gem5 v24.0.0.0
No Matches
gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst Class Reference

#include <static_inst.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst:
gem5::StaticInst gem5::RefCounted gem5::PowerISA::CondLogicOp gem5::PowerISA::CondMoveOp gem5::PowerISA::FloatOp gem5::PowerISA::IntOp gem5::PowerISA::MemOp gem5::PowerISA::MiscOp gem5::PowerISA::PCDependentDisassembly gem5::PowerISA::IntArithOp gem5::PowerISA::IntCompOp gem5::PowerISA::IntConcatShiftOp gem5::PowerISA::IntImmOp gem5::PowerISA::IntLogicOp gem5::PowerISA::IntShiftOp gem5::PowerISA::IntTrapOp gem5::PowerISA::MemDispOp gem5::PowerISA::MemDispShiftOp gem5::PowerISA::MemIndexOp gem5::PowerISA::BranchCondOp gem5::PowerISA::BranchOp

Protected Member Functions

 PowerStaticInst (const char *mnem, ExtMachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass)
uint32_t insertCRField (uint32_t cr, uint32_t bf, uint32_t value) const
void printReg (std::ostream &os, RegId reg) const
 Print a register name for disassembly given the unique dependence tag number (FP or int).
std::string generateDisassembly (Addr pc, const loader::SymbolTable *symtab) const override
 Internal function to generate disassembly string.
void advancePC (PCStateBase &pc_state) const override
void advancePC (ThreadContext *tc) const override
std::unique_ptr< PCStateBasebuildRetPC (const PCStateBase &cur_pc, const PCStateBase &call_pc) const override
size_t asBytes (void *buf, size_t max_size) override
 Instruction classes can override this function to return a a representation of themselves as a blob of bytes, generally assumed to be that instructions ExtMachInst.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::StaticInst
void setRegIdxArrays (RegIdArrayPtr src, RegIdArrayPtr dest)
 Set the pointers which point to the arrays of source and destination register indices.
 StaticInst (const char *_mnemonic, OpClass op_class)
template<typename T >
size_t simpleAsBytes (void *buf, size_t max_size, const T &t)

Protected Attributes

ExtMachInst machInst
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::StaticInst
std::bitset< Num_Flags > flags
 Flag values for this instruction.
OpClass _opClass
 See opClass().
uint8_t _numSrcRegs = 0
 See numSrcRegs().
uint8_t _numDestRegs = 0
 See numDestRegs().
std::array< uint8_t, MiscRegClass+1 > _numTypedDestRegs = {}
size_t _size = 0
 Instruction size in bytes.
const char * mnemonic
 Base mnemonic (e.g., "add").
std::unique_ptr< std::string > cachedDisassembly
 String representation of disassembly (lazily evaluated via disassemble()).

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from gem5::StaticInst
using RegIdArrayPtr = RegId (StaticInst:: *)[]
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::StaticInst
uint8_t numSrcRegs () const
 Number of source registers.
uint8_t numDestRegs () const
 Number of destination registers.
uint8_t numDestRegs (RegClassType type) const
 Number of destination registers of a particular type.
bool isNop () const
bool isMemRef () const
bool isLoad () const
bool isStore () const
bool isAtomic () const
bool isStoreConditional () const
bool isInstPrefetch () const
bool isDataPrefetch () const
bool isPrefetch () const
bool isInteger () const
bool isFloating () const
bool isVector () const
bool isMatrix () const
bool isControl () const
bool isCall () const
bool isReturn () const
bool isDirectCtrl () const
bool isIndirectCtrl () const
bool isCondCtrl () const
bool isUncondCtrl () const
bool isSerializing () const
bool isSerializeBefore () const
bool isSerializeAfter () const
bool isSquashAfter () const
bool isFullMemBarrier () const
bool isReadBarrier () const
bool isWriteBarrier () const
bool isNonSpeculative () const
bool isQuiesce () const
bool isUnverifiable () const
bool isPseudo () const
bool isSyscall () const
bool isMacroop () const
bool isMicroop () const
bool isDelayedCommit () const
bool isLastMicroop () const
bool isFirstMicroop () const
bool isHtmStart () const
bool isHtmStop () const
bool isHtmCancel () const
bool isInvalid () const
bool isHtmCmd () const
void setFirstMicroop ()
void setLastMicroop ()
void setDelayedCommit ()
void setFlag (Flags f)
OpClass opClass () const
 Operation class. Used to select appropriate function unit in issue.
const RegIddestRegIdx (int i) const
 Return logical index (architectural reg num) of i'th destination reg.
void setDestRegIdx (int i, const RegId &val)
const RegIdsrcRegIdx (int i) const
 Return logical index (architectural reg num) of i'th source reg.
void setSrcRegIdx (int i, const RegId &val)
virtual uint64_t getEMI () const
virtual ~StaticInst ()
virtual Fault execute (ExecContext *xc, trace::InstRecord *traceData) const =0
virtual Fault initiateAcc (ExecContext *xc, trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
virtual Fault completeAcc (Packet *pkt, ExecContext *xc, trace::InstRecord *trace_data) const
size_t size () const
virtual void size (size_t newSize)
virtual StaticInstPtr fetchMicroop (MicroPC upc) const
 Return the microop that goes with a particular micropc.
virtual std::unique_ptr< PCStateBasebranchTarget (const PCStateBase &pc) const
 Return the target address for a PC-relative branch.
virtual std::unique_ptr< PCStateBasebranchTarget (ThreadContext *tc) const
 Return the target address for an indirect branch (jump).
virtual const std::string & disassemble (Addr pc, const loader::SymbolTable *symtab=nullptr) const
 Return string representation of disassembled instruction.
void printFlags (std::ostream &outs, const std::string &separator) const
 Print a separator separated list of this instruction's set flag names on the given stream.
std::string getName ()
 Return name of machine instruction.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::RefCounted
 RefCounted ()
 We initialize the reference count to zero and the first object to take ownership of it must increment it to one.
virtual ~RefCounted ()
 We make the destructor virtual because we're likely to have virtual functions on reference counted objects.
void incref () const
 Increment the reference count.
void decref () const
 Decrement the reference count and destroy the object if all references are gone.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from gem5::StaticInst
static StaticInstPtr nullStaticInstPtr
 Pointer to a statically allocated "null" instruction object.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file static_inst.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PowerStaticInst()

gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::PowerStaticInst ( const char * mnem,
ExtMachInst _machInst,
OpClass __opClass )

Definition at line 50 of file static_inst.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ advancePC() [1/2]

void gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::advancePC ( PCStateBase & pc_state) const

Implements gem5::StaticInst.

Definition at line 73 of file static_inst.hh.

References gem5::PCStateBase::as().

◆ advancePC() [2/2]

void gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::advancePC ( ThreadContext * tc) const

◆ asBytes()

size_t gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::asBytes ( void * buf,
size_t max_size )

Instruction classes can override this function to return a a representation of themselves as a blob of bytes, generally assumed to be that instructions ExtMachInst.

buf is a buffer to hold the bytes. max_size is the size allocated for that buffer by the caller. The return value is how much data was actually put into the buffer, zero if no data was put in the buffer, or the necessary size of the buffer if there wasn't enough space.

Reimplemented from gem5::StaticInst.

Definition at line 96 of file static_inst.hh.

References machInst, and gem5::StaticInst::simpleAsBytes().

◆ buildRetPC()

std::unique_ptr< PCStateBase > gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::buildRetPC ( const PCStateBase & cur_pc,
const PCStateBase & call_pc ) const

Reimplemented from gem5::StaticInst.

Definition at line 87 of file static_inst.hh.

References gem5::PCStateBase::as(), and gem5::PCStateBase::clone().

◆ generateDisassembly()

std::string gem5::PowerStaticInst::generateDisassembly ( Addr pc,
const loader::SymbolTable * symtab ) const

Internal function to generate disassembly string.

Implements gem5::StaticInst.

Definition at line 65 of file

References gem5::ccprintf(), gem5::StaticInst::mnemonic, and gem5::ArmISA::ss.

Referenced by gem5::PowerISA::PCDependentDisassembly::disassemble().

◆ insertCRField()

uint32_t gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::insertCRField ( uint32_t cr,
uint32_t bf,
uint32_t value ) const

Definition at line 57 of file static_inst.hh.

References gem5::PowerISA::bf, gem5::bits(), and gem5::ArmISA::mask.

◆ printReg()

Member Data Documentation

◆ machInst

ExtMachInst gem5::PowerISA::PowerStaticInst::machInst

Definition at line 47 of file static_inst.hh.

Referenced by asBytes().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Jun 18 2024 16:24:20 for gem5 by doxygen 1.11.0