gem5 v24.1.0.1
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gem5::sinic::Device Class Reference

#include <sinic.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gem5::sinic::Device:
gem5::sinic::Base gem5::EtherDevBase gem5::EtherDevice gem5::PciDevice gem5::DmaDevice gem5::PioDevice gem5::ClockedObject gem5::SimObject gem5::Clocked gem5::EventManager gem5::Serializable gem5::Drainable gem5::statistics::Group gem5::Named


struct  DeviceStats
 Statistics. More...
struct  VirtualReg

Public Member Functions

bool recvPacket (EthPacketPtr packet)
 device ethernet interface
void transferDone ()
PortgetPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a port with a given name and index.
Tick read (PacketPtr pkt) override
 Memory Interface.
Tick write (PacketPtr pkt) override
 IPR read of device register.
virtual void drainResume () override
 Resume execution after a successful drain.
void prepareIO (ContextID cpu, int index)
void prepareRead (ContextID cpu, int index)
void prepareWrite (ContextID cpu, int index)
void resetStats () override
 Callback to reset stats.
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialization stuff.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object.
 Device (const Params &p)
 ~Device ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::sinic::Base
 PARAMS (Sinic)
 Base (const Params &p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::EtherDevBase
 EtherDevBase (const Params &params)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::EtherDevice
 EtherDevice (const Params &params)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::PciDevice
virtual Tick writeConfig (PacketPtr pkt)
 Write to the PCI config space data that is stored locally.
virtual Tick readConfig (PacketPtr pkt)
 Read from the PCI config space data that is stored locally.
Addr pciToDma (Addr pci_addr) const
void intrPost ()
void intrClear ()
uint8_t interruptLine () const
AddrRangeList getAddrRanges () const override
 Determine the address ranges that this device responds to.
 PciDevice (const PciDeviceParams &params)
 Constructor for PCI Dev.
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize this object to the given output stream.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Reconstruct the state of this object from a checkpoint.
const PciBusAddrbusAddr () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::DmaDevice
 DmaDevice (const Params &p)
virtual ~DmaDevice ()=default
void dmaWrite (Addr addr, int size, Event *event, uint8_t *data, uint32_t sid, uint32_t ssid, Tick delay=0)
void dmaWrite (Addr addr, int size, Event *event, uint8_t *data, Tick delay=0)
void dmaRead (Addr addr, int size, Event *event, uint8_t *data, uint32_t sid, uint32_t ssid, Tick delay=0)
void dmaRead (Addr addr, int size, Event *event, uint8_t *data, Tick delay=0)
bool dmaPending () const
void init () override
 init() is called after all C++ SimObjects have been created and all ports are connected.
Addr cacheBlockSize () const
PortgetPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a port with a given name and index.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::PioDevice
 PioDevice (const Params &p)
virtual ~PioDevice ()
void init () override
 init() is called after all C++ SimObjects have been created and all ports are connected.
PortgetPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a port with a given name and index.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
 ClockedObject (const ClockedObjectParams &p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::SimObject
const Paramsparams () const
 SimObject (const Params &p)
virtual ~SimObject ()
virtual void loadState (CheckpointIn &cp)
 loadState() is called on each SimObject when restoring from a checkpoint.
virtual void initState ()
 initState() is called on each SimObject when not restoring from a checkpoint.
virtual void regProbePoints ()
 Register probe points for this object.
virtual void regProbeListeners ()
 Register probe listeners for this object.
ProbeManagergetProbeManager ()
 Get the probe manager for this object.
virtual void startup ()
 startup() is the final initialization call before simulation.
DrainState drain () override
 Provide a default implementation of the drain interface for objects that don't need draining.
virtual void memWriteback ()
 Write back dirty buffers to memory using functional writes.
virtual void memInvalidate ()
 Invalidate the contents of memory buffers.
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::EventManager
EventQueueeventQueue () const
void schedule (Event &event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event &event)
void reschedule (Event &event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void schedule (Event *event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event *event)
void reschedule (Event *event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void wakeupEventQueue (Tick when=(Tick) -1)
 This function is not needed by the usual gem5 event loop but may be necessary in derived EventQueues which host gem5 on other schedulers.
void setCurTick (Tick newVal)
 EventManager (EventManager &em)
 Event manger manages events in the event queue.
 EventManager (EventManager *em)
 EventManager (EventQueue *eq)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Serializable
 Serializable ()
virtual ~Serializable ()
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const char *name) const
 Serialize an object into a new section.
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const std::string &name) const
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const char *name)
 Unserialize an a child object.
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const std::string &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Drainable
DrainState drainState () const
 Return the current drain state of an object.
virtual void notifyFork ()
 Notify a child process of a fork.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::statistics::Group
 Group (Group *parent, const char *name=nullptr)
 Construct a new statistics group.
virtual ~Group ()
virtual void regStats ()
 Callback to set stat parameters.
virtual void preDumpStats ()
 Callback before stats are dumped.
void addStat (statistics::Info *info)
 Register a stat with this group.
const std::map< std::string, Group * > & getStatGroups () const
 Get all child groups associated with this object.
const std::vector< Info * > & getStats () const
 Get all stats associated with this object.
void addStatGroup (const char *name, Group *block)
 Add a stat block as a child of this block.
const InforesolveStat (std::string name) const
 Resolve a stat by its name within this group.
void mergeStatGroup (Group *block)
 Merge the contents (stats & children) of a block to this block.
 Group (const Group &)=delete
Groupoperator= (const Group &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Named
 Named (const std::string &name_)
virtual ~Named ()=default
virtual std::string name () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Clocked
void updateClockPeriod ()
 Update the tick to the current tick.
Tick clockEdge (Cycles cycles=Cycles(0)) const
 Determine the tick when a cycle begins, by default the current one, but the argument also enables the caller to determine a future cycle.
Cycles curCycle () const
 Determine the current cycle, corresponding to a tick aligned to a clock edge.
Tick nextCycle () const
 Based on the clock of the object, determine the start tick of the first cycle that is at least one cycle in the future.
uint64_t frequency () const
Tick clockPeriod () const
double voltage () const
Cycles ticksToCycles (Tick t) const
Tick cyclesToTicks (Cycles c) const

Protected Types

enum  RxState {
  rxIdle , rxFifoBlock , rxBeginCopy , rxCopy ,
 Receive State Machine States. More...
enum  TxState {
  txIdle , txFifoBlock , txBeginCopy , txCopy ,
 Transmit State Machine states. More...
typedef std::vector< VirtualRegVirtualRegs
typedef std::list< unsigned > VirtualList

Protected Member Functions

uint8_t & regData8 (Addr daddr)
uint32_t & regData32 (Addr daddr)
uint64_t & regData64 (Addr daddr)
void reset ()
void rxKick ()
void txKick ()
void transmit ()
 Retransmit event.
void txEventTransmit ()
void txDump () const
void rxDump () const
bool rxFilter (const EthPacketPtr &packet)
 receive address filter
void changeConfig (uint32_t newconfig)
 device configuration
void command (uint32_t command)
void rxDmaDone ()
 DMA parameters.
void txDmaDone ()
void devIntrPost (uint32_t interrupts)
 Interrupt management.
void devIntrClear (uint32_t interrupts=registers::Intr_All)
void devIntrChangeMask (uint32_t newmask)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::sinic::Base
void cpuIntrPost (Tick when)
void cpuInterrupt ()
void cpuIntrClear ()
bool cpuIntrPending () const
void cpuIntrAck ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::PciDevice
bool getBAR (Addr addr, int &num, Addr &offs)
 Which base address register (if any) maps the given address?
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::Drainable
 Drainable ()
virtual ~Drainable ()
void signalDrainDone () const
 Signal that an object is drained.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::Clocked
 Clocked (ClockDomain &clk_domain)
 Create a clocked object and set the clock domain based on the parameters.
 Clocked (Clocked &)=delete
Clockedoperator= (Clocked &)=delete
virtual ~Clocked ()
 Virtual destructor due to inheritance.
void resetClock () const
 Reset the object's clock using the current global tick value.
virtual void clockPeriodUpdated ()
 A hook subclasses can implement so they can do any extra work that's needed when the clock rate is changed.

Protected Attributes

struct { 
   uint32_t   Config 
   uint32_t   Command 
   uint32_t   IntrStatus 
   uint32_t   IntrMask 
   uint32_t   RxMaxCopy 
   uint32_t   TxMaxCopy 
   uint32_t   ZeroCopySize 
   uint32_t   ZeroCopyMark 
   uint32_t   VirtualCount 
   uint32_t   RxMaxIntr 
   uint32_t   RxFifoSize 
   uint32_t   TxFifoSize 
   uint32_t   RxFifoLow 
   uint32_t   TxFifoLow 
   uint32_t   RxFifoHigh 
   uint32_t   TxFifoHigh 
   uint64_t   RxData 
   uint64_t   RxDone 
   uint64_t   RxWait 
   uint64_t   TxData 
   uint64_t   TxDone 
   uint64_t   TxWait 
   uint64_t   HwAddr 
   uint64_t   RxStatus 
 device register file
Counter rxUnique
Counter txUnique
VirtualRegs virtualRegs
VirtualList rxList
VirtualList rxBusy
int rxActive
VirtualList txList
int rxBusyCount
int rxMappedCount
int rxDirtyCount
RxState rxState
PacketFifo rxFifo
PacketFifo::iterator rxFifoPtr
bool rxEmpty
bool rxLow
Addr rxDmaAddr
uint8_t * rxDmaData
unsigned rxDmaLen
TxState txState
PacketFifo txFifo
bool txFull
EthPacketPtr txPacket
int txPacketOffset
int txPacketBytes
Addr txDmaAddr
uint8_t * txDmaData
int txDmaLen
Tick rxKickTick
Tick txKickTick
EventFunctionWrapper txEvent
EventFunctionWrapper rxDmaEvent
EventFunctionWrapper txDmaEvent
Tick dmaReadDelay
Tick dmaReadFactor
Tick dmaWriteDelay
Tick dmaWriteFactor
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::sinic::Base
bool rxEnable
bool txEnable
Tick intrDelay
Tick intrTick
bool cpuIntrEnable
bool cpuPendingIntr
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::EtherDevice
gem5::EtherDevice::EtherDeviceStats etherDeviceStats
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::PciDevice
const PciBusAddr _busAddr
PCIConfig config
 The current config space.
std::vector< MSIXTablemsix_table
 MSIX Table and PBA Structures.
std::vector< MSIXPbaEntrymsix_pba
std::array< PciBar *, 6 > BARs {}
PciHost::DeviceInterface hostInterface
Tick pioDelay
Tick configDelay
const int PMCAP_BASE
 The capability list structures and base addresses.
PMCAP pmcap
const int MSICAP_BASE
MSICAP msicap
const int MSIXCAP_BASE
MSIXCAP msixcap
const int PXCAP_BASE
PXCAP pxcap
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::DmaDevice
DmaPort dmaPort
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::PioDevice
PioPort< PioDevicepioPort
 The pioPort that handles the requests for us and provides us requests that it sees.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::SimObject
const SimObjectParams & _params
 Cached copy of the object parameters.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::EventManager
 A pointer to this object's event queue.

Private Attributes

gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats sinicDeviceStats

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from gem5::EtherDevBase
using Params = EtherDevBaseParams
- Public Types inherited from gem5::EtherDevice
using Params = EtherDeviceParams
- Public Types inherited from gem5::DmaDevice
typedef DmaDeviceParams Params
- Public Types inherited from gem5::PioDevice
using Params = PioDeviceParams
- Public Types inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
using Params = ClockedObjectParams
 Parameters of ClockedObject.
- Public Types inherited from gem5::SimObject
typedef SimObjectParams Params
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::SimObject
static void serializeAll (const std::string &cpt_dir)
 Create a checkpoint by serializing all SimObjects in the system.
static SimObjectfind (const char *name)
 Find the SimObject with the given name and return a pointer to it.
static void setSimObjectResolver (SimObjectResolver *resolver)
 There is a single object name resolver, and it is only set when simulation is restoring from checkpoints.
static SimObjectResolvergetSimObjectResolver ()
 There is a single object name resolver, and it is only set when simulation is restoring from checkpoints.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Serializable
static const std::string & currentSection ()
 Gets the fully-qualified name of the active section.
static void generateCheckpointOut (const std::string &cpt_dir, std::ofstream &outstream)
 Generate a checkpoint file so that the serialization can be routed to it.
- Public Attributes inherited from gem5::ClockedObject

Detailed Description

Definition at line 88 of file sinic.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ VirtualList

typedef std::list<unsigned> gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualList

Definition at line 161 of file sinic.hh.

◆ VirtualRegs

Definition at line 160 of file sinic.hh.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RxState

Receive State Machine States.


Definition at line 92 of file sinic.hh.

◆ TxState

Transmit State Machine states.


Definition at line 102 of file sinic.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Device()

gem5::sinic::Device::Device ( const Params p)

Definition at line 84 of file

References txEventTransmit().

◆ ~Device()

gem5::sinic::Device::~Device ( )

Definition at line 100 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ changeConfig()

void gem5::sinic::Device::changeConfig ( uint32_t  newconfig)

◆ command()

void gem5::sinic::Device::command ( uint32_t  command)

Definition at line 594 of file

References command(), devIntrPost(), and reset().

Referenced by command(), and write().

◆ devIntrChangeMask()

void gem5::sinic::Device::devIntrChangeMask ( uint32_t  newmask)

◆ devIntrClear()

void gem5::sinic::Device::devIntrClear ( uint32_t  interrupts = registers::Intr_All)

Definition at line 440 of file

References gem5::sinic::Base::cpuIntrClear(), DPRINTF, panic, and regs.

Referenced by read(), and write().

◆ devIntrPost()

void gem5::sinic::Device::devIntrPost ( uint32_t  interrupts)

Interrupt management.

Definition at line 404 of file

References gem5::sinic::Base::cpuIntrPost(), gem5::curTick(), DPRINTF, gem5::sinic::Base::intrDelay, panic, regs, rxEmpty, and txFull.

Referenced by command(), recvPacket(), rxKick(), transmit(), and txKick().

◆ drainResume()

void gem5::sinic::Device::drainResume ( )

Resume execution after a successful drain.

Reimplemented from gem5::Drainable.

Definition at line 1187 of file

References gem5::Drainable::drainResume(), rxKick(), and txKick().

◆ getPort()

Port & gem5::sinic::Device::getPort ( const std::string &  if_name,
PortID  idx = InvalidPortID 

Get a port with a given name and index.

This is used at binding time and returns a reference to a protocol-agnostic port.

gem5 has a request and response port interface. All memory objects are connected together via ports. These ports provide a rigid interface between these memory objects. These ports implement three different memory system modes: timing, atomic, and functional. The most important mode is the timing mode and here timing mode is used for conducting cycle-level timing experiments. The other modes are only used in special circumstances and should not be used to conduct cycle-level timing experiments. The other modes are only used in special circumstances. These ports allow SimObjects to communicate with each other.

if_namePort name
idxIndex in the case of a VectorPort
A reference to the given port

Reimplemented from gem5::SimObject.

Definition at line 127 of file

References gem5::DmaDevice::getPort(), and gem5::sinic::Base::interface.

◆ prepareIO()

void gem5::sinic::Device::prepareIO ( ContextID  cpu,
int  index 

Definition at line 136 of file

References gem5::MipsISA::index, panic, and virtualRegs.

Referenced by prepareRead(), and prepareWrite().

◆ prepareRead()

void gem5::sinic::Device::prepareRead ( ContextID  cpu,
int  index 

◆ prepareWrite()

void gem5::sinic::Device::prepareWrite ( ContextID  cpu,
int  index 

Definition at line 190 of file

References gem5::MipsISA::index, and prepareIO().

Referenced by write().

◆ read()

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::read ( PacketPtr  pkt)

◆ recvPacket()

bool gem5::sinic::Device::recvPacket ( EthPacketPtr  packet)

◆ regData32()

uint32_t & gem5::sinic::Device::regData32 ( Addr  daddr)

Definition at line 175 of file sinic.hh.

References regData8().

Referenced by read().

◆ regData64()

uint64_t & gem5::sinic::Device::regData64 ( Addr  daddr)

Definition at line 176 of file sinic.hh.

References regData8().

Referenced by read().

◆ regData8()

uint8_t & gem5::sinic::Device::regData8 ( Addr  daddr)

Definition at line 174 of file sinic.hh.

References regs.

Referenced by regData32(), and regData64().

◆ reset()

void gem5::sinic::Device::reset ( )

◆ resetStats()

void gem5::sinic::Device::resetStats ( )

Callback to reset stats.

Reimplemented from gem5::statistics::Group.

Definition at line 119 of file

References gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats::_maxVnicDistance, gem5::statistics::Group::resetStats(), and sinicDeviceStats.

◆ rxDmaDone()

void gem5::sinic::Device::rxDmaDone ( )

DMA parameters.

Definition at line 674 of file

References DDUMP, DPRINTF, rxCopy, rxCopyDone, rxDmaAddr, rxDmaData, rxDmaLen, rxKick(), rxState, txBeginCopy, txKick(), and txState.

◆ rxDump()

void gem5::sinic::Device::rxDump ( ) const

◆ rxFilter()

bool gem5::sinic::Device::rxFilter ( const EthPacketPtr packet)

receive address filter

Definition at line 1138 of file

References panic, and regs.

Referenced by recvPacket().

◆ rxKick()

void gem5::sinic::Device::rxKick ( )
do we want to schedule a future kick?

Definition at line 690 of file

References gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats::_maxVnicDistance, gem5::PacketFifo::check(), gem5::networking::cksum(), gem5::PacketFifo::countPacketsBefore(), gem5::curTick(), devIntrPost(), gem5::DmaDevice::dmaPending(), gem5::DmaDevice::dmaWrite(), DPRINTF, gem5::Drainable::drainState(), gem5::PacketFifo::empty(), gem5::PacketFifo::end(), gem5::EtherDevice::etherDeviceStats, gem5::X86ISA::exit, gem5::ArmISA::i, gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats::maxVnicDistance, gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats::numVnicDistance, panic, gem5::PciDevice::pciToDma(), regs, gem5::PacketFifo::remove(), gem5::Running, rxActive, rxBeginCopy, rxBusy, rxBusyCount, rxCopy, rxCopyDone, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::RxData, rxDirtyCount, rxDmaAddr, rxDmaData, rxDmaEvent, rxDmaLen, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::RxDone, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxDoneData, rxEmpty, rxFifo, rxFifoBlock, rxFifoPtr, rxIdle, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxIndex, gem5::EtherDevice::EtherDeviceStats::rxIpChecksums, rxKickTick, rxList, rxLow, rxMappedCount, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxPacketBytes, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxPacketOffset, rxState, gem5::sinic::RxStateStrings, gem5::EtherDevice::EtherDeviceStats::rxTcpChecksums, gem5::EtherDevice::EtherDeviceStats::rxUdpChecksums, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxUnique, sinicDeviceStats, gem5::PacketFifo::size(), gem5::ArmISA::status, gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats::totalVnicDistance, and virtualRegs.

Referenced by changeConfig(), drainResume(), recvPacket(), rxDmaDone(), txDmaDone(), and write().

◆ serialize()

void gem5::sinic::Device::serialize ( CheckpointOut cp) const

◆ transferDone()

void gem5::sinic::Device::transferDone ( )

◆ transmit()

void gem5::sinic::Device::transmit ( )

◆ txDmaDone()

void gem5::sinic::Device::txDmaDone ( )

◆ txDump()

void gem5::sinic::Device::txDump ( ) const

◆ txEventTransmit()

void gem5::sinic::Device::txEventTransmit ( )

Definition at line 211 of file sinic.hh.

References transmit(), txFifoBlock, txKick(), and txState.

Referenced by Device().

◆ txKick()

void gem5::sinic::Device::txKick ( )

◆ unserialize()

void gem5::sinic::Device::unserialize ( CheckpointIn cp)

◆ write()

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::write ( PacketPtr  pkt)

IPR read of device register.

Fault Device::iprRead(Addr daddr, ContextID cpu, uint64_t &result) { if (!regValid(daddr)) panic("invalid address: da=%#x", daddr);

const registers::Info &info = regInfo(daddr); if (! panic("reading %s (write only): cpu=%d da=%#x",, cpu, daddr);

DPRINTF(EthernetPIO, "IPR read %s: cpu=%d da=%#x\n",, cpu, daddr);

prepareRead(cpu, 0);

if (info.size == 4) result = regData32(daddr);

if (info.size == 8) result = regData64(daddr);

DPRINTF(EthernetPIO, "IPR read %s: cpu=%s da=%#x val=%#x\n",, cpu, result);

return NoFault; } I/O write of device register

Implements gem5::PioDevice.

Definition at line 290 of file

References gem5::PciDevice::BARs, changeConfig(), command(), gem5::PciDevice::config, devIntrChangeMask(), devIntrClear(), DPRINTF, gem5::PacketFifo::end(), gem5::Packet::getAddr(), gem5::Packet::getLE(), gem5::Packet::getSize(), gem5::MipsISA::index, gem5::sinic::registers::Info::name, panic, PCI_CMD_MSE, gem5::PciDevice::pioDelay, prepareWrite(), gem5::sinic::regInfo(), regs, gem5::sinic::regValid(), gem5::Packet::req, rxBusy, rxBusyCount, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::RxData, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::RxDone, gem5::sinic::Base::rxEnable, rxFifo, rxFifoBlock, rxIdle, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxIndex, rxKick(), rxList, rxState, gem5::sinic::RxStateStrings, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::rxUnique, rxUnique, gem5::sinic::registers::Info::size, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::TxDone, gem5::sinic::Base::txEnable, txFifoBlock, txIdle, txKick(), txList, txState, gem5::sinic::TxStateStrings, gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualReg::txUnique, txUnique, gem5::sinic::registers::VirtualMask, virtualRegs, gem5::sinic::registers::VirtualShift, and gem5::sinic::registers::Info::write.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Command

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::Command

Definition at line 115 of file sinic.hh.

◆ Config

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::Config

Definition at line 114 of file sinic.hh.

◆ dmaReadDelay

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::dmaReadDelay

Definition at line 252 of file sinic.hh.

◆ dmaReadFactor

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::dmaReadFactor

Definition at line 253 of file sinic.hh.

◆ dmaWriteDelay

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::dmaWriteDelay

Definition at line 254 of file sinic.hh.

◆ dmaWriteFactor

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::dmaWriteFactor

Definition at line 255 of file sinic.hh.

◆ HwAddr

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::HwAddr

Definition at line 136 of file sinic.hh.

◆ IntrMask

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::IntrMask

Definition at line 117 of file sinic.hh.

◆ IntrStatus

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::IntrStatus

Definition at line 116 of file sinic.hh.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } gem5::sinic::Device::regs

◆ rxActive

int gem5::sinic::Device::rxActive

Definition at line 167 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ rxBusy

VirtualList gem5::sinic::Device::rxBusy

Definition at line 166 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ rxBusyCount

int gem5::sinic::Device::rxBusyCount

Definition at line 170 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ RxData

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxData

Definition at line 130 of file sinic.hh.

◆ rxDirtyCount

int gem5::sinic::Device::rxDirtyCount

Definition at line 172 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ rxDmaAddr

Addr gem5::sinic::Device::rxDmaAddr

Definition at line 184 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by rxDmaDone(), and rxKick().

◆ rxDmaData

uint8_t* gem5::sinic::Device::rxDmaData

Definition at line 185 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by rxDmaDone(), and rxKick().

◆ rxDmaEvent

EventFunctionWrapper gem5::sinic::Device::rxDmaEvent

Definition at line 247 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by rxKick().

◆ rxDmaLen

unsigned gem5::sinic::Device::rxDmaLen

Definition at line 186 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by rxDmaDone(), and rxKick().

◆ RxDone

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxDone

Definition at line 131 of file sinic.hh.

◆ rxEmpty

bool gem5::sinic::Device::rxEmpty

Definition at line 182 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by devIntrPost(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ rxFifo

PacketFifo gem5::sinic::Device::rxFifo

Definition at line 180 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), recvPacket(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ RxFifoHigh

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxFifoHigh

Definition at line 128 of file sinic.hh.

◆ RxFifoLow

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxFifoLow

Definition at line 126 of file sinic.hh.

◆ rxFifoPtr

PacketFifo::iterator gem5::sinic::Device::rxFifoPtr

Definition at line 181 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), recvPacket(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ RxFifoSize

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxFifoSize

Definition at line 124 of file sinic.hh.

◆ rxKickTick

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::rxKickTick

Definition at line 202 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by rxKick().

◆ rxList

VirtualList gem5::sinic::Device::rxList

Definition at line 165 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ rxLow

bool gem5::sinic::Device::rxLow

Definition at line 183 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ rxMappedCount

int gem5::sinic::Device::rxMappedCount

Definition at line 171 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ RxMaxCopy

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxMaxCopy

Definition at line 118 of file sinic.hh.

◆ RxMaxIntr

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxMaxIntr

Definition at line 123 of file sinic.hh.

◆ rxState

RxState gem5::sinic::Device::rxState

Definition at line 179 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by reset(), rxDmaDone(), rxKick(), serialize(), txDmaDone(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ RxStatus

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxStatus

Definition at line 137 of file sinic.hh.

◆ rxUnique

Counter gem5::sinic::Device::rxUnique

Definition at line 162 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by unserialize(), and write().

◆ RxWait

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::RxWait

Definition at line 132 of file sinic.hh.

◆ sinicDeviceStats

gem5::sinic::Device::DeviceStats gem5::sinic::Device::sinicDeviceStats

Referenced by resetStats(), and rxKick().

◆ TxData

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxData

Definition at line 133 of file sinic.hh.

◆ txDmaAddr

Addr gem5::sinic::Device::txDmaAddr

Definition at line 194 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by txDmaDone(), and txKick().

◆ txDmaData

uint8_t* gem5::sinic::Device::txDmaData

Definition at line 195 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by txDmaDone(), and txKick().

◆ txDmaEvent

EventFunctionWrapper gem5::sinic::Device::txDmaEvent

Definition at line 250 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by txKick().

◆ txDmaLen

int gem5::sinic::Device::txDmaLen

Definition at line 196 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by txDmaDone(), and txKick().

◆ TxDone

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxDone

Definition at line 134 of file sinic.hh.

◆ txEvent

EventFunctionWrapper gem5::sinic::Device::txEvent

Definition at line 217 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by serialize(), transferDone(), and unserialize().

◆ txFifo

PacketFifo gem5::sinic::Device::txFifo

Definition at line 189 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareRead(), reset(), serialize(), transferDone(), transmit(), txKick(), and unserialize().

◆ TxFifoHigh

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxFifoHigh

Definition at line 129 of file sinic.hh.

◆ TxFifoLow

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxFifoLow

Definition at line 127 of file sinic.hh.

◆ TxFifoSize

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxFifoSize

Definition at line 125 of file sinic.hh.

◆ txFull

bool gem5::sinic::Device::txFull

Definition at line 190 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by devIntrPost(), reset(), serialize(), txKick(), and unserialize().

◆ txKickTick

Tick gem5::sinic::Device::txKickTick

Definition at line 205 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by txKick().

◆ txList

VirtualList gem5::sinic::Device::txList

Definition at line 168 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by reset(), serialize(), txKick(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ TxMaxCopy

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxMaxCopy

Definition at line 119 of file sinic.hh.

◆ txPacket

EthPacketPtr gem5::sinic::Device::txPacket

Definition at line 191 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by serialize(), txKick(), and unserialize().

◆ txPacketBytes

int gem5::sinic::Device::txPacketBytes

Definition at line 193 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by serialize(), and unserialize().

◆ txPacketOffset

int gem5::sinic::Device::txPacketOffset

Definition at line 192 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by serialize(), txKick(), and unserialize().

◆ txState

TxState gem5::sinic::Device::txState

Definition at line 188 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by reset(), rxDmaDone(), serialize(), txDmaDone(), txEventTransmit(), txKick(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ txUnique

Counter gem5::sinic::Device::txUnique

Definition at line 163 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by unserialize(), and write().

◆ TxWait

uint64_t gem5::sinic::Device::TxWait

Definition at line 135 of file sinic.hh.

◆ VirtualCount

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::VirtualCount

Definition at line 122 of file sinic.hh.

◆ virtualRegs

VirtualRegs gem5::sinic::Device::virtualRegs

Definition at line 164 of file sinic.hh.

Referenced by prepareIO(), prepareRead(), reset(), rxKick(), serialize(), txKick(), unserialize(), and write().

◆ ZeroCopyMark

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::ZeroCopyMark

Definition at line 121 of file sinic.hh.

◆ ZeroCopySize

uint32_t gem5::sinic::Device::ZeroCopySize

Definition at line 120 of file sinic.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Mon Jan 13 2025 04:29:14 for gem5 by doxygen 1.9.8