gem5 v24.1.0.1
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Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl Class Reference

#include <hetero_mem_ctrl.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl:
gem5::memory::MemCtrl gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl gem5::ClockedObject gem5::SimObject gem5::Clocked gem5::EventManager gem5::Serializable gem5::Drainable gem5::statistics::Group gem5::Named

Public Member Functions

 HeteroMemCtrl (const HeteroMemCtrlParams &p)
bool allIntfDrained () const override
 Ensure that all interfaced have drained commands.
DrainState drain () override
 Draining is the process of clearing out the states of SimObjects.These are the SimObjects that are partially executed or are partially in flight.
void drainResume () override
 Resume execution after a successful drain.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::memory::MemCtrl
 MemCtrl (const MemCtrlParams &p)
DrainState drain () override
 Draining is the process of clearing out the states of SimObjects.These are the SimObjects that are partially executed or are partially in flight.
virtual Tick verifySingleCmd (Tick cmd_tick, Tick max_cmds_per_burst, bool row_cmd)
 Check for command bus contention for single cycle command.
virtual Tick verifyMultiCmd (Tick cmd_tick, Tick max_cmds_per_burst, Tick max_multi_cmd_split=0)
 Check for command bus contention for multi-cycle (2 currently) command.
virtual bool respondEventScheduled (uint8_t pseudo_channel=0) const
 Is there a respondEvent scheduled?
virtual bool requestEventScheduled (uint8_t pseudo_channel=0) const
 Is there a read/write burst Event scheduled?
virtual void restartScheduler (Tick tick, uint8_t pseudo_channel=0)
 restart the controller This can be used by interfaces to restart the scheduler after maintainence commands complete
bool inReadBusState (bool next_state, const MemInterface *mem_intr) const
 Check the current direction of the memory channel.
bool inWriteBusState (bool next_state, const MemInterface *mem_intr) const
 Check the current direction of the memory channel.
PortgetPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a port with a given name and index.
virtual void init () override
 init() is called after all C++ SimObjects have been created and all ports are connected.
virtual void startup () override
 startup() is the final initialization call before simulation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl
 MemCtrl (const QoSMemCtrlParams &)
 QoS Memory base class.
virtual ~MemCtrl ()
BusState getBusState () const
 Gets the current bus state.
BusState getBusStateNext () const
 Gets the next bus state.
bool hasRequestor (RequestorID id) const
 hasRequestor returns true if the selected requestor(ID) has been registered in the memory controller, which happens if the memory controller has received at least a packet from that requestor.
uint64_t getReadQueueSize (const uint8_t prio) const
 Gets a READ queue size.
uint64_t getWriteQueueSize (const uint8_t prio) const
 Gets a WRITE queue size.
uint64_t getTotalReadQueueSize () const
 Gets the total combined READ queues size.
uint64_t getTotalWriteQueueSize () const
 Gets the total combined WRITE queues size.
Tick getServiceTick (const uint8_t prio) const
 Gets the last service tick related to a QoS Priority.
uint8_t numPriorities () const
 Gets the total number of priority levels in the QoS memory controller.
Systemsystem () const
 read the system pointer
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
 ClockedObject (const ClockedObjectParams &p)
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::SimObject
const Paramsparams () const
 SimObject (const Params &p)
virtual ~SimObject ()
virtual void loadState (CheckpointIn &cp)
 loadState() is called on each SimObject when restoring from a checkpoint.
virtual void initState ()
 initState() is called on each SimObject when not restoring from a checkpoint.
virtual void regProbePoints ()
 Register probe points for this object.
virtual void regProbeListeners ()
 Register probe listeners for this object.
ProbeManagergetProbeManager ()
 Get the probe manager for this object.
DrainState drain () override
 Provide a default implementation of the drain interface for objects that don't need draining.
virtual void memWriteback ()
 Write back dirty buffers to memory using functional writes.
virtual void memInvalidate ()
 Invalidate the contents of memory buffers.
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object.
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::EventManager
EventQueueeventQueue () const
void schedule (Event &event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event &event)
void reschedule (Event &event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void schedule (Event *event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event *event)
void reschedule (Event *event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void wakeupEventQueue (Tick when=(Tick) -1)
 This function is not needed by the usual gem5 event loop but may be necessary in derived EventQueues which host gem5 on other schedulers.
void setCurTick (Tick newVal)
 EventManager (EventManager &em)
 Event manger manages events in the event queue.
 EventManager (EventManager *em)
 EventManager (EventQueue *eq)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Serializable
 Serializable ()
virtual ~Serializable ()
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const char *name) const
 Serialize an object into a new section.
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const std::string &name) const
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const char *name)
 Unserialize an a child object.
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const std::string &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Drainable
DrainState drainState () const
 Return the current drain state of an object.
virtual void notifyFork ()
 Notify a child process of a fork.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::statistics::Group
 Group (Group *parent, const char *name=nullptr)
 Construct a new statistics group.
virtual ~Group ()
virtual void regStats ()
 Callback to set stat parameters.
virtual void resetStats ()
 Callback to reset stats.
virtual void preDumpStats ()
 Callback before stats are dumped.
void addStat (statistics::Info *info)
 Register a stat with this group.
const std::map< std::string, Group * > & getStatGroups () const
 Get all child groups associated with this object.
const std::vector< Info * > & getStats () const
 Get all stats associated with this object.
void addStatGroup (const char *name, Group *block)
 Add a stat block as a child of this block.
const InforesolveStat (std::string name) const
 Resolve a stat by its name within this group.
void mergeStatGroup (Group *block)
 Merge the contents (stats & children) of a block to this block.
 Group (const Group &)=delete
Groupoperator= (const Group &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Named
 Named (const std::string &name_)
virtual ~Named ()=default
virtual std::string name () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Clocked
void updateClockPeriod ()
 Update the tick to the current tick.
Tick clockEdge (Cycles cycles=Cycles(0)) const
 Determine the tick when a cycle begins, by default the current one, but the argument also enables the caller to determine a future cycle.
Cycles curCycle () const
 Determine the current cycle, corresponding to a tick aligned to a clock edge.
Tick nextCycle () const
 Based on the clock of the object, determine the start tick of the first cycle that is at least one cycle in the future.
uint64_t frequency () const
Tick clockPeriod () const
double voltage () const
Cycles ticksToCycles (Tick t) const
Tick cyclesToTicks (Cycles c) const

Protected Member Functions

Tick recvAtomic (PacketPtr pkt) override
void recvFunctional (PacketPtr pkt) override
bool recvTimingReq (PacketPtr pkt) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::memory::MemCtrl
virtual void processNextReqEvent (MemInterface *mem_intr, MemPacketQueue &resp_queue, EventFunctionWrapper &resp_event, EventFunctionWrapper &next_req_event, bool &retry_wr_req)
 Bunch of things requires to setup "events" in gem5 When event "respondEvent" occurs for example, the method processRespondEvent is called; no parameters are allowed in these methods.
bool readQueueFull (unsigned int pkt_count) const
 Check if the read queue has room for more entries.
bool writeQueueFull (unsigned int pkt_count) const
 Check if the write queue has room for more entries.
bool addToReadQueue (PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pkt_count, MemInterface *mem_intr)
 When a new read comes in, first check if the write q has a pending request to the same address. If not, decode the address to populate rank/bank/row, create one or mutliple "mem_pkt", and push them to the back of the read queue.
void addToWriteQueue (PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pkt_count, MemInterface *mem_intr)
 Decode the incoming pkt, create a mem_pkt and push to the back of the write queue.
virtual void accessAndRespond (PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency, MemInterface *mem_intr)
 When a packet reaches its "readyTime" in the response Q, use the "access()" method in AbstractMemory to actually create the response packet, and send it back to the outside world requestor.
virtual bool packetReady (MemPacket *pkt, MemInterface *mem_intr)
 Determine if there is a packet that can issue.
Tick getBurstWindow (Tick cmd_tick)
 Calculate burst window aligned tick.
void printQs () const
 Used for debugging to observe the contents of the queues.
std::vector< MemPacketQueue > & selQueue (bool is_read)
 Select either the read or write queue.
virtual bool respQEmpty ()
virtual void pruneBurstTick ()
 Remove commands that have already issued from burstTicks.
virtual Tick recvAtomicBackdoor (PacketPtr pkt, MemBackdoorPtr &backdoor)
virtual void recvMemBackdoorReq (const MemBackdoorReq &req, MemBackdoorPtr &backdoor)
bool recvFunctionalLogic (PacketPtr pkt, MemInterface *mem_intr)
Tick recvAtomicLogic (PacketPtr pkt, MemInterface *mem_intr)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl
void addRequestor (const RequestorID id)
 Initializes dynamically counters and statistics for a given Requestor.
void logRequest (BusState dir, RequestorID id, uint8_t _qos, Addr addr, uint64_t entries)
 Called upon receiving a request or updates statistics and updates queues status.
void logResponse (BusState dir, RequestorID id, uint8_t _qos, Addr addr, uint64_t entries, double delay)
 Called upon receiving a response, updates statistics and updates queues status.
template<typename Queues >
uint8_t qosSchedule (std::initializer_list< Queues * > queues_ptr, uint64_t queue_entry_size, const PacketPtr pkt)
 Assign priority to a packet by executing the configured QoS policy.
uint8_t schedule (RequestorID id, uint64_t data)
uint8_t schedule (const PacketPtr pkt)
BusState selectNextBusState ()
 Returns next bus direction (READ or WRITE) based on configured policy.
void setCurrentBusState ()
 Set current bus direction (READ or WRITE) from next selected one.
void recordTurnaroundStats (BusState busState, BusState busStateNext)
 Record statistics on turnarounds based on busStateNext and busState values.
template<typename Queues >
void escalate (std::initializer_list< Queues * > queues, uint64_t queue_entry_size, RequestorID id, uint8_t tgt_prio)
 Escalates/demotes priority of all packets belonging to the passed requestor to given priority value.
template<typename Queues >
void escalateQueues (Queues &queues, uint64_t queue_entry_size, RequestorID id, uint8_t curr_prio, uint8_t tgt_prio)
 Escalates/demotes priority of all packets belonging to the passed requestor to given priority value in a specified cluster of queues (e.g.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::Drainable
 Drainable ()
virtual ~Drainable ()
void signalDrainDone () const
 Signal that an object is drained.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gem5::Clocked
 Clocked (ClockDomain &clk_domain)
 Create a clocked object and set the clock domain based on the parameters.
 Clocked (Clocked &)=delete
Clockedoperator= (Clocked &)=delete
virtual ~Clocked ()
 Virtual destructor due to inheritance.
void resetClock () const
 Reset the object's clock using the current global tick value.
virtual void clockPeriodUpdated ()
 A hook subclasses can implement so they can do any extra work that's needed when the clock rate is changed.

Private Member Functions

MemPacketQueue::iterator chooseNext (MemPacketQueue &queue, Tick extra_col_delay, MemInterface *mem_int) override
 The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which request needs to go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS and moves it to the head of the queue.
virtual std::pair< MemPacketQueue::iterator, TickchooseNextFRFCFS (MemPacketQueue &queue, Tick extra_col_delay, MemInterface *mem_intr) override
 For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer hits and earliest bursts available in memory.
Tick doBurstAccess (MemPacket *mem_pkt, MemInterface *mem_int) override
 Actually do the burst based on media specific access function.
Tick minReadToWriteDataGap () override
 Calculate the minimum delay used when scheduling a read-to-write transision.
Tick minWriteToReadDataGap () override
 Calculate the minimum delay used when scheduling a write-to-read transision.
AddrRangeList getAddrRanges () override
virtual Addr burstAlign (Addr addr, MemInterface *mem_intr) const override
 Burst-align an address.
virtual bool pktSizeCheck (MemPacket *mem_pkt, MemInterface *mem_intr) const override
 Check if mem pkt's size is sane.
virtual void processRespondEvent (MemInterface *mem_intr, MemPacketQueue &queue, EventFunctionWrapper &resp_event, bool &retry_rd_req) override
virtual bool memBusy (MemInterface *mem_intr) override
 Checks if the memory interface is already busy.
virtual void nonDetermReads (MemInterface *mem_intr) override
 Will access nvm memory interface and select non-deterministic reads to issue.
virtual bool nvmWriteBlock (MemInterface *mem_intr) override
 Will check if all writes are for nvm interface and nvm's write resp queue is full.

Private Attributes

 Create pointer to interface of the actual nvm media when connected.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl
enum  BusState { READ , WRITE }
 Bus Direction. More...
- Public Types inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
using Params = ClockedObjectParams
 Parameters of ClockedObject.
- Public Types inherited from gem5::SimObject
typedef SimObjectParams Params
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::SimObject
static void serializeAll (const std::string &cpt_dir)
 Create a checkpoint by serializing all SimObjects in the system.
static SimObjectfind (const char *name)
 Find the SimObject with the given name and return a pointer to it.
static void setSimObjectResolver (SimObjectResolver *resolver)
 There is a single object name resolver, and it is only set when simulation is restoring from checkpoints.
static SimObjectResolvergetSimObjectResolver ()
 There is a single object name resolver, and it is only set when simulation is restoring from checkpoints.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gem5::Serializable
static const std::string & currentSection ()
 Gets the fully-qualified name of the active section.
static void generateCheckpointOut (const std::string &cpt_dir, std::ofstream &outstream)
 Generate a checkpoint file so that the serialization can be routed to it.
- Public Attributes inherited from gem5::ClockedObject
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::memory::MemCtrl
MemoryPort port
 Our incoming port, for a multi-ported controller add a crossbar in front of it.
bool isTimingMode
 Remember if the memory system is in timing mode.
bool retryRdReq
 Remember if we have to retry a request when available.
bool retryWrReq
EventFunctionWrapper nextReqEvent
EventFunctionWrapper respondEvent
std::vector< MemPacketQueuereadQueue
 The controller's main read and write queues, with support for QoS reordering.
std::vector< MemPacketQueuewriteQueue
std::unordered_set< AddrisInWriteQueue
 To avoid iterating over the write queue to check for overlapping transactions, maintain a set of burst addresses that are currently queued.
std::deque< MemPacket * > respQueue
 Response queue where read packets wait after we're done working with them, but it's not time to send the response yet.
std::unordered_multiset< TickburstTicks
 Holds count of commands issued in burst window starting at defined Tick.
uint32_t readBufferSize
 The following are basic design parameters of the memory controller, and are initialized based on parameter values.
uint32_t writeBufferSize
uint32_t writeHighThreshold
uint32_t writeLowThreshold
const uint32_t minWritesPerSwitch
const uint32_t minReadsPerSwitch
enums::MemSched memSchedPolicy
 Memory controller configuration initialized based on parameter values.
const Tick frontendLatency
 Pipeline latency of the controller frontend.
const Tick backendLatency
 Pipeline latency of the backend and PHY.
const Tick commandWindow
 Length of a command window, used to check command bandwidth.
Tick nextBurstAt
 Till when must we wait before issuing next RD/WR burst?
Tick prevArrival
Tick nextReqTime
 The soonest you have to start thinking about the next request is the longest access time that can occur before nextBurstAt.
CtrlStats stats
std::unique_ptr< PacketpendingDelete
 Upstream caches need this packet until true is returned, so hold it for deletion until a subsequent call.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl
const std::unique_ptr< Policypolicy
 QoS Policy, assigns QoS priority to the incoming packets.
const std::unique_ptr< TurnaroundPolicyturnPolicy
 QoS Bus Turnaround Policy: selects the bus direction (READ/WRITE)
const std::unique_ptr< QueuePolicyqueuePolicy
 QoS Queue Policy: selects packet among same-priority queue.
const uint8_t _numPriorities
 Number of configured QoS priorities.
const bool qosPriorityEscalation
 Enables QoS priority escalation.
const bool qosSyncroScheduler
 Enables QoS synchronized scheduling invokes the QoS scheduler on all requestors, at every packet arrival.
std::unordered_map< RequestorID, const std::string > requestors
 Hash of requestor ID - requestor name.
std::unordered_map< RequestorID, std::vector< uint64_t > > packetPriorities
 Hash of requestors - number of packets queued per priority.
std::unordered_map< RequestorID, std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::deque< uint64_t > > > requestTimes
 Hash of requestors - address of request - queue of times of request.
std::vector< TickserviceTick
 Vector of QoS priorities/last service time.
std::vector< uint64_t > readQueueSizes
 Read request packets queue length in #packets, per QoS priority.
std::vector< uint64_t > writeQueueSizes
 Write request packets queue length in #packets, per QoS priority.
uint64_t totalReadQueueSize
 Total read request packets queue length in #packets.
uint64_t totalWriteQueueSize
 Total write request packets queue length in #packets.
BusState busState
 Bus state used to control the read/write switching and drive the scheduling of the next request.
BusState busStateNext
 bus state for next request event triggered
gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl::MemCtrlStats stats
 Pointer to the System object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::SimObject
const SimObjectParams & _params
 Cached copy of the object parameters.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gem5::EventManager
 A pointer to this object's event queue.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 57 of file hetero_mem_ctrl.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HeteroMemCtrl()

gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::HeteroMemCtrl ( const HeteroMemCtrlParams &  p)

Member Function Documentation

◆ allIntfDrained()

bool gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::allIntfDrained ( ) const

Ensure that all interfaced have drained commands.

bool flag, set once drain complete

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 405 of file

References gem5::memory::MemInterface::allRanksDrained(), gem5::memory::NVMInterface::allRanksDrained(), gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, and nvm.

Referenced by drain().

◆ burstAlign()

Addr gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::burstAlign ( Addr  addr,
MemInterface mem_intr 
) const

Burst-align an address.

addrThe potentially unaligned address
mem_intrThe DRAM memory interface this packet belongs to
An address aligned to a memory burst

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 366 of file

References gem5::X86ISA::addr, gem5::memory::MemInterface::bytesPerBurst(), gem5::AddrRange::contains(), gem5::memory::AbstractMemory::getAddrRange(), and nvm.

◆ chooseNext()

MemPacketQueue::iterator gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::chooseNext ( MemPacketQueue queue,
Tick  extra_col_delay,
MemInterface mem_intr 

The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which request needs to go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS and moves it to the head of the queue.

Prioritizes accesses to the same rank as previous burst unless controller is switching command type.

queueQueued requests to consider
extra_col_delayAny extra delay due to a read/write switch
mem_intrthe memory interface to choose from
an iterator to the selected packet, else queue.end()

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 212 of file

References chooseNextFRFCFS(), DPRINTF, gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, gem5::ArmISA::i, gem5::memory::MemPacket::isDram(), gem5::memory::MemCtrl::memSchedPolicy, nvm, gem5::memory::MemCtrl::packetReady(), and panic.

◆ chooseNextFRFCFS()

std::pair< MemPacketQueue::iterator, Tick > gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::chooseNextFRFCFS ( MemPacketQueue queue,
Tick  extra_col_delay,
MemInterface mem_intr 

For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer hits and earliest bursts available in memory.

queueQueued requests to consider
extra_col_delayAny extra delay due to a read/write switch
an iterator to the selected packet, else queue.end()

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 250 of file

References gem5::memory::MemCtrl::chooseNextFRFCFS(), gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, gem5::MaxTick, and nvm.

Referenced by chooseNext().

◆ doBurstAccess()

Tick gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::doBurstAccess ( MemPacket mem_pkt,
MemInterface mem_intr 

Actually do the burst based on media specific access function.

Update bus statistics when complete.

mem_pktThe memory packet created from the outside world pkt
mem_intrThe memory interface to access
Time when the command was issued

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 278 of file

References gem5::memory::NVMInterface::addRankToRankDelay(), gem5::memory::MemInterface::addRankToRankDelay(), gem5::memory::MemCtrl::doBurstAccess(), gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, gem5::memory::MemPacket::isDram(), gem5::memory::MemInterface::nextBurstAt, gem5::memory::MemInterface::nextReqTime, and nvm.

◆ drain()

DrainState gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::drain ( )

Draining is the process of clearing out the states of SimObjects.These are the SimObjects that are partially executed or are partially in flight.

Draining is mostly used before forking and creating a check point.

This function notifies an object that it needs to drain its state.

If the object does not need further simulation to drain internal buffers, it returns DrainState::Drained and automatically switches to the Drained state. If the object needs more simulation, it returns DrainState::Draining and automatically enters the Draining state. Other return values are invalid.

An object that has entered the Drained state can be disturbed by other objects in the system and consequently stop being drained. These perturbations are not visible in the drain state. The simulator therefore repeats the draining process until all objects return DrainState::Drained on the first call to drain().
DrainState::Drained if the object is drained at this point in time, DrainState::Draining if it needs further simulation.

Implements gem5::Drainable.

Definition at line 416 of file

References allIntfDrained(), gem5::curTick(), DPRINTF, gem5::Drained, gem5::Draining, gem5::memory::MemInterface::drainRanks(), gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, gem5::memory::MemCtrl::nextReqEvent, gem5::memory::MemCtrl::respQueue, gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl::schedule(), gem5::Event::scheduled(), gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl::totalReadQueueSize, and gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl::totalWriteQueueSize.

◆ drainResume()

void gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::drainResume ( )

◆ getAddrRanges()

AddrRangeList gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::getAddrRanges ( )

◆ memBusy()

bool gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::memBusy ( MemInterface mem_intr)

Checks if the memory interface is already busy.

mem_intrmemory interface to check
a boolean indicating if memory is busy

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 306 of file

References gem5::memory::NVMInterface::isBusy(), gem5::memory::MemInterface::isBusy(), gem5::memory::MemInterface::numWritesQueued, nvm, gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl::totalReadQueueSize, and gem5::memory::qos::MemCtrl::totalWriteQueueSize.

◆ minReadToWriteDataGap()

Tick gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::minReadToWriteDataGap ( )

Calculate the minimum delay used when scheduling a read-to-write transision.

returnminimum delay

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 352 of file

References gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, gem5::memory::MemInterface::minReadToWriteDataGap(), and nvm.

◆ minWriteToReadDataGap()

Tick gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::minWriteToReadDataGap ( )

Calculate the minimum delay used when scheduling a write-to-read transision.

returnminimum delay

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 359 of file

References gem5::memory::MemCtrl::dram, gem5::memory::MemInterface::minWriteToReadDataGap(), and nvm.

◆ nonDetermReads()

void gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::nonDetermReads ( MemInterface mem_intr)

Will access nvm memory interface and select non-deterministic reads to issue.

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 334 of file

References gem5::memory::MemCtrl::nonDetermReads(), and nvm.

◆ nvmWriteBlock()

bool gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::nvmWriteBlock ( MemInterface mem_intr)

Will check if all writes are for nvm interface and nvm's write resp queue is full.

mem_intrmemory interface to use
a boolean showing if nvm is blocked with writes

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 343 of file

References nvm, and gem5::memory::MemCtrl::nvmWriteBlock().

◆ pktSizeCheck()

bool gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::pktSizeCheck ( MemPacket mem_pkt,
MemInterface mem_intr 
) const

Check if mem pkt's size is sane.

mem_pktmemory packet
mem_intrmemory interface
a boolean indicating if the mem pkt size is less than the burst size of the related mem interface

Reimplemented from gem5::memory::MemCtrl.

Definition at line 378 of file

References gem5::memory::MemInterface::bytesPerBurst(), gem5::memory::MemPacket::isDram(), nvm, and gem5::memory::MemPacket::size.

◆ processRespondEvent()

void gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::processRespondEvent ( MemInterface mem_intr,
MemPacketQueue queue,
EventFunctionWrapper resp_event,
bool &  retry_rd_req 

◆ recvAtomic()

Tick gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::recvAtomic ( PacketPtr  pkt)

◆ recvFunctional()

void gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::recvFunctional ( PacketPtr  pkt)

◆ recvTimingReq()

bool gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::recvTimingReq ( PacketPtr  pkt)

Member Data Documentation

◆ nvm

NVMInterface* gem5::memory::HeteroMemCtrl::nvm

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