53#include "params/ArmTableWalker.hh"
83 virtual bool xn()
const = 0;
84 virtual uint8_t
const = 0;
93 panic(
"texcb() not implemented for this class\n");
97 panic(
"shareable() not implemented for this class\n");
129 return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*
141 return "Inserting Section Descriptor into TLB\n";
168 panic(
"Super sections not implemented\n");
177 panic(
"Super sections not implemented\n");
186 panic(
"Super sections not implemented\n");
304 return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*
316 return "Inserting L2 Descriptor into TLB\n";
334 return large() ? 16 : 12;
462 return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*
477 return "Inserting Page descriptor into TLB\n";
480 return "Inserting Block descriptor into TLB\n";
482 return "Inserting Table descriptor into TLB\n";
484 panic(
"Trying to insert and invalid descriptor\n");
500 return have_security &&
564 panic(
"Invalid AArch64 VM granule size\n");
573 panic(
"Invalid AArch64 VM granule size\n");
579 panic(
"AArch64 page table entry must be block or page\n");
610 Addr table_address = 0;
615 table_address |=
data, 15, 12) << 48;
620 return table_address;
632 int va_hi = va_lo +
stride - 1;
744 return ((!
rw) << 2) | (
user << 1);
1066 Stage2Walk *translation,
int num_bytes,
1164 uint8_t texcb,
bool s);
1166 LongDescriptor &lDescriptor);
1168 LongDescriptor &lDescriptor);
1223 int tsz,
bool low_range);
Generic fault source enums used to index into {short/long/aarch64}DescFaultSources[] to get the actua...
static bool hasUnprivRegime(TranslationRegime regime)
virtual bool global(WalkerState *currState) const =0
virtual bool xn() const =0
virtual uint8_t * getRawPtr()=0
virtual uint64_t getRawData() const =0
virtual DomainType domain() const =0
virtual uint8_t texcb() const
virtual std::string dbgHeader() const =0
virtual uint8_t ap() const =0
virtual bool shareable() const
virtual uint8_t offsetBits() const =0
virtual Addr pfn() const =0
LookupLevel lookupLevel
Current lookup level for this descriptor.
virtual bool secure(bool have_security, WalkerState *currState) const =0
uint64_t getRawData() const override
Type of page table entry ARM DDI 0406B: B3-8.
void setAp0()
Set access flag that this entry has been touched.
bool dirty() const
This entry needs to be written back to memory.
uint8_t * getRawPtr() override
Addr paddr(Addr va) const
Return the physcal address of the entry, bits in position.
uint32_t data
The raw bits of the entry.
bool supersection() const
Is the page a Supersection (16 MiB)?
bool secure(bool have_security, WalkerState *currState) const override
Returns true if this entry targets the secure physical address map.
bool xn() const override
Is the translation not allow execution?
Default ctor.
Addr l2Addr() const
Address of L2 descriptor if it exists.
bool global(WalkerState *currState) const override
Is the translation global (no asid used)?
DomainType domain() const override
Domain Client/Manager: ARM DDI 0406B: B3-31.
Addr pfn() const override
Return the physical frame, bits shifted right.
bool shareable() const override
If the section is shareable.
uint8_t texcb() const override
Memory region attributes: ARM DDI 0406B: B3-32.
uint8_t ap() const override
Three bit access protection flags.
bool _dirty
This entry has been modified (access flag set) and needs to be written back to memory.
Addr paddr() const
Return the physcal address of the entry, bits in position.
std::string dbgHeader() const override
uint8_t offsetBits() const override
Level 2 page table descriptor.
bool xn() const override
Is execution allowed on this mapping?
uint64_t getRawData() const override
uint8_t ap() const override
Three bit access protection flags.
bool global(WalkerState *currState) const override
Is the translation global (no asid used)?
L2Descriptor(L1Descriptor &parent)
Default ctor.
void setAp0()
Set access flag that this entry has been touched.
Addr pfn() const override
Return the physical frame, bits shifted right.
uint8_t offsetBits() const override
bool secure(bool have_security, WalkerState *currState) const override
std::string dbgHeader() const override
bool _dirty
This entry has been modified (access flag set) and needs to be written back to memory.
uint32_t data
The raw bits of the entry.
bool shareable() const override
If the section is shareable.
bool invalid() const
Is the entry invalid.
bool large() const
What is the size of the mapping?
uint8_t texcb() const override
Memory region attributes: ARM DDI 0406B: B3-32.
Addr paddr(Addr va) const
Return complete physical address given a VA.
DomainType domain() const override
uint8_t * getRawPtr() override
bool dirty() const
This entry needs to be written back to memory.
Long-descriptor format (LPAE)
uint8_t sh() const
2-bit shareability field
uint8_t memAttr() const
Memory attributes, only used by stage 2 translations.
uint8_t rwTable() const
R/W protection flag for subsequent levels of lookup.
void setAf()
Set access flag that this entry has been touched.
uint8_t offsetBits() const override
Return the bit width of the page/block offset.
bool contiguousHint() const
Contiguous hint bit.
bool pxn() const
Is privileged execution allowed on this mapping? (LPAE only)
bool af() const
Returns true if the access flag (AF) is set.
bool pxnTable() const
Is privileged execution allowed on subsequent lookup levels?
bool aarch64
True if the current lookup is performed in AArch64 state.
EntryType type() const
Return the descriptor type.
bool xn() const override
Is execution allowed on this mapping?
DomainType domain() const override
bool secure(bool have_security, WalkerState *currState) const override
Returns true if this entry targets the secure physical address map.
std::string dbgHeader() const override
bool rw() const
Read/write access protection flag.
Addr nextTableAddr() const
Return the address of the next page table.
bool global(WalkerState *currState) const override
Is the translation global (no asid used)?
Descriptor type.
uint8_t * getRawPtr() override
GrainSize grainSize
Width of the granule size in bits.
uint8_t attrIndx() const
Attribute index.
uint8_t ap() const override
2-bit access protection flags
uint64_t data
The raw bits of the entry.
bool _dirty
This entry has been modified (access flag set) and needs to be written back to memory.
Addr pfn() const override
Return the physical frame, bits shifted right.
Addr nextDescAddr(Addr va) const
Return the address of the next descriptor.
uint8_t apTable() const
Two bit access protection flags for subsequent levels of lookup.
Addr paddr() const
Return the physical address of the entry.
bool user() const
User/privileged level access protection flag.
bool fnxs() const
FNXS for FEAT_XS only.
uint8_t userTable() const
User/privileged mode protection flag for subsequent levels of lookup.
bool secureTable() const
Whether the subsequent levels of lookup are secure.
static uint8_t ap(bool rw, bool user)
Return the AP bits as compatible with the AP[2:0] format.
uint64_t getRawData() const override
bool xnTable() const
Is execution allowed on subsequent lookup levels?
bool dirty() const
This entry needs to be written back to memory.
SnoopRespPacketQueue snoopRespQueue
Packet queue used to store outgoing snoop responses.
ReqPacketQueue reqQueue
Packet queue used to store outgoing requests.
void sendAtomicReq(const RequestPtr &req, uint8_t *data, Tick delay)
void handleResp(TableWalkerState *state, Addr addr, Addr size, Tick delay=0)
void sendFunctionalReq(const RequestPtr &req, uint8_t *data)
void handleRespPacket(PacketPtr pkt, Tick delay=0)
void sendTimingReq(const RequestPtr &req, uint8_t *data, Tick delay, Event *event)
PacketPtr createPacket(const RequestPtr &req, uint8_t *data, Tick delay, Event *event)
bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) override
Receive a timing response from the peer.
This translation class is used to trigger the data fetch once a timing translation returns the transl...
void markDelayed()
Signal that the translation has been delayed due to a hw page table walk.
void finish(const Fault &fault, const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, BaseMMU::Mode mode)
void setVirt(Addr vaddr, int size, Request::Flags flags, int requestorId)
MMU::ArmTranslationType tranType
void translateTiming(ThreadContext *tc)
bool isWrite
If the access is a write.
CPSR cpsr
Cached copy of the cpsr as it existed when translation began.
Addr vaddr_tainted
The virtual address that is being translated.
RequestPtr req
Request that is currently being serviced.
VTCR_t vtcr
Cached copy of the vtcr as it existed when translation began.
HCR hcr
Cached copy of the htcr as it existed when translation began.
Addr vaddr
The virtual address that is being translated with tagging removed.
bool functional
If the atomic mode should be functional.
bool secureLookup
Whether lookups should be treated as using the secure state.
bool isUncacheable
True if table walks are uncacheable (for table descriptors)
ThreadContext * tc
Thread context that we're doing the walk for.
bool hpd
Hierarchical access permission disable.
BaseMMU::Translation * transState
Translation state for delayed requests.
SecurityState ss
Security State of the access.
std::optional< LongDescData > longDescData
unsigned levels
Page entries walked during service (for stats)
BaseMMU::Mode mode
Save mode for use in delayed response.
HTCR htcr
Cached copy of the htcr as it existed when translation began.
SCR scr
Cached copy of the scr as it existed when translation began.
ExceptionLevel el
Current exception level.
MMU::ArmTranslationType tranType
The translation type that has been requested.
SCTLR sctlr
Cached copy of the sctlr as it existed when translation began.
TableWalker * tableWalker
Fault fault
The fault that we are going to return.
Tick startTime
Timestamp for calculating elapsed time in service (for stats)
bool isFetch
If the access is a fetch (for execution, and no-exec) must be checked?
bool stage2Req
Flag indicating if a second stage of lookup is required.
TlbEntry walkEntry
Initial walk entry allowing to skip lookup levels.
TranslationRegime regime
Current translation regime.
bool timing
If the mode is timing or atomic.
LongDescriptor longDesc
Long-format descriptor (LPAE and AArch64)
int physAddrRange
Current physical address range in bits.
PASpace ipaSpace
IPA space (Secure vs NonSecure); stage2 only.
bool delayed
Whether the response is delayed in timing mode due to additional lookups.
uint16_t asid
ASID that we're servicing the request under.
L1Descriptor l1Desc
Short-format descriptors.
bool aarch64
If the access is performed in AArch64 state.
BaseMMU::Translation * stage2Tran
A pointer to the stage 2 translation that's in progress.
void doL2DescriptorWrapper()
static LookupLevel toLookupLevel(uint8_t lookup_level_as_int)
enums::ArmLookupLevel LookupLevel
void doL2LongDescriptorWrapper()
void memAttrs(ThreadContext *tc, TlbEntry &te, SCTLR sctlr, uint8_t texcb, bool s)
EventFunctionWrapper doL0LongDescEvent
void doL3LongDescriptorWrapper()
const ArmRelease * release
Cached copies of system-level properties.
void doL1DescriptorWrapper()
bool checkVAOutOfRange(Addr addr, int top_bit, int tsz, bool low_range)
Fault generateLongDescFault(ArmFault::FaultSource src)
EventFunctionWrapper doL1DescEvent
EventFunctionWrapper doProcessEvent
static const unsigned REQUESTED
static const unsigned COMPLETED
bool uncacheableWalk() const
Returns true if the table walk should be uncacheable.
Event * LongDescEventByLevel[4]
void memAttrsAArch64(ThreadContext *tc, TlbEntry &te, LongDescriptor &lDescriptor)
void insertPartialTableEntry(LongDescriptor &descriptor)
void doL1LongDescriptorWrapper()
void fetchDescriptor(Addr desc_addr, DescriptorBase &descriptor, int num_bytes, Request::Flags flags, LookupLevel lookup_lvl, Event *event, void(TableWalker::*doDescriptor)())
void drainResume() override
Resume execution after a successful drain.
void doLongDescriptorWrapper(LookupLevel curr_lookup_level)
void doL0LongDescriptorWrapper()
bool pending
If a timing translation is currently in progress.
Port * port
Port shared by the two table walkers.
Fault testWalk(const RequestPtr &walk_req, DomainType domain, LookupLevel lookup_level)
Addr s1MinTxSz(GrainSize tg) const
std::tuple< Addr, Addr, LookupLevel > walkAddresses(Addr ttbr, GrainSize tg, int tsz, int pa_range)
Returns a tuple made of: 1) The address of the first page table 2) The address of the first descripto...
Fault readDataUntimed(ThreadContext *tc, Addr vaddr, Addr desc_addr, uint8_t *data, int num_bytes, Request::Flags flags, BaseMMU::Mode mode, MMU::ArmTranslationType tran_type, bool functional)
bool haveLargeAsid64() const
void nextWalk(ThreadContext *tc)
void readDataTimed(ThreadContext *tc, Addr desc_addr, Stage2Walk *translation, int num_bytes, Request::Flags flags)
EventFunctionWrapper doL2DescEvent
gem5::Port & getPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
Get a port with a given name and index.
std::list< WalkerState * > pendingQueue
Queue of requests that have passed are waiting because the walker is currently busy.
bool s1TxSzFault(GrainSize tg, int tsz) const
MMU * mmu
The MMU to forward second stage look upts to.
RequestorID requestorId
Requestor id assigned by the MMU.
gem5::ArmISA::TableWalker::TableWalkerStats stats
Port & getTableWalkerPort()
Fault walk(const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, uint16_t asid, vmid_t _vmid, BaseMMU::Mode mode, BaseMMU::Translation *_trans, bool timing, bool functional, SecurityState ss, PASpace ipaspace, MMU::ArmTranslationType tran_type, bool stage2, const TlbEntry *walk_entry)
Fault processWalkAArch64()
const bool isStage2
Indicates whether this table walker is part of the stage 2 mmu.
EventFunctionWrapper doL1LongDescEvent
bool uncacheableFromAttrs(uint8_t attrs)
bool checkAddrSizeFaultAArch64(Addr addr, int pa_range)
Returns true if the address exceeds the range permitted by the system-wide setting or by the TCR_ELx ...
void mpamTagTableWalk(RequestPtr &req) const
static uint8_t pageSizeNtoStatBin(uint8_t N)
void completeDrain()
Checks if all state is cleared and if so, completes drain.
void insertTableEntry(DescriptorBase &descriptor, bool longDescriptor)
DrainState drain() override
Provide a default implementation of the drain interface for objects that don't need draining.
std::list< WalkerState * > stateQueues[LookupLevel::Num_ArmLookupLevel]
Queues of requests for all the different lookup levels.
unsigned numSquashable
The number of walks belonging to squashed instructions that can be removed from the pendingQueue per ...
TLB * tlb
TLB that is initiating these table walks.
void memAttrsLPAE(ThreadContext *tc, TlbEntry &te, LongDescriptor &lDescriptor)
void setTestInterface(TlbTestInterface *ti)
void processWalkWrapper()
EventFunctionWrapper doL2LongDescEvent
uint8_t physAddrRange() const
void memAttrsWalkAArch64(TlbEntry &te)
Addr maxTxSz(GrainSize tg) const
SCTLR sctlr
Cached copy of the sctlr as it existed when translation began.
EventFunctionWrapper doL3LongDescEvent
void stashCurrState(int queue_idx)
Timing mode: saves the currState into the stateQueues.
The ClockedObject class extends the SimObject with a clock and accessor functions to relate ticks to ...
ClockedObjectParams Params
Parameters of ClockedObject.
virtual std::string name() const
A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in the memory system (e....
Ports are used to interface objects to each other.
The QueuedRequestPort combines two queues, a request queue and a snoop response queue,...
ThreadContext is the external interface to all thread state for anything outside of the CPU.
This is a simple scalar statistic, like a counter.
A 2-Dimensional vecto of scalar stats.
A vector of scalar stats.
ClockedObject declaration and implementation.
constexpr T bits(T val, unsigned first, unsigned last)
Extract the bitfield from position 'first' to 'last' (inclusive) from 'val' and right justify it.
constexpr T mbits(T val, unsigned first, unsigned last)
Mask off the given bits in place like bits() but without shifting.
Object drain/handover states.
#define panic(...)
This implements a cprintf based panic() function.
const PageTableOps * getPageTableOps(GrainSize trans_granule)
Security State.
Bitfield< 21, 20 > stride
Physical Address Space.
Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited All rights reserved.
std::shared_ptr< FaultBase > Fault
std::shared_ptr< Request > RequestPtr
const PortID InvalidPortID
uint64_t Addr
Address type This will probably be moved somewhere else in the near future.
int16_t PortID
Port index/ID type, and a symbolic name for an invalid port id.
uint64_t Tick
Tick count type.
Declaration of a simple PacketQueue that is associated with a port on which it attempts to send packe...
Declaration of the queued port.
Declaration of a request, the overall memory request consisting of the parts of the request that are ...
statistics::Scalar squashedBefore
statistics::Vector2d requestOrigin
statistics::Scalar walksLongDescriptor
statistics::Scalar walksShortDescriptor
statistics::Histogram walkWaitTime
statistics::Vector walksShortTerminatedAtLevel
statistics::Vector pageSizes
statistics::Vector walksLongTerminatedAtLevel
statistics::Histogram walkServiceTime
statistics::Histogram pendingWalks
statistics::Scalar squashedAfter
Helper variables used to implement hierarchical access permissions when the long-desc.
A virtual base opaque structure used to hold state associated with the packet (e.g....