with this object.
void addStatGroup (const char *name, Group *block)
 Add a stat block as a child of this block.
const InforesolveStat (std::string name) const
 Resolve a stat by its name within this group.
void mergeStatGroup (Group *block)
 Merge the contents (stats & children) of a block to this block.
 Group (const Group &)=delete
Groupoperator= (const Group &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Named
 Named (const std::string &name_)
virtual ~Named ()=default
virtual std::string name () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Clocked
void updateClockPeriod ()
 Update the tick to the current tick.
Tick clockEdge (Cycles cycles=Cycles(0)) const
 Determine the tick when a cycle begins, by default the current one, but the argument also enables the caller to determine a future cycle.
Cycles curCycle () const
 Determine the current cycle, corresponding to a tick aligned to a clock edge.
Tick nextCycle () const
 Based on the clock of the object, determine the start tick of the first cycle that is at least one cycle in the future.
uint64_t frequency () const
Tick clockPeriod () const
double voltage () const
Cycles ticksToCycles (Tick t) const
Tick cyclesToTicks (Cycles c) const

Protected Member Functions

bool tryCacheAccess (Addr addr, RubyRequestType type, Addr pc, RubyAccessMode access_mode, int size, DataBlock *&data_ptr)
virtual void issueRequest (CoalescedRequest *crequest)=0
virtual void issueMemSyncRequest (PacketPtr pkt)
void kernelCallback (int wavefront_id)
void hitCallback (CoalescedRequest *crequest, MachineType mach, DataBlock &data, bool success, Cycles initialRequestTime, Cycles forwardRequestTime, Cycles firstResponseTime, bool isRegion, bool externalHit)
void recordMissLatency (CoalescedRequest *crequest, MachineType mach, Cycles initialRequestTime, Cycles forwardRequestTime, Cycles firstResponseTime, bool success, bool isRegion)
void completeHitCallback (std::vector< PacketPtr > &mylist)
virtual RubyRequestType getRequestType (PacketPtr pkt)
GPUDynInstPtr getDynInst (PacketPtr pkt) const
bool coalescePacket (PacketPtr pkt)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::ruby::RubyPort
void trySendRetries ()
void ruby_hit_callback (PacketPtr pkt)
void ruby_unaddressed_callback (PacketPtr pkt)
void ruby_stale_translation_callback (Addr txnId)
void testDrainComplete ()
void ruby_eviction_callback (Addr address)
bool recvTimingResp (PacketPtr pkt, PortID request_port_id)
 Called by the PIO port when receiving a timing response.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::Drainable
 Drainable ()
virtual ~Drainable ()
virtual void drainResume ()
 Resume execution after a successful drain.
void signalDrainDone () const
 Signal that an object is drained.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::Clocked
 Clocked (ClockDomain &clk_domain)
 Create a clocked object and set the clock domain based on the parameters.
 Clocked (Clocked &)=delete
Clockedoperator= (Clocked &)=delete
virtual ~Clocked ()
 Virtual destructor due to inheritance.
void resetClock () const
 Reset the object's clock using the current global tick value.
virtual void clockPeriodUpdated ()
 A hook subclasses can implement so they can do any extra work that's needed when the clock rate is changed.

Protected Attributes

EventFunctionWrapper issueEvent
int m_max_outstanding_requests
Cycles m_deadlock_threshold
int coalescingWindow
UncoalescedTable uncoalescedTable
std::map< Addr, std::deque< CoalescedRequest * > > coalescedTable
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::deque< CoalescedRequest * > > coalescedReqs
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, PendingWriteInstpendingWriteInsts
int m_outstanding_count
bool m_deadlock_check_scheduled
std::unordered_map< int, PacketPtrkernelEndList
std::vector< int > newKernelEnds
int m_store_waiting_on_load_cycles
int m_store_waiting_on_store_cycles
int m_load_waiting_on_store_cycles
int m_load_waiting_on_load_cycles
bool m_runningGarnetStandalone
EventFunctionWrapper deadlockCheckEvent
bool assumingRfOCoherence
statistics::Histogram m_outstandReqHist
 Histogram for number of outstanding requests per cycle.
statistics::Histogram m_latencyHist
 Histogram for holding latency profile of all requests.
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_typeLatencyHist
statistics::Histogram m_missLatencyHist
 Histogram for holding latency profile of all requests that miss in the controller connected to this sequencer.
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_missTypeLatencyHist
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_missMachLatencyHist
 Histograms for profiling the latencies for requests that required external messages.
std::vector< std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > > m_missTypeMachLatencyHist
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_IssueToInitialDelayHist
 Histograms for recording the breakdown of miss latency.
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_InitialToForwardDelayHist
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_ForwardToFirstResponseDelayHist
std::vector< statistics::Histogram * > m_FirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::ruby::RubyPort
uint32_t m_version
bool m_usingRubyTester
std::vector< MemResponsePort * > response_ports
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::SimObject
const SimObjectParams & _params
 Cached copy of the object parameters.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::EventManager
 A pointer to this object's event queue.

Private Member Functions

 GPUCoalescer (const GPUCoalescer &obj)
GPUCoalesceroperator= (const GPUCoalescer &obj)

Private Attributes

GMTokenPort gmTokenPort

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::SimObject
static void serializeAll (const std::string &cpt_dir)
 Create a checkpoint by serializing all SimObjects in the system.
static SimObjectfind (const char *name)
 Find the SimObject with the given name and return a pointer to it.
static void setSimObjectResolver (SimObjectResolver *resolver)
 There is a single object name resolver, and it is only set when simulation is restoring from checkpoints.
static SimObjectResolvergetSimObjectResolver ()
 There is a single object name resolver, and it is only set when simulation is restoring from checkpoints.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Serializable
static const std::string & currentSection ()
 Gets the fully-qualified name of the active section.
static void generateCheckpointOut (const std::string &cpt_dir, std::ofstream &outstream)
 Generate a checkpoint file so that the serialization can be routed to it.
- Public Attributes inherited from gem5::ClockedObject

Detailed Description

Definition at line 216 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Params

typedef RubyGPUCoalescerParams gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::Params

Definition at line 239 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GPUCoalescer() [1/2]

gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::GPUCoalescer ( const Params p)

Definition at line 208 of file

References completeIssue().

◆ ~GPUCoalescer()

gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::~GPUCoalescer ( )

Definition at line 289 of file

◆ GPUCoalescer() [2/2]

gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::GPUCoalescer ( const GPUCoalescer obj)

Member Function Documentation

◆ atomicCallback()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::atomicCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
const DataBlock data 

◆ coalescePacket()

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::coalescePacket ( PacketPtr  pkt)

◆ collateStats()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::collateStats ( )

◆ completeHitCallback()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::completeHitCallback ( std::vector< PacketPtr > &  mylist)

◆ completeIssue()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::completeIssue ( )

◆ descheduleDeadlockEvent()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::descheduleDeadlockEvent ( )

Implements gem5::ruby::RubyPort.

Definition at line 330 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References deadlockCheckEvent, and gem5::EventManager::deschedule().

◆ empty()

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::empty ( ) const

Definition at line 644 of file

References coalescedTable.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::VIPERCoalescer::writeCompleteCallback().

◆ evictionCallback()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::evictionCallback ( Addr  address)

Definition at line 937 of file

References gem5::ruby::RubyPort::ruby_eviction_callback().

◆ getDynInst()

GPUDynInstPtr gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getDynInst ( PacketPtr  pkt) const

◆ getFirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getFirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist ( const MachineType  t) const

◆ getForwardRequestToFirstResponseHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getForwardRequestToFirstResponseHist ( const MachineType  t) const

◆ getGMTokenPort()

GMTokenPort & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getGMTokenPort ( )

Definition at line 346 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References gmTokenPort.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::UncoalescedTable::updateResources().

◆ getInitialToForwardDelayHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getInitialToForwardDelayHist ( const MachineType  t) const

Definition at line 370 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_InitialToForwardDelayHist, and gem5::ArmISA::t.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getIssueToInitialDelayHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getIssueToInitialDelayHist ( uint32_t  t) const

Definition at line 366 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_IssueToInitialDelayHist, and gem5::ArmISA::t.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getLatencyHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getLatencyHist ( )

Definition at line 350 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_latencyHist.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getMissLatencyHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getMissLatencyHist ( )

Definition at line 354 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_missLatencyHist.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getMissMachLatencyHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getMissMachLatencyHist ( uint32_t  t) const

Definition at line 359 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_missMachLatencyHist, and gem5::ArmISA::t.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getMissTypeLatencyHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getMissTypeLatencyHist ( uint32_t  t)

Definition at line 356 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_missTypeLatencyHist, and gem5::ArmISA::t.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getMissTypeMachLatencyHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getMissTypeMachLatencyHist ( uint32_t  r,
uint32_t  t 
) const

◆ getOutstandReqHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getOutstandReqHist ( )

Definition at line 348 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_outstandReqHist.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ getPort()

Port & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getPort ( const std::string &  if_name,
PortID  idx = InvalidPortID 

Get a port with a given name and index.

This is used at binding time and returns a reference to a protocol-agnostic port.

gem5 has a request and response port interface. All memory objects are connected together via ports. These ports provide a rigid interface between these memory objects. These ports implement three different memory system modes: timing, atomic, and functional. The most important mode is the timing mode and here timing mode is used for conducting cycle-level timing experiments. The other modes are only used in special circumstances and should not be used to conduct cycle-level timing experiments. The other modes are only used in special circumstances. These ports allow SimObjects to communicate with each other.

if_namePort name
idxIndex in the case of a VectorPort
A reference to the given port

Reimplemented from gem5::SimObject.

Definition at line 294 of file

References gem5::ruby::RubyPort::getPort(), and gmTokenPort.

◆ getRequestType()

RubyRequestType gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getRequestType ( PacketPtr  pkt)

◆ getRubySystem()

RubySystem * gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getRubySystem ( )

◆ getTypeLatencyHist()

statistics::Histogram & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::getTypeLatencyHist ( uint32_t  t)

Definition at line 351 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_typeLatencyHist, and gem5::ArmISA::t.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::Profiler::collateStats().

◆ hitCallback()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::hitCallback ( CoalescedRequest crequest,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data,
bool  success,
Cycles  initialRequestTime,
Cycles  forwardRequestTime,
Cycles  firstResponseTime,
bool  isRegion,
bool  externalHit = false 

◆ insertKernel()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::insertKernel ( int  wavefront_id,
PacketPtr  pkt 

Definition at line 387 of file

References DPRINTF, and kernelEndList.

◆ isDeadlockEventScheduled()

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::isDeadlockEventScheduled ( ) const

Implements gem5::ruby::RubyPort.

Definition at line 324 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References deadlockCheckEvent, and gem5::Event::scheduled().

◆ issueMemSyncRequest()

virtual void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::issueMemSyncRequest ( PacketPtr  pkt)

Definition at line 389 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by makeRequest().

◆ issueRequest()

virtual void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::issueRequest ( CoalescedRequest crequest)
protectedpure virtual

◆ kernelCallback()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::kernelCallback ( int  wavefront_id)

Definition at line 943 of file

References kernelEndList, and gem5::ruby::RubyPort::ruby_hit_callback().

Referenced by completeIssue().

◆ makeRequest()

RequestStatus gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::makeRequest ( PacketPtr  pkt)

◆ operator=()

GPUCoalescer & gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::operator= ( const GPUCoalescer obj)

◆ outstandingCount()

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::outstandingCount ( ) const

Implements gem5::ruby::RubyPort.

Definition at line 321 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

References m_outstanding_count.

◆ print()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::print ( std::ostream &  out) const

Definition at line 751 of file

References m_outstanding_count, and gem5::ruby::RubyPort::m_version.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::operator<<().

◆ printProgress()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::printProgress ( std::ostream &  out) const

Definition at line 381 of file

◆ printRequestTable()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::printRequestTable ( std::stringstream &  ss)

◆ readCallback() [1/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::readCallback ( Addr  address,
DataBlock data 

Definition at line 487 of file

References data, and readCallback().

Referenced by readCallback(), readCallback(), and readCallback().

◆ readCallback() [2/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::readCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data,
bool  externalHit = false 

Definition at line 493 of file

References data, and readCallback().

◆ readCallback() [3/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::readCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data,
Cycles  initialRequestTime,
Cycles  forwardRequestTime,
Cycles  firstResponseTime,
bool  externalHit = false 

Definition at line 502 of file

References data, and readCallback().

◆ readCallback() [4/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::readCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data,
Cycles  initialRequestTime,
Cycles  forwardRequestTime,
Cycles  firstResponseTime,
bool  isRegion,
bool  externalHit = false 

◆ recordMissLatency()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::recordMissLatency ( CoalescedRequest crequest,
MachineType  mach,
Cycles  initialRequestTime,
Cycles  forwardRequestTime,
Cycles  firstResponseTime,
bool  success,
bool  isRegion 

Definition at line 1028 of file

Referenced by hitCallback().

◆ resetStats()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::resetStats ( )

◆ tryCacheAccess()

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::tryCacheAccess ( Addr  addr,
RubyRequestType  type,
Addr  pc,
RubyAccessMode  access_mode,
int  size,
DataBlock *&  data_ptr 

◆ wakeup()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::wakeup ( )

◆ writeCallback() [1/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::writeCallback ( Addr  address,
DataBlock data 

Definition at line 401 of file

References data, and writeCallback().

Referenced by writeCallback(), writeCallback(), and writeCallback().

◆ writeCallback() [2/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::writeCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data 

Definition at line 407 of file

References data, and writeCallback().

◆ writeCallback() [3/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::writeCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data,
Cycles  initialRequestTime,
Cycles  forwardRequestTime,
Cycles  firstResponseTime 

Definition at line 415 of file

References data, and writeCallback().

◆ writeCallback() [4/4]

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::writeCallback ( Addr  address,
MachineType  mach,
DataBlock data,
Cycles  initialRequestTime,
Cycles  forwardRequestTime,
Cycles  firstResponseTime,
bool  isRegion 

◆ writeCompleteCallback()

void gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::writeCompleteCallback ( Addr  address,
uint64_t  instSeqNum,
MachineType  mach 

Member Data Documentation

◆ assumingRfOCoherence

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::assumingRfOCoherence

Definition at line 469 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ coalescedReqs

std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::deque<CoalescedRequest*> > gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::coalescedReqs

Definition at line 448 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by coalescePacket(), and completeIssue().

◆ coalescedTable

std::map<Addr, std::deque<CoalescedRequest*> > gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::coalescedTable

◆ coalescingWindow

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::coalescingWindow

Definition at line 432 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by completeIssue().

◆ deadlockCheckEvent

EventFunctionWrapper gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::deadlockCheckEvent

◆ gmTokenPort

GMTokenPort gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::gmTokenPort

Definition at line 537 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getGMTokenPort(), and getPort().

◆ issueEvent

EventFunctionWrapper gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::issueEvent

Definition at line 421 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by completeHitCallback(), and makeRequest().

◆ kernelEndList

std::unordered_map<int, PacketPtr> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::kernelEndList

Definition at line 458 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by insertKernel(), and kernelCallback().

◆ m_dataCache_ptr

CacheMemory* gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_dataCache_ptr

Definition at line 427 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::VIPERCoalescer::invTCP().

◆ m_deadlock_check_scheduled

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_deadlock_check_scheduled

Definition at line 457 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_deadlock_threshold

Cycles gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_deadlock_threshold

Definition at line 425 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by gem5::ruby::VIPERCoalescer::issueRequest(), and wakeup().

◆ m_FirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_FirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist

Definition at line 516 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getFirstResponseToCompletionDelayHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_ForwardToFirstResponseDelayHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_ForwardToFirstResponseDelayHist

Definition at line 515 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getForwardRequestToFirstResponseHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_InitialToForwardDelayHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_InitialToForwardDelayHist

Definition at line 514 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getInitialToForwardDelayHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_instCache_ptr

CacheMemory* gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_instCache_ptr

Definition at line 428 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_IssueToInitialDelayHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_IssueToInitialDelayHist

Histograms for recording the breakdown of miss latency.

Definition at line 513 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getIssueToInitialDelayHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_latencyHist

statistics::Histogram gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_latencyHist

Histogram for holding latency profile of all requests.

Definition at line 498 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getLatencyHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_load_waiting_on_load_cycles

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_load_waiting_on_load_cycles

Definition at line 464 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_load_waiting_on_store_cycles

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_load_waiting_on_store_cycles

Definition at line 463 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_max_outstanding_requests

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_max_outstanding_requests

Definition at line 424 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by coalescePacket().

◆ m_missLatencyHist

statistics::Histogram gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_missLatencyHist

Histogram for holding latency profile of all requests that miss in the controller connected to this sequencer.

Definition at line 503 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getMissLatencyHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_missMachLatencyHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_missMachLatencyHist

Histograms for profiling the latencies for requests that required external messages.

Definition at line 508 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getMissMachLatencyHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_missTypeLatencyHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_missTypeLatencyHist

Definition at line 504 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getMissTypeLatencyHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_missTypeMachLatencyHist

std::vector<std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> > gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_missTypeMachLatencyHist

Definition at line 510 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getMissTypeMachLatencyHist(), and resetStats().

◆ m_outstanding_count

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_outstanding_count

Definition at line 456 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by coalescePacket(), hitCallback(), outstandingCount(), print(), and wakeup().

◆ m_outstandReqHist

statistics::Histogram gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_outstandReqHist

Histogram for number of outstanding requests per cycle.

Definition at line 495 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getOutstandReqHist().

◆ m_runningGarnetStandalone

bool gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_runningGarnetStandalone

Definition at line 466 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_store_waiting_on_load_cycles

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_store_waiting_on_load_cycles

Definition at line 461 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_store_waiting_on_store_cycles

int gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_store_waiting_on_store_cycles

Definition at line 462 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

◆ m_typeLatencyHist

std::vector<statistics::Histogram *> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::m_typeLatencyHist

Definition at line 499 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by getTypeLatencyHist(), and resetStats().

◆ newKernelEnds

std::vector<int> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::newKernelEnds

Definition at line 459 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by completeIssue().

◆ pendingWriteInsts

std::unordered_map<uint64_t, PendingWriteInst> gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::pendingWriteInsts

Definition at line 453 of file GPUCoalescer.hh.

Referenced by coalescePacket(), and writeCompleteCallback().

◆ uncoalescedTable

UncoalescedTable gem5::ruby::GPUCoalescer::uncoalescedTable

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Mon Jan 13 2025 04:29:12 for gem5 by doxygen 1.9.8